Is Receiving the Holy Spirit necessary
to go to Heaven?
By Dr. J. Rodman Williams
Is receiving the Holy Spirit necessary
to go to heaven? What sign must I look for to know I have received?
The following questions was asked by visitors to The
answer is provided by Dr. J. Rodman Williams, theology professor
at Regent University's
School of Divinity.
Is receiving the Holy Spirit necessary
to go to heaven? What sign must I look for to know I have received?
Receiving the Holy Spirit is a frequently occurring theme in
the Book of Acts. See Acts 2:38; 8:15, 17-19; 10:47; 19:2. This
expression refers basically to receiving power for witness (Acts
1:8-Jesus' words). Receiving the Holy Spirit is not for salvation
("to go to heaven") but for those who are saved a special endowment
of power to bear witness to Christ. Speaking in tongues is often
a sign that the endowment has been received. See Acts 2:4; 10:46;
19:6. In our present day, great numbers of believers testify that
their speaking in tongues is clear evidence of their having received
the Holy Spirit. (See Renewal Theology 2, chapter 11, "The Reception
of the Holy Spirit.")
When does a person receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit who is everywhere present indwells those who
believe in Christ. Jesus said to His disciples about the Spirit
of truth (the Holy Spirit) that "He abides with you, and will
be in you" (John 14:17). Later in the Upper Room, He breathed
on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). They
had come to faith in the risen Christ so that now His Spirit dwelt
within them. Later they were to be "filled with the Holy Spirit"
on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4). The indwelling of the Holy
Spirit occurred at the moment of a living faith in Christ. So
with us.
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