Loving Your Minister Through
Prayer and Accountability
By Jane Rubietta
Guest Columnist
-- (This article first appeared in The Lookout, March
23, 2003). “Craig,” the minister said, “you are a man
who walks with God. I trust your wisdom, maturity, and integrity. I know
you listen to the Lord. Would you be willing to find five other people
who have the same heart and gather them together for me? I’d like
to meet with you every six weeks for prayer, accountability, and feedback
on my ministry and personal development.”
For more than a year, the minister has met with his ad-hoc team of men
and women. Their affirmation, searching questions, and honest, gentle
appraisal keep him from veering into workaholic patterns, help him remain
responsible and growing in his primary relationships, and hold him close
to God. Thanks to their support and prayers, he evaluates new ministry
programs and commitments in light of his gifts, calling, and family priorities.
Not Always the Case
I met Quinn after he moved to his new church in a small Texas town. When
asked about the most stressful time in ministry, he said, “Right
now. I moved into the midst of a church split. Mediation is not my gift.
Our family of nine crowds into a three-bedroom parsonage. My wife and
son quit their jobs to come here.”
“Where can you go for help, Quinn?”
“Nowhere. Not to the elders, not to the board, not to a local counselor,
not to a colleague, and not to a peer.”
I begged him to get counseling in some other town, to find someone to
listen, to pray, to guide.
A month later Quinn had a massive heart attack in the grocery store. He
died on the spot. His wife and seven children were left without home,
income, and a husband and father to shepherd them through life.
Life or Death
Prayer and accountability are life or death issues for both the minister
and the church. Statistics report the average length of ministry today
at 2.3 years. Losing a minister, whether by forced termination, mutual
consent, or a new church call, often stunts a church’s growth, giving,
attendance, and outreach.
Ministers (and their families! My new insert here) often suffer from such
brief ministries as well, missing out on opportunities to fulfill their
potential and to be supported by prayer and affirmation.
How do we pray for our ministers? Are we prying into their personal lives
when we ask for prayer requests? Why would ministers share their needs
with people in their congregation?
People in ministry have the same needs as everyone else. They need time
with God, the Holy Spirit’s empowerment in their work, protection
and discernment in their relationships, direction with finances, and wisdom
in their daily choices. They need friendship, encouragement, and prayer.
If it’s an issue or a need for you, it probably is for your minister—so
pray for your minister as you want people praying for you.
Our church makes a room available every Sunday morning before our worship
services where we can pray for our minister, staff, worshipers, and those
involved in the weekly service. One man meets with his minister weekly
for prayer. A group of elders and their minister share confidential requests
for prayer and uphold one another daily before God.
Prayer fine-tunes the hearts of those who pray, softening them to God’s
love and enhancing their relationship with their minister. As this support
and encouragement increase, the people of God grow in their love for one
another, as well as for their minister.
Praying is one thing; inviting ourselves into our ministers’ lives,
inquiring about their needs, daring to hold them accountable, is another.
This is a job for the humble, loving, spiritually mature members of the
Though ministers wrestle with the same needs, temptations, problems, and
battles the congregation faces, they often wrestle alone. Like Quinn,
most ministers have no confidant, no support group, so safe place to share
their burdens in ministry or in family life.
Isolation and stress can lead ministers into temptation. Studies show
the divorce rate for ministers is no different than the divorce rate for
the general public. I often hear of ministers who become involved in affairs,
or who destroy their ministry and family because of sexual misconduct
or addictive behavior. Dr. Archibald Hart warns that pornography is the
top problem for those in ministry today because it is instantly accessible
(via the internet) and easily hidden.
Accountability is not criticism. Rather, it is a gentle coming alongside
of our ministers, getting to know and care about them, and asking, “How
can we help you be all that God desires for you, in ministry and in your
personal life?” It requires strict confidentiality.
Whether church leaders or elders provide accountability, or whether the
board determines that the pastor have an accountability relationship with
a professional outside the church, being held accountable before God for our
lives is good stewardship of our calling and of the ministry and people God
has entrusted to us.
“Appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over
you in the Lord and give you instruction, and…esteem them very highly
in love because of their work” (I Thes. 5:12,13, NASB). When
trust is earned and appreciation is clear, ministers are more willing to be
held accountable.
How do we help ministers in the highly personal areas of life and ministry?
By prayer. By loving friendship. And then by daring to ask, as John Wesley
put it, “How is it with your soul?”
Say, “Phil, I thank God for bringing you to us. You carry tremendous
responsibility. I want to support you and help you to grow. I want you to
take care of yourself. How can I help you in your marriage, family life, spiritual
life, or ministry?” It would be far better to feel uncomfortable and
still ask, than to leave your minister open to burnout and tragedy because
no one cares.
Another way to provide accountability is to establish professional guidelines
for your minister.
- Provide a detailed job description, with reasonable work hours, that
fits your minister’s gifts and strengths. Overwork is not a badge
of godliness; it’s an open invitation to problems.
- Because pastoral counseling creates intimacy, suggest a maximum number
of times the minister may counsel someone. Some experts suggest three. After
that, refer.
- Some ministers insist on office doors with windows. Others leave the door
open a few inches.
- Many ministers counsel only with couples, or meet with a safe third party
when counseling members of the opposite sex.
- Encourage your minister to take a calling partner along when visiting
in homes.
- When meeting with staff or church members, always meet in an open area
with others around; or insist on a trio to reduce temptation.
Ministers and members must account for their own lives before God, and for
their interactions in the lives of others. An accountability tool for ministers
and elders might include:
Setting priorities: Consider such areas as: work, marriage, children,
spiritual life, friendship, and health.
Establishing objectives: Some objectives may be: “I will work
within my gifts and calling,” or “I will keep my work week to
50 hours,” or “I will honor my marriage by spending quality time
with my mate.”
Set goals for each objective: Perhaps, “I will keep track of
work hours,” or “I will not say yes to commitments without praying
and evaluating them according to my gifts and priorities,” or “I
will schedule a date each week with my wife.”
Clarify: Ask your minister, “How do you want us to hold you
accountable?” “What would that look like?”
Ask: “How do you want us to say, ‘This is out of balance,
or outside the boundaries you established’?”
Pray: Pray daily for each other in these areas.
Praise God: Praise him for his work in each member of the group,
including your minister.
When we offer love to our minister through prayer, support, grace, and accountability,
our minister is strengthened, the church empowered, and the work of Christ
continues to impact the world.
Related article: A
New Definition of 'Pastoral Care'
Order your copy of How
to Keep the Pastor You Love
Jane Rubietta, author of How
to Keep the Pastor You Love (IVP, 2002), has written
seven books and is a speaker and clergy/church consultant in Illinois.
Her latest is Grace
Points: Growth and Guidance in Times of Change. She and
her pastor-husband, Rich, operate the non-profit Abounding Ministries.
For more, see
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