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Regent Graduate Dreams of Christian University in Nigeria

By Craig von Buseck

CBN.comAfrica! It is a continent with immense untapped mineral wealth. Unrivaled wildlife, scenic grandeur, and pristine ecology constitute Africa's third greatest natural resource after agriculture and mineral wealth. There is not another continent blessed with such abundance and diversity. Yet most Fidelis with Israel's Ambassador to Panama Yair RacantiAfrican nations have not been able to mobilize these vast resources for the benefit of their people.'s Craig von Buseck recently sat down with Regent University graduate Fidelis Obidike to talk about his vision to build a Christian University in Nigeria to help train young African leaders to catch a vision for their continent -- and to launch that vision with biblical principles. Watch the interview by clicking on the links to the right.

The proposed Destiny Global University will actively promote the Judeo-Christian ethic in the social, political, economic, and financial spheres by educating men and women with the Biblical worldview. Through their leadership and their exemplary life, a Christian standard will be communicated through Christian leadership in every facet of human affairs. The proposed Destiny Global University student will integrate faith with the pursuit of academic and professional excellence. They are going to be a tremendous gift to Nigeria and to the nations of Africa, as well as the entire world. They will communicate Christ and Judeo-Christian leadership principles to various African cultures and civilizations.

Fidelis with former Congressman John KasickRev. Obidike serves as the Executive Director of Mission to Africa Foundation with the responsibility of raising $200 million in twenty years for the building of Destiny Global University complex. He is convinced that this institution will play a vital role in a strategic move to bring a positive change to Nigeria and all Africa nations as well. This proposed institution will integrate Biblical faith into the education of its students, which will have a profound impact on the generations of Africans and Nigerians to come.

Destiny Global University will be located at the Blue Ridge hill and valley in Obenatite, Umuleri, about twenty-five minutes drive from Onitsha, the largest commercial city in the whole of West Africa with a population of two million. Many of the proposed business and computer students will come from the commercial city, more than eighteen southern states, and over thirty nations of the world. Destiny University plans to engineer this business commercial center into a Twenty-first Century technological center. As the world's science and technology advance, Destiny University will take African children into the world of technology. The goal of the University is to become a premier center for research and education in the life sciences.

Fidelis with former Republican Presidential Candidate Gary BauerThe new generation of African leaders will change the negative emphasis that perpetuates the image of the African continent and its people as endemically inferior to the rest of the world, and inherently incapable of transformation. The many positive aspects of the continent's great history, its recent achievements, and its tremendous potential will be emphasized.

Learn more about the Mission to Africa Foundation

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