Nun to Congress: ISIS' Goal Is Christian Genocide
A nun is speaking up for Iraqi Christians persecuted by the Islamic State, asking Congress to send more aid for believers.
Speaking before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Wednesday, Sister Diana Momeka warned that ISIS' goal is to "evacuate the land of Christians and wipe the earth clean of any evidence that we ever existed."
"This is cultural and human genocide," she continued. "The only Christians that remain in the Plain of Nineveh are those who are held as hostages."
She told panel that religious minorities have received virtually no government help since fleeing Iraq's Kurdish region.
Momeka said more than 120,000 of those displaced are living in containers and decrepit buildings without jobs or adequate assistance.
"As a religious sister, I am not comfortable with the media and so much attention," she told lawmakers. "But I am here and I am here to ask you, to implore you for the sake of our common humanity to help us."
"Stand with us as we, as Christians, have stood with all the people of the world and help us," she said.