Jailed Pakistan Mom Asia Bibi on Verge of Death
Asia Bibi, the 43-year-old Christian woman imprisoned in Pakistan, is deathly ill.
Mission Network News reports she has internal bleeding, adominal pain, and is vomiting blood. If she does not receive immediate medical care, she could die.
Her lawyers are trying to have her moved to a jail in Lahore, where she can receive treatment.
Convicted of blaspheming the Islamic prophet Mohammed and sentenced to death, the mother of five has been in prison for six years.
"For some time we have been told that there has been a moratorium on the death penalty because of pressure from Western donors," The Scottish Catholic Observer quoted Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA).
"But even before this vanished at the end of last year, it has become clear that her treatment was in effect a slow death sentence by neglect and worse, all for a allegedly committing a crime that should not exist-blasphemy," he said.
Christians around the world are being urged to pray for Bibi.