DNC Chair: Businesses Don't Have Rights Like Churches
The head of the Democratic National Committee said that churches have far greater religious liberty rights than those of private business owners.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz spoke with CBN News Chief Political Consultant David Brody about the religious liberty issue.
Recently a judge ordered a Christian business owner to pay a lesbian couple $135,000 because they wouldn't bake a cake for their same-sex wedding.
The DNC chairwoman said a distinction must be made between churches and private citizens running a business.
"If you're a religiously affiliated organization then you have wider latitude in terms of the Constitution and the protections that the First Amendment provides," Wasserman-Schultz said.
"I think Americans make a distinction between protecting the First Amendment rights of a religious organizations or religiously affiliated organizations and being able to discriminate, broadly, simply because of one individual who owns a business and their own values and their being able to impose those values on either their employers or their customers."