Ex-Muslim Warns of Radical Islam in Idaho
Concerns over radical Islam are emerging in Idaho.
This week, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor warned a crowd at a Republican event about the threat of Muslims moving to the state.
Speaking to the Bonner County Republican Women on Tuesday, Shahram Hadian said Muslims who support Sharia law and aim to kill anyone who doesn't agree with their interpretation of Islam are trying to move to the United States, and to Idaho.
"I have witnessed
what Islam has done to freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of the press, rights of women, rights of minorities, the rights of homosexuals," The Bonner County Daily Bee quoted Hadian. "The rights of any group that disagrees with the Islamic government."
"We are in an ideological war," he warned. "Don't listen to officials who say we are not in an ideological war."
A state House panel recently rejected a child support enforcement bill after Idahoans testified the state could potentially be bound to enforce Islamic law under the act.