Bakery Owner Ordered to Gay Sensitivity Training
Jack Phillips, the Christian owner of a Colorado bakery, has been ordered to take sensitivity training because he refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.
The edict comes after the state Civil Rights Commission upheld a 2013 court ruling requiring the Masterpiece Cakeshop owner to accommodate same-sex couples regardless of his Christian convictions./P>
However, the American Family Association said the sensitivity training "violates religious freedom," and is "eerily similar to communist states."
"The level of Christian bullying has indeed reached new heights," AFA President Tim Wildmon said.
"These practices are akin to Soviet psychiatry and the re-education camps of Communist countries like China and Vietnam. And why are we forcing a man to bake cakes for a same-sex wedding when same-sex marriage is not legal in Colorado?" Wildmon challenged.
"The idea that anyone who doesn't believe in same-sex marriage needs 'rehabilitation' is a frightening thought and a true assault on religious freedom," he said.
Still, for the next two years, Phillips will be forced to submit quarterly reports to the government confirming he hasn't refused any couples based on sexual orientation.