Anti-Pregnancy Center Law Struck Down
A victory for life in Texas. A federal district court struck down an Austin, Texas, anti-pregnancy care law that forced pro-life pregnancy care centers to post messages that encourage women to go elsewhere.
Alliance Defending Freedom represented Austin LifeCare in its case against the City of Austin. ADF argued that the city's ordinance targeted pro-life centers unfairly and should be revoked.
"Political allies of abortionists shouldn't be allowed to use the law as a tool to attack pregnancy care centers, which offer real help and hope to women," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman.
"As the district court found, Austin's ordinance was so vague that it allowed the city dangerous latitude in punishing pro-life organizations. Courts around the country have been striking these types of laws down, and this decision joins the growing list," Bowman concluded.
It forced centers like LifeCare to post signs on its property stating that they don't provide abortions and other pro-choice services. It also made them post other signs stating things like they weren't licensed to offer ultrasounds - although the city requires no such licensing. Therefore, the centers could not have such licenses.
The city of Austin would fine the pro-life centers for not complying with the sign ordinance even though it didn't make such requirements of pro-choice centers.
Source: Alliance Defending Freedom