'War on Christmas' Hitting the Hoosier State
The war on Christmas has struck the Hoosier State. The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana is filing a lawsuit over a nativity scene in the town of Brookeville, about an hour south of Indianapolis.
The nativity includes depictions of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and three wise men.
"Any reasonable person viewing this display would conclude that its principal effect is to advance religion. The First Amendment protects these kinds of displays by individuals and groups on private property but also makes clear that displays on public property, which is maintained by taxpayers, cannot demonstrate a preference for religion," Gavin Rose, ACLU of Indiana senior staff attorney, said in a news release.
But Tom Wilson, president of the county comissioners, told The Indianapolis Star that no taxpayer money was used to put up the display. A group of volunteers gathered to put it up.
"To have public policy saying no religious displays are allowed on public property is to endorse atheism and hostility toward all other religions," Scott McDonough, a member of the county commissioners said.
The nativity scene has been a town tradition for more than half a century. City leaders disagree with the lawsuit and say they welcome displays for other religions, as long as they are tasteful.