Netanyahu: Israel a Beacon of Freedom
JERUSALEM, Israel -- In his Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "Israel is an amazing success story."
It's been a tumultous year and while no one can predict what new challenges lie ahead, Netanyahu said Israelis should "celebrate we derive from commitment to one another."
Following are his remarks in full.
My friends,
As Jews celebrate the New Year around the world, we can take pride in all that unites us. The Jewish people indeed always unite when faced with great challenges, and the past year was no exception.
Over the past few months, three of our teenagers were kidnapped and brutally murdered, thousands of rockets were fired at our country and too many of our bravest young men and their families made the most painful of sacrifices in Operation Protective Edge.
Throughout all that, we witnessed tremendous support for Israel from Jewish communities everywhere. And at the same time, we in Israel know that it has been a difficult period for many of your Jewish communities. You face increasingly virulent and even violent anti-Semitism.
So on behalf of the people of Israel, I thank you for supporting our just campaign to defend ourselves, to provide the sustained peace and security that all Israelis deserve. And I assure you that we in Israel will continue to stand by your side as you confront hatred and intolerance. Jews everywhere must be able to live proudly and without fear.
As we celebrate Rosh Hashanah with our families and friends, we should also celebrate the strength we derive from our commitment to one other. That strength will serve us well as we meet the challenges -- and also the remarkable opportunities -- of the New Year.
Israel is an amazing success story. The Jewish people are again sovereign and free in our own homeland. Together we have built a vibrant democracy, a robust economy, a global technological powerhouse.
In the New Year, Israel will remain a beacon of freedom and human rights in an intolerant area; Israel will continue to be a source of innovation to the benefit of the entire planet; and Israel will not give up its dream of a secure and enduring peace with all our neighbors.
Israel will remain a source of pride and strength for Jews, no matter where they live and I have no doubt that the future of the Jewish people is one of hope and promise.