Learn simple, practical information to help protect yourself from Alzheimer's, stroke, brain aging, and more.

This five-part series features experts in the areas of neurology, cognitive science, psychiatry, and longevity. Together, we're bringing you the latest scientific research—to help protect your brain from devastating illness and improve your quality of life.
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CBN has brought together experts in the field of brain health to give you the information you need to keep your brain healthy and sharp. No matter your age, take action now to improve your brain health.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Dr. Richard Isaacson—director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic—You can reduce your risk for Alzheimer's Disease. Discover the role sleep, diet and stress play in the prevention of this life-destroying disease.
- Dr. John Baker—medical director of the Bon Secours Hampton Roads Neurovascular Center and the Neuroscience ICU—Warning signs of stroke and what to do. Every 40 seconds someone experiences a stroke. Discover what you need to do to increase your chance of recovery and limit damage.
- Art Markman, PhD—author and professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin—Retrain your brain and build new, healthy habits. Learn how to "hack" the way your brain works to break bad habits and create new ones.
- Dr. David Perlmutter—New York Times best-selling author and neurologist—Healthy gut, healthy brain! Learn how our digestive health is key to keeping our brains healthy.
- Dr. Gary Small—best-selling author, professor of psychiatry and aging—Learn how you can have a "younger brain" for years to come. Discover what you can do to improve your memory and limit the effects of stress.