Christian Broadcasting Network

The Quest For God with Gordon Robertson

Sign up for Pledge Express and you’ll receive
The Jewish Jesus
DVD as a special bonus!

In this Emmy-nominated DVD series,
Gordon Robertson researches more than 50 Old Testament prophecies that tell the story of Jesus of Nazareth regarding details of His birth, life, death, and resurrection. This DVD will:

  • Build your faith and show you the incredible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus
  • Show you the archeology of Jesus’ life, from Galilee to Jerusalem
  • Be a tremendous tool in sharing the Gospel
    with those you love 

See the story of Jesus as it was foretold by the prophets hundreds of years before His birth!

Sign up for Pledge Express Now!OR Print the EFT sign-up form and mail to CBN

"This is a quote that I wanted to put in here to promote the gift that we're giving. So believe me when I say that this product is AWESOME!"
~ John Doe

"This is a quote that I wanted to put in here to promote the gift that we're giving. So believe me when I say that this product is AWESOME!"
~ John Doe

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Also included:
A SPECIAL DVD bonus feature, The Family of Jesus. It’s all our gift to you when you join Pledge Express.