Students for Life Outs Christian Colleges with Ties to Planned Parenthood
ABOVE: Kristi Hamrick with Students For Life appeared on the Tuesday edition of CBN Newswatch to talk more about the type of Planned Parenthood connections that are being found at Christian colleges. Newswatch is seen weekdays on the CBN News Channel.
Students for Life (SFLA) has released a list of faith-based colleges and universities in the United States that the pro-life organization says have ties to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.
SFLA conducted research on about 700 Christian colleges and universities, identifying about 100 schools with ties to Planned Parenthood. The organization reports these Christian schools have been most commonly engaged with or promoted Planned Parenthood by:
- Advertising Planned Parenthood internships and career postings
- Referring students to Planned Parenthood as a resource
- Incorporating Planned Parenthood into medical school rotations
- Hosting events for students with the abortion giant
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SFLA's Institute for Pro-Life Advancement will publish a full report on the schools found to have ties with Planned Parenthood later this year. In the meantime, the organization released the first set of 25 Christian schools found to have ties with Planned Parenthood.
Two of the first 25 schools released — Messiah College and St. Francis University, both in Pennsylvania — removed their connection to Planned Parenthood after being contacted by pro-life advocates.
SFLA also posted a list of the remaining 23 schools with ties to Planned Parenthood after their first wave of research.
They include:
American University (D.C.), Methodist
Augsburg University (MN), Lutheran
Augustana College (IL), Lutheran
California Lutheran University (CA), Lutheran
Drury University (MO), United Church of Christ
Eckerd College (FL), Presbyterian
Emory University (GA), Methodist Episcopal
Fordham University (NY), Catholic
Luther College (IA), Lutheran
Macalester College (MN), Presbyterian
McKendree University (IL), United Methodist
New Brunswick Theological Seminary (NJ)
Ohio Wesleyan (OH), United Methodist
Oklahoma City University (OK), United Methodist
Paine College (GA), Methodist
Roanoke College (VA), Lutheran
Saint Joseph's University (PA), Catholic
Saint Norbert College (WI), Catholic
Southwestern University (TX), United Methodist
Trinity Washington University (D.C.), Catholic
University of Indianapolis (IN), United Methodist
University of Lynchburg (VA), Disciples of Christ
West Virginia Wesleyan (WV), United Methodist
SFLA said they are mobilizing the Pro-Life Generation and SFLA partners to contact the schools affiliated with Planned Parenthood, urging school administrators to end abortion industry connections that compromise their biblical and Christian commitments if they exist.
"There is an unholy partnership between a number of Christian schools and the abortion industry," said Kristan Hawkins, president of SFLA. "We want to equip pro-life advocates to take action and encourage schools to disentangle themselves from Big Abortion. It is crucial that colleges and universities that claim an affiliation with the Christian faith and Biblical values do not contradict those values by partnering with or promoting perpetrators of abortion violence."