Blair Monique Walker, Husband Say Miracle Baby Experience Changed Their Faith
Gospel recording artist Blair Monique Walker recently took to social media to announce the miraculous birth of her new baby boy Noah Alexander.
In an Instagram post, Walker shared a photo of herself with her beautiful, healthy baby who was born May 18.
"Welcome our miracle to the world," she said. "Nobody but God could've done something like this. I stand amazed. My heart is overwhelmed and I can only expect greater things from God. Thank you to everyone who prayed for a full term complication free pregnancy. Your prayers were heard. I love you. Noah Alexander Walker 7lbs 10oz 21.5 inches."
Walker's husband Terrance had faith that God would heal his wife. He said the birth of Noah has strengthened his faith even more.
"I always knew that he could do it because he had done minor things as far as my son, my first son," Terrance shared in an interview with CBN News. "He had a hernia and I used to pray and play music and it went away by itself. So I already had experiences with God concerning healing and I know this time wouldn't be any different."
He went on to say, "It's made it stronger as far as speaking something and then really believing what you speak. You know, my whole thing throughout this whole situation was we as Christians, you know, we go to church, read the bible but we don't really practice what we preach basically. And this was a good experience to actually see God in a real context rather than just a church setting."
His wife agreed.
"It opened my eyes to this whole other world," she explained. "Like we're so churched and we grow up in church and we say these cliche things like Pharisees. The bible says they stand in the corner of the streets and they just yell out vain repetitions because it's just what you say. But this allowed me to stand in the middle of the earth in my situation and say God can do anything. And I know, I've experienced him on a whole other level. I felt like I was in a dream, like a different dispensation. And he did that for us. I don't know why. I can't tell you why he chose this situation but it's incredible to me."
Last October, Walker was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Doctors told her she would have to have a hysterectomy, which meant she could never having another child. Surgery was scheduled.
Walker had shared the news of her diagnosis in a Facebook live video, viewed by millions.
When the day arrived for her to visit her surgeon for a pre-operative visit, she says something amazing happened. The surgeon was to look at an ultrasound of Walker's uterus to see the size of the cancerous growth.
Walker said the tumors were gone and the doctor looked at her and said, 'It looks like your God removed all of your tumors and left you with a baby."
"God is amazing, that's all," Walker says in another picture of little Noah on Instagram.
She went on to say, "MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. I can say I've seen a couple in my lifetime."
The couple hopes their story encourages others to trust God for miracles in their lives.
"When I found out I was pregnant with him I wrote a song," explained Blair. "It's called Miracles Can Happen," that is going to come out soon and I wrote it from a place of we only believe sometimes what we're told and not what we experience ourselves so this allowed us to experience God for real not just the God that we read about. So I want people to believe for themselves. Not just what they hear. Not just what people tell them but seek to have an experience with God on your own so that you can see this."
Terrance said "It's all about just trusting God 'cause sometimes it might not happen how you think it should happen. I just knew that this pregnancy was going to be an easy pregnancy because God performed a miracle, but that's not how it happened. But all the glory still goes to God because it happened how he wanted it to. So just step out of your mind and try to let God do what he does while you still believe."
Walker is best known for contributing background vocals for Gospel artists Earnest Pugh, Smokie Norful, Beverly Crawford and Ted Winn.