Sadie Robertson Opens up on Breakup, 'Pure' Passion, and the Right Man: 'He Loves the Jesus in Me'
Sadie Robertson is opening up in her "Live Original" blog about a painful mistake and tackling one of the lies she says the Devil uses often against women: false passion.
"Sadly, I fell for this one," she writes. "At one point, I began to believe that the essence of passion was emotion. Where you fight but make it through and kiss to forget. It was a love that was formed from the hard times."
Robertson goes on to describe her relationship with ex-boyfriend Blake Coward. She says it started well, but eventually they "welcomed sin in."
"We unintentionally removed ourselves from the foundation of true love. God never moved or separated himself from us, we just tuned out truth and started walking down our own path. That is a dangerous yet very common place to be," Robertson confesses.
She said it wasn't until she decided to seek truth that she could see that the "passion" in her relationship was not the kind God intended.
"I remember comparing the conversation I just had with my boyfriend to the words I was reading in the Bible, and let me tell you…it was the furthest things from the words we ended with…I love you," Robertson writes.
Coward and Robertson ended their relationship in March 2016 and she says the word "passion" now has a new meaning in her life.
"It is a passion that is pure, and it is the very thing that fuels me to press past the feelings that rise up and make me fear the future. When I find myself in a season of singleness, and jealously arises when I see someone I once loved with a new girlfriend, I don't have to be envious or afraid. God gives me the strength to pursue my dreams and the purpose He planned for me long ago," said Robertson.
She points out that fear, jealously, pain, selfishness, impurity, manipulation and degrading comments are all unhealthy components in a relationship and should not be considered normal.
When Robertson thinks of the man God has for her now, she refers to 1 Corinthians 13.
"My husband will be a man who has practiced and respected patience. He is charmingly and truthfully kind. He is not jealous, because He trusts in the Lord enough to trust in me. He is not boastful or proud because our love speaks in actions. He surely is not rude. Our love most definitely does not demand its own way for we know and long for the Lord to lead our path. He is not irritable when times are stressful. Together we will keep no records of wrong. He dances with me and rejoices when truth wins. His joy carries us through the valleys. In the hard times, he will love even harder," writes Robertson.
"He will help silence my fears, but he will not accept them. He believes in truth over convenience or being comfortable. He feels my cry, is encouraged by my laugh, and joins me in song no matter how off key to worship our father God. He will never give up, because his eyes are on God and not me. He will never lose faith. Even if the whole world is against me, he will be for me because he loves the Jesus in me. He knows a river brings joy into the city of God even when the nations are in chaos. He sits still with me and knows that God is God. He will be able to endure all circumstances, because I will be right there with him holding his hand – striving to do the exact same thing. He will lead me where the Lord is leading him. We will meet at the Lord's feet," she continued.
Robertson concluded her post by saying that her ex had approved it and she encouraged fans to "be expectant" and "not lose the passion the Lord creates in you."