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New Democratic Government in Northeast Syria Could Be 'Holy Highway' Prophesied About in Scripture

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If anything positive comes out of Syria’s civil war, it could be the new government formed in the northeast part of the country. It's based on equal rights and religious freedom. 

This new government runs from the Tigris to the Euphrates rivers.  

"We have a political system that was based on a social contract between all the groups – Arabs, Kurds, Syriac Christians – and this social contract they articulated it how they wanted to live together as diverse ethnicities and diverse religions," Bassam Ishak, President of the Syrian Democratic Council, told CBN News

Bassam Ishak is seeking support from US leaders for this new government. He calls it a golden opportunity.  

"I don't think ever any political system exists in the Middle East to guarantee religious freedom.  You go back hundreds and thousands of years.  This has not happened," Ishak said. 

The leaders of this government see a common bond with America. 

"Much of our aspiration, actually, is in line with American Revolution.  We don't want a country where citizenship and rights are based on ethnic identities or religious identity.  We want all Syrians to be equal.  We believe they were all created by God equal and to be free," Ishak said. 

They also find inspiration in the Bible where the prophet Isaiah wrote of a holy highway from Assyria – part of modern-day Syria – through Israel and Egypt.    


In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."   

"This is actually our dream is that our – that the highway that the crescent will be the Isaiah crescent, Lord willing, because it's a crescent of love, of peace and prosperity and according to Isaiah when this Isaiah crescent is established.  It will be a blessing for the whole earth.  So we are really yearning for that Isaiah crescent," Ishak explained. 

Yet he says they need protection so this dream of democracy can stay alive.  Ishak says he wants to tell President Donald Trump the existence of Christians there hangs in the balance given surrounding threats.

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Mitchell *

Jefe del Buró de noticias para Medio Oriente de CBN News En momentos cuando la atención del mundo está atenta a los acontecimientos en el Medio Oriente, la audiencia de CBN ha llegado a apreciar los informes oportunos de Chris Mitchell desde ésta explosiva región del mundo. Mitchell aporta una perspectiva bíblica y profética a los eventos diarios de noticias que dan forma a nuestro mundo. Chris comenzó a informar sobre Medio Oriente a mediados de los años noventa. El viajó repetidamente allá para informar sobre asuntos religiosos y políticos que enfrentaban Israel y los estados árabes