ICE Pistol Team Hits Its Mark In Shooting Competition
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement National Pistol Team recently attended the World Police and Fire Games.
The team hit its mark in the Police Pistol Combat precision pistol shooting competitions posting wins over Hong Kong, Croatia, Canada and Spain, along with the Northwest Indiana Police and British Columbia Sheriffs.
The WPFG is a biennial Olympic-style athletic event held over a period of 11 days with competitions in more than 60 sports. The events are open to both active and retired law enforcement along with fire service personnel from around the world.
"Competing among fellow law enforcement officers from around the globe helps to strengthen the bond we all share, enforcing our nations' laws regardless of the country we represent," said team captain Arlo Arcinas. "Attending the WPFG was a great experience. Although it was difficult at times to speak to one another, the camaraderie shared through competition was a universal translator of good will."
During the two-and-a-half days dedicated to precision pistol shooting, the ICE Pistol team won a total of five gold, three silver and two bronze medals.