China Could Become the Biggest Christian Nation by 2030s
The rapid spread of Christianity in China is well documented, but few would have imagined the communist country might one day become the most populous Christian nation on the planet.
In fact, the country is said to be on track to having the largest Christian population in the world by 2030, according to Rodney Pennington who studies church growth for Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF).
"We are overjoyed with what the Lord has already done in China," said Pennington in an interview with The Christian Post. "But that doesn't mean the task is finished."
"While 200 million Chinese believers by the year 2030 may seem ambitious, it certainly gives us a strong goal to pray toward," he added.
He believes China could become a major player in the global church one day, but a lot has to happen before then.
China's government under president Xi Jinping is becoming increasingly hostile towards Christians and the Christian faith. From hundreds of churches being bulldozed, to crosses being removed, to imprisonment and even torture, the country is in need of much prayer.
Despite the persecution, Chinese Christian and activist Yu Jie believes God is far from finished with China.
"Neither the dead hand of Communism, nor the cynical imitation of Confucianism, nor capitalism, nor democracy, nor any earthly thing will determine the fate of my land," Jie said.