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STOP the Hate. Stand Against Anti-Semitism.

Only a few main media giants control the vast majority of what Americans read, watch, and listen to. We have the illusion of choice. But in reality, the news is fed to us and we are constantly bombarded with negative views, secular agendas, skewed statistics, and biased opinions publicized as truth.

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When you give a gift of $5 or more today, your voice is being heard because you support reporting that actively shines a bright light on Anti-Semitism, each and every day. And we’ll immediately send you a link so you can download the e-booklet, The Growing Threat of Anti-Semitism: Why It Matters, What You Can Do to Stop It.

Truth transforms culture. In a world that tries to force you to buy into the mainstream media story, you can choose not to play by their rules.

Stand with CBN News. Because Truth Matters.