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When Faced With A Life Decision, Choose God!


Melanie’s childhood seemed normal and uneventful until she was nine years old when her parents divorced. She decided it was her job to try to keep everyone happy. After the divorce, life with her mother, Suzanne, was unpredictable. As a child, Melanie didn’t know about things like borderline personality disorder and bipolar mood swings or realize that Suzanne took a handful of pills that kept her up and then brought her crashing down each day. For years, Melanie endured shame, criticism, and verbal abuse from her mother.

When Suzanne had married Melanie’s dad, she converted to Catholicism, but after the divorce, she started attending a small charismatic church. “While this whiplash church culture move gave me a foundation for having a real relationship with Jesus, it also gave me some religious trauma,” shares Melanie. 

Suzanne’s mood swings would take place often. Melanie remembers one time Suzanne renovated her room. She was so excited and thanked her mother for the redesign. A few days later, Suzanne exploded and accused Melanie of not appreciating what she had done for her and threatened to take it all back. This pattern occurred throughout her middle and high school years. As a result, Melanie’s relationship with her mom was an “exhausting dance of competition, envy, love, anger, laughter and tears.” Suzanne always let Melanie know where she wasn’t good enough. Melanie never knew when Suzanne would turn on her for no reason at all. She says, “Many of her accusations toward me were couched in religious guilt. Suzanne managed to convince me that God viewed me as one of His great disappointments.”

In high school, Melanie did not understand what a healthy relationship looked like. She spent a lot of time creating drama and ruining friendships just like her mother. After graduation, she went to college where she struggled to make good decisions (alcohol and relationships). While attending Texas A&M, Melanie met Gulley who became her best friend. She too had a damaged parent who was not capable of loving her. When she talked with Gulley, Melanie felt understood and secure enough to begin examining some of the things from her childhood that she had stuffed down deep. Melanie was also invited to a Bible study which became a huge turning point in her life. People at the Bible study talked about a Jesus who was bigger than her baggage and moral failings. They assured her that Jesus did not view her as a huge disappointment. “The way Jesus came in and rewired the deepest parts of my trauma and insecurity is still the cornerstone of my life,” says Melanie. A month before she graduated, Melanie met Perry. They began dating after college and married in August of 1997. He too played a large part in her healing journey. 

When Melanie and Perry decided to start a family, she got pregnant right away. Unfortunately, Melanie had a miscarriage. Seven months later, she became pregnant again. Suzanne who was now in her third marriage, attended Melanie’s baby shower, but was on a lot of prescription drugs (opioids and antidepressants). At the shower, Suzanne wrote Melanie a check for the baby’s crib. Melanie thanked her for the gift. A few minutes later, Suzanne wrote a check to Melanie’s sister for the same amount and said, “This is for you because at least you’ll 
appreciate it.” Melanie never had the right reaction for her mom because she could never gauge Suzanne’s reaction. 

Her relationship with her father and stepmom was strengthened after Caroline was born. They took a very active role in her daughter’s life. Meanwhile, Suzanne visited only a couple of times during Caroline’s first few years. When Melanie’s mom did come around it was stressful due to her toxic words and behavior. To avoid any future emotional damage, Melanie considered walking away from her relationship with her mom. She sat down and wrote a six-page letter on the computer about how she was tired of Suzanne’s manipulation, anger, and lies, but she did not send it. 

Melanie was determined to be the mother to Caroline that she’d desperately wanted for herself. She and Perry wanted their daughter to be raised in the freedom to be exactly who God made her to be, but they also knew generational cycles had to be broken for that to be accomplished.

The final blow in her relationship with her mother came after she and Gulley went on a road trip. Melanie had posted about it on her blog the night before. The next morning Suzanne called and left a message about how selfish Melanie was because she had not stopped to see her grandparents on the trip. She lashed out at Melanie for no reason and even said she was fine with ending their relationship. The message left Melanie feeling broken. She prayed over the next several weeks and felt confidant God was telling her she was free to walk away from the relationship…so she did. The decision was not an easy one because she did love her mom. At times, Melanie often second guessed herself and wondered if she was being too harsh to end the relationship. However, the more distance she got from her mother the more she realized how destructive Suzanne’s behavior patterns were for those around her. 


Little did Melanie know she would witness mean girl dynamics in Caroline’s life during her sophomore year in high school. Over the course of a few weeks, Caroline’s friends turned against her and decided to make her life miserable. Her sports team did the same leaving Caroline devastated. During this time, God enabled Melanie to help her daughter by recognizing patterns from these girls that were familiar with her own mother. She was able to explain to Caroline that the behavior of these girls was not a reflection of who she was or anything she’d done. As a result, Caroline generated a resilience and strength that allowed her to refuse to be a victim as she chose to trust God. Melanie encourages parents who are facing similar situations to be a safe place for their children and show them that their identity and security are found in Christ.  


For thirteen years, Melanie did not have a relationship with her mother. She knew that everything her mom had done and said to her through the years had been out of her own woundedness and brokenness. God gave Melanie a spirit of tenderness toward Suzanne so that she could forgive her.                    

In 2023, Melanie’s sister let her know that their mother’s mental and physical health was in rapid decline. Suzanne had developed a very aggressive cancer and was given about a month or two to live. Melanie prayed and asked God to give her direction if she was to go see her mom. Although she was at peace with her mother, she felt God say, “This isn’t about your peace. It’s about hers.” Although she did not know what to expect, Melanie went to see Suzanne, and they had a pleasant enough conversation for about an hour. A few days later her mother passed away. Melanie is thankful God healed her wounds and allowed her to raise Caroline to be a warrior. By doing so, Melanie says, “God broke a generational cycle that had previously told the women in her family to find their value in everything but His love.”


For more information on Melani Shankle click the LINK!


Will discuss her early troubled life, her relationship with her mother, and how she chose to live a fruitful life with her family and daughter.
3x NY Times best-selling author; latest, Here Be Dragons, (WaterBrook, 2025); Co-host of The Big Boo Cast, a weekly podcast which averages 40,000 listeners per week; Writes for her Big Mama blog; Received her bachelor's degree in speech communication from Texas A&M; Married to Perry; Adult child: Caroline

700 Club

Roof Restored from Devastating Hurricane!

83 –year-old Jovita lives with five other family members in the house that she built with her  husband before he died. Then a Category 5 hurricane hit their town in Mexico.  “We were scared, and my granddaughter was screaming,” Jovita told us. “I tried not show my fear. I endured it the best I could.” 

“When the hurricane ended, Jovita discovered that her 40-year-old mango tree had fallen on the house.  “I saw my home where the tree fell on top of it. It damaged the roof,” she said.  “With holes in the roof, the rain came pouring in. I had to get up and put buckets under all the leaks. A lot of water was coming in. Once I even slipped and hit my head while walking in the dark.”  

Jovita’s son works as a taxi driver so there was not enough money for food and to repair the house and roof.   

Operation Blessing met Jovita and the family while we were delivering emergency food and relief supplies to the community.  Then, thanks to YOU, we arranged to cut and remove the fallen tree from the house. And we paid to have a contractor replace the damaged roof.   

Finally, to supplement the family's income, we gave Jovita a small grocery store to sell food and supplies from her home. “Now with the roof, I feel protected,” said Jovita. “Operation Blessing took a heavy weight off my shoulders.  And my new store is beautiful! I'm very happy and thankful to the people who helped us!”    

700 Club

The Double Life of ‘Rico Suave’ Gerardo

The year is 1990, “Rico Suave”, a song promoting sexuality, is an international hit.
To the artist, Gerardo Mejia, it wasn’t just a song, it defined who he was.

“I saw others doing drugs. I saw others drinking. I wasn't that guy. My sin that stopped me from my relationship with God was fornication,” says Gerardo.

That wasn’t the only relationship that suffered. A couple of years after his megahit, Gerardo married Kathy who’d had their first child. By then, the 26 year old, who gave his life to Christ at age 17, was steeped in to the world of pop music and stardom.
Gerardo recalls, “You're being surrounded by beautiful girls the whole time. Friends with power want you around. You know, as far as me. Too much, too soon. It messed me up.”

“We had what I thought was a perfect family,” says Kathy, “and in my eyes at that time, maybe that's what I thought it was.”

Gerardo states, “right after I got married, I went on the road again and being married never stopped me. I was cheating on her from day one. But I did value my family. Like, it was the only good thing that I had.”
Kathy states, “I feel like maybe he didn't love me so much to not cheat on me, but I felt like he loved God so much that he wouldn't do that.”

Gerardo remembers, “I would take my wife to church because I wanted her to be right, and I wanted that blessing there.” Over the next five years Gerardo's career had faded. He continued chasing fame and other women, as the deceptions continued.
He recalls, “Going to the studio, going out to the club, waking up, you know, in a hotel room.

And I knew too, like, I carried my Bible with me everywhere I went. You know, I wake up in the morning and just see the Bible next to my bed. I go, “man, I got to get it right. I got to get back.” But always with the excuse of, let me finish, God. Let me get bigger, bigger, because that one moment that I'm on top, that's when I tell the world that, who you are.”

After ten years of marriage Gerardo had become weary of the lies and hiding. Feeling like he had nothing to lose, he told Kathy everything.
Kathy reflects, “I remember my first reaction, and it's probably the complete wrong reaction, was, "What did I do wrong. Why wasn't I good enough?"
Gerardo continues, “She didn't throw anything at me. She didn't cuss me out. She was just quiet. And she walks off. And I just remember being in that room, looking up at the ceiling going, okay, Lord, let's go from here because I know you're going to restore my family.”

The couple decided to stay together, and Gerardo started sharing at churches how God had made him a new man and saved his marriage. While he was being celebrated, Kathy felt like an isolated victim. She remembers, “every time I went to hear his testimony and every time I was in a church listening to him tell his story, it was hurting me a little bit more and more. I'd just sometimes be sitting in the back, and I'd hear everyone just applauding him for coming clean, and, "Oh, you did the right thing, and look how God's restoring your marriage." I was just kind of in the shadows and just getting a little bit chipped away, little by little.” Gerardo spent more and more time away from home sharing his testimony, while Kathy’s loneliness- led her to adultery.

Gerardo states, “I heard ding, ding on my wife's phone. I started reading the messages.

I can't tell you how betrayed I felt. She said, "What are you doing?" I just remembered showing her the phone. I said, "I know,"
“My whole world just crumbled at that point, because Gerardo – he didn’t have the same 
reaction I had, he was gone he was done,” says Kathy.

The couple separated. Kathy went home to Kentucky, while Gerardo went home to Ecuador.
“I was at the all-time lowest point of my life,” says Kathy.  “I remember sitting on rooftops and thinking, "I'd just be better off if I just jumped off." I'd physically hurt myself.

I don't even know if it's even possible to give yourself a black eye, but I would beat up myself with my own hands because I was just in such a dark place.” A few months later at a men's retreat, Gerardo had a changed heart and went to see Kathy.
He says, “I'm really sorry. I said, "I understand. I'm the culprit. I'm to blame for a lot of it."

Kathy adds, “Gerardo had had a come-to-Jesus moment with our marriage. I think he finally took responsibility for the state that I was in. It wasn't all brought about by myself. I didn't get there alone.”

Gerardo brings his hands together, “It was little by little by little, and she met me. And now we're both in that path that God wanted us to be. If you knew us from back then, all bets were against us. All our friends said, "Oh, this is never going to last." This year, we've been married 30 years, and I give him all the credit.”
Kathy smiles and says, “We spent so many years of our lives just chasing after God, but until we finally just surrendered to God, could we really see what he could do. I mean, only God could take a marriage that was so messed up like our marriage and turn it into this, I won't say perfect, but I can't imagine. Sometimes I look around at people and I'm like, "Could they love each other as much as we do?" We have to love each other more than anybody else loves each other, and that's only God.”

Keut, a 12-year-old girl from Cambodia, stands outside her church. Gizmo is behind her to the right, reaching toward the viewer. The CBN Animation and Superbook logos are stacked above him.
CBN Animation

Superbook Teaches Keut to Have a Servant’s Heart

In the beautiful and culturally rich country of Cambodia, a young girl named Keut embarked on a journey that would transform her life and deepen her faith. At 12 years old, Keut is the second daughter in a family with three siblings. Despite her loving family, Keut struggled with stubbornness, disobedience, and a lack of motivation in her studies. She often found it difficult to pay attention and was known for her laziness.

However, Keut’s life took a remarkable turn when she accepted Jesus into her heart. This decision marked the beginning of a profound transformation. Keut became a loving and helpful servant in her church, dedicating herself to assisting her friends and contributing to her community. Her favorite Superbook episode, “Rahab and the Walls of Jericho” played a significant role in this change. “This teaches me, God is on our side, what He promises, He will give, so be obedient and do what He tells us to do. As the Israelites marched around Jericho, the fortified walls collapsed. [There is] nothing God can’t do,” Keut reflects.

Inspired by the story, Keut prayed for wisdom and the strength to overcome her laziness. She experienced a miraculous change, gaining a better memory and improving her learning abilities. Keut’s newfound dedication extended beyond her studies. She began helping her parents at home and serving in her church, setting up tables and chairs, and preparing snacks for church services.

Keut’s transformation also had a ripple effect on those around her. She brought three friends to church, one of whom attends regularly, while the other two join occasionally. Her missionary spirit is evident as she continually prays for her parents. “I continue to pray for my parents to be healthy and to join us at church, too,” Keut says with hope.

The global reach and impact of CBN Animation’s Superbook is evident in stories like Keut’s. Through engaging storytelling and captivating animations, Superbook brings the Word of God to children worldwide, fostering spiritual growth and transformation. In Keut’s case, the story of “Rahab and the Walls of Jericho” inspired her to live a life of obedience, service, and faith.

Join us in this mission to bring the Word of God to life for the next generation, fostering a global community rooted in faith and love. By donating to CBN Animation’s Superbook ministry through the link below, sharing this story, or accessing Superbook resources for your own families, you can help extend this impact to even more children and families around the world. Together, we can inspire more children like Keut to live out their faith with courage and compassion.

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CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

In 2023, the CBN Prayer Center in the U.S. responded to 1.3 million prayer needs from viewers—recording over 6,500 professions of faith and fulfilling over 336,000 requests for ministry resources. Our ministry extends beyond phone calls, offering assistance in various languages and digital platforms.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Help in Times of Crisis

When tragedy struck Israel, CBN partners helped war victims by providing emergency shelter, food, supplies, and access to counseling. Our team members also visited bomb shelters to bring hope, encouragement, and much-needed supplies.


For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

CBN’s Orphan’s Promise continues to minister to desperate men, women, and children in Ukraine by providing warm clothes, winter shoes, blankets, flashlights, and thermoses. We were even able to provide some with generators.


Reaching Kids for Christ

 CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. Through the free Superbook Kids Bible app, kids can watch Superbook, hear the Gospel presentation, play games, and more. They can also read the Bible, many in their own languages. 

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