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Biden Faces Tough Political Future Despite Infrastructure Win

Biden Faces Tough Political Future Despite Infrastructure Win Read Transcript

- Democrats are sayingthat if they'd only passed

the infrastructure bill sooner,

they would have won theVirginia governor's race.

Republicans are saying thatDemocrats still don't get it.

- The resolution is adopted.

(gavel pounds)

- [Dale] After months ofDemocratic infighting,

the $1.2 trillion so-calledroads and bridges bill

is headed to Joe Biden'sdesk for his signature,

the first part of his so-calledBuild Back Better agenda.

- We took a monumentalstep forward as a nation.

We're just getting started.

- [Dale] The legislation is billed

as the single largest investment

in the nation's roads,bridges, rail lines,

and airports in decades.

It includes $110 billionfor roads and bridges,

66 billion for Amtrak,

65 billion to improve internet access,

and 55 billion to upgradewater and sewer systems.

But it also includes a halfbillion dollars for tree equity,

making sure streets havethe right balance of trees,

billions for climate change,

and even gives moneyto China for research.

Democratic leaders Sunday insisted

that if the bill had been passed

before last Tuesday's Virginiagubernatorial election,

Terry McAuliffe would have won.

- Well look, I do think the voters

sent a message on Tuesday.

They wanted to see moreaction in Washington.

- We should have passedthese bills in early October.

If we had, it would havehelped Terry McAuliffe

probably win the governor's race.

- [Dale] Republicans say the Democrats

did not get the message voterswere sending last Tuesday,

that Americans strugglingto make ends meet

under the pandemic and rising inflation

are in no mood for bigspending in Washington.

- You would think thiswould be a wake-up call

for the Democrats.

It was a rejection election.

Voters overwhelmingly across the country

rejected these radicalpolicies of the Democrats,

which have causedinflation, rising prices.

- [Dale] And Republicanssee a giant red wave

sweeping the country next year.

- Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,

the rest of the clown car in Washington,

is setting the stagefor a victory in 2022,

a bigger victory in 2024.

- Some House Democrats dosee the writing on the wall

from last Tuesday's elections,with increasing numbers

announcing they're retiring.

Polls not only show JoeBiden's approval rating at 38%,

but nearly 2/3 of Americansand almost 1/3 of Democrats

don't want him to run again.

And the second part ofBiden's infrastructure package

could make voters even angrier,

a multi-trillion dollarsocial spending bill

Republicans say is nothingmore than socialism.

Dale Hurd, CBN.


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