Two-time Master’s champion, Bubba Watson shares how he’s learned to balanced career, family and faith in his new book, “Up and Down.â€
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(upbeat music)
- [Will] He's one of golf's biggest names.
Bubba Watson.
This two-time Masters champion is known
for his long drives andexciting personality.
- Two, three
♪ I want my birdies all day long ♪
♪ Let the bogies go ♪
♪ And say hey ♪
♪ Oo-Da lolly-lolly ♪
- [Will] In his new book "Up & Down,"
Bubba discusses balancingcelebrity, family life,
and trying to imperfectlyfollow God's call.
- And that's the reasonwhy I want to come out
with the book is to share and just share
that we all have issues.
And if you say you don't, you really do.
Like, let's be honest with everybody.
- Not just a golfer, Bubba owns
an ice cream shop, a car dealership,
a driving range, and haseven become part owner
of a minor league baseball team.
Let's start with your love of baseball.
You wanted to become a majorleague baseball pitcher.
- Yeah, it started with mydad, being a Yankees fan.
Don Mattingly was firstbaseman, left-handed.
And I was left-handed, so I wanted to be
like Don Mattingly, Mr. Baseball.
But I also wanted to pitch.
A few years after that, golf started.
- [Will] He grew up insmall town Baghdad, Florida.
It was evident early on thatBubba had a gift for golf.
- I started tournament golf at age eight.
Started hittin' it past everybody.
People started talkin' to my family
about how far I hit it.
And, you know, no lessons.
As it grew, when I gotto around 12 years old,
you could definitely see my skill level
was different than other people.
That's when it startedthe buzz in my head that
wait, I have a shot at this,
I could be pretty good at this.
- [Will] Bubba accepted a golf scholarship
to the University of Georgia.
It was there he met his now-wife, Angie,
who had an immediate impacton his desire to follow God.
- And we started talkin' about church
and she grew up in the churchand who she wanted to be
and she asked me aboutmy faith and I told her
it's very little.
One day I got asked to go to church
and I gave myself to theLord, but then that was it.
You know, it's kind of,the seed was planted.
I said the right things, butI didn't really water it.
And when I got to Georgia and met her,
that's when it really, it opened up.
And I'm still growing that but it's been
an amazing journey and, youknow, the rest is history.
20 years later, we're still together.
- [Will] During those 20years, the Watsons endured
some trying times, including the inability
to conceive a child.
- When your wife looks at you and says,
"Why can't I be a mom?"
And (blows out)
that's a hard, hard thing to answer.
And again, God's timing is way better.
- [Will] In God's timing, 2012,
the couple adopted a baby boy named Caleb
and knew immediatelyhe was a gift from God.
- The lady asked, thefirst things she asked is
are you gonna change his name.
And man, you're talkin' about trying
to get words out of your mouth.
I said no.
And she goes, "I think his name is,
"it's a great story in the Bible."
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
And I said we'll never change his name
because, well what theblessing you're giving us.
- Just two weeks after becoming a father,
Bubba won one of golf's most
prestigious tournaments, "The Masters."
From an outsider's perspective,Bubba Watson had it all.
He had won the 2012 Masters,he had a growing family,
and a loving fan base.
But beneath the surface, the pressure
was just beginning to build.
Severe bouts of anxiety caused Bubba
to become withdrawn and fearful.
He even lost 30 pounds.
You thought you were going to die.
- Yeah, I felt like it could easily be it.
So I look at the scale and I'm 162
and I just fall on my knees.
I mean, I'm bawling and said take me.
I don't want to go through this,
praying about just take me,what am I supposed to do,
what do You want me to do in my life?
I was like, I'll quit golf.
If is that is gonnacause me to be this way,
I'm done with golf.
I'd rather be physically healthy than out.
That's kinda what got me up off the ground
is thinkin' about weight.
If God tells me rightnow, if He appeared to me
and said you have 10minutes, am I gonna sit
and just sit on my bedand pout for 10 minutes,
or am I gonna do something about it?
- [Will] Bubba continues to grow
in his relationship with God.
Even through moments hesays he's not proud of.
- There's one particularmoment that I can remember
where I said some choicewords, got caught on camera.
And, you know, my team hit me fast.
I went into the media centerand they asked me right away
and said your language, youcall yourself a Christian.
And I said, "Man, I wanna thank you all."
And I said, "I wanna thank you all
"because that's how I'll get better."
If you don't call meout, I can't get better.
We're all gonna have moments.
Younger days, I wouldn'thave done it that way.
But since 10 when I won, goin' forward,
and more wins after that,it just means I'm puttin'
on a bigger pedestal, a bigger spotlight
where I have to be readyto face my bad moments
in a different way.
- The Bible talks aboutiron sharpening iron.
It sounds like you had areally, a really good team
surrounding you, and that's important
in the Christian life, as well.
- Oh, 100%.
And again, I praise my wife all the time.
Without meetin' her, itwouldn't have jump-started me
to get back to where I should be.
And then the close teamaround me, my close friends,
the different pastors thatI've been able to meet,
yeah, they've been ableto put wisdom into me.
Now it takes me a slow time
to learn that wisdom but it's growing.
- You've been very generous with your time
and with your money.
Why is that important to you?
- When you start listeningand learning about the gospel,
learning about the Bible,you wanna give back.
On my, I hate to saythis, but on my death bed,
I don't want my kids to go on the podium
and be like, he wastwo-time Masters champion.
If they say that, I've already missed,
I missed everything I was supposed to do.
Well I've been blessed so much that
why not bless other people?