A mission to poke holes in the gospel leads to a stunning transformation when Lukas has a change of heart.
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- I believe that there was a God
but I also believed that he wasn't good.
I felt like how can an all-powerful,
all-good being let so manybad things happen in my life?
- [Narrator] Lucas Alisonwas molested by a neighbor
when he was a young boy.
The resulting pain andconfusion set the trajectory
for his life.
- I don't think I really had any idea
that it was wrong or thatanything was off about it
until I started getting older,
and then we startedlearning about those sorts
of things in school.
I was angry about a lot of things.
I was starting to become depressed
and sort of suicidal.
One of the first experiences I had
with an attempted suicide
was when I was probably12 or 13 years old.
- [Narrator] His father had suffered
a traumatic brain injury from a fall,
which made it difficult tohave a relationship with him.
- My dad was never reallyemotionally available.
After he and my mom divorced,
my dad, he changed a lot.
- [Narrator] Lucas turnedto drugs and alcohol
at an early age,
sought friends in the world of metal metal
and Goth music.
- I really resonated witha lot of the darker themes
and music that was reallyabout pain and abandonment,
and things like that.
So I didn't really have alot of friends elsewhere
but we were all kind oflike the outcasts together.
- [Narrator] Feelingdisconnected from his family,
and unsure of a direction for his life,
Lucas enlisted in the army
and was stationed in Iraq.
- The first time that Ihad been in an IED attack,
I just remember thinking tomyself like if there is a God,
and he's doing this to me,
then he's a jerk
and I don't want any part of him
'cause I still believed in God,
I just hated him.
- [Narrator] Lucas lovedto debate Christians
and mock their beliefs.
- I would just sit there and poke holes
in everything that I heard
or anything that peoplewere talking about.
I felt really bad about myself
and I wanted to kind of tear them down
so that they felt as bad as I did.
- [Narrator] After his discharge,
Lucas drifted for a while,
and had a brief failed marriage.
Then he met Sierra
who was raised a Christian
but had been wounded andjudged by the church,
and had walked away.
- When I met Lucas,
I didn't want anything to do with God
or any of the peoplewho claimed to love God.
I wanted to be as far way from God
and his so-called peoplein my mind at that point
as I possibly could.
And Lucas seemed to tick all the boxes.
- [Narrator] Sierra'smother had encouraged her
to write a letter to a former pastor
who asked to meet with her.
- He wanted to meet with me.
He wanted to hear my story.
He wanted to encourage me
and meet me where I was.
Just the kindness of him,
being willing to meet me there
was what turned everything for me.
It changed my heart.
- [Narrator] To Lucas' displeasure,
Sierra began attending church again.
Lucas decided to attend with her
so he could monitor her.
- I was worried that shewas being brainwashed
because I couldn't fathom in my head,
like how could she just likelet them apologize to her
and then all of a sudden,she's a Christian again.
And I'd be taking notes just listening
to everything that the pastor was saying
and just trying to find inconsistencies
and find reasons why itwasn't good information,
and I couldn't.
Attending church regularly
and listening to the message
and just reading a lot,
He really started tokind of soften my heart.
- [Narrator] A pastor atthe church encouraged him
to attend a three-day silent retreat
and Lucas reluctantly agreed.
- I did a lot of journalingwhile I was at the retreat.
I would read for a little bit
and then maybe I would find a passage
and I would just kind of look at it.
I would put down all my thoughts
as if I were having aconversation with Jesus.
And the more that I did that,
and the more that Ijournaled during that time,
the more I just kind
of had this overwhelmingfeeling of acceptance.
- [Narrator] Lucas came back
from the retreat a different person.
- I had definitely said okay,
I'm ready to follow Jesus
and I'm ready to give my life to serving.
I was given a veryperformance-based picture of God
when realized that Jesus isn't like that.
He doesn't ask us to perform for Him.
He just willing givesus salvation and love,
and all we have to do is accept it.
I started to be able to forgive my dad.
I started to realize
that really it wasn't even my dad's fault.
So I was able to start looking deeper
into my past and really addressing some
of the things that werekind of unresolved.
- [Narrator] Lucas went onto get a teaching degree.
Today the Alisons have a family,
and are serving God faithfully
at their church in Kentucky.
- When I think about howGod used not only my hurt,
when I see how God used that
to reach my husband,
the redemption of that,
him healing not just him
but he healed me
and it's just, it's amazing.
- I'm blessed to have sucha huge ministry field.
I can't actually share theGospel with my students
but that doesn't mean thatI can't minster to them.
That doesn't mean that Ican't love them by example.
It doesn't mean
that I can't live my lifein a Christ-centered way.
Faith is difficult for a lot of people
but when you actually experience Jesus,
then it makes faith impossibly easy.