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She is the Bridge Between US and Israeli Relations

In Heather Johnston’s new book, “Uncommon Favor,” she shares how she abandoned her comfortable life to become a true disciple of Christ and advocate for US/Israeli diplomacy. Read Transcript

- Unfulfilled in her spiritual life,

bored with daily routines,

uninspired by sermons and Bible studies

and apathetic about the future.

That's how Heather Johnsondescribes the complacency

that encrypt into her life andmarriage by the 10 year mark.

So where this discontent lead?

Take a look.

The founder of two proIsrael organizations,

Alabama born, HeatherJohnston seeks to educate

and connect people at alllevels of the two countries.

In 2011, she led a tour of US leaders

who surveyed Israel'snew air defense system.

- These five members ofCongress returned back to DC,

and they created the legislation

that tripled the budget for iron dome.

- [Terry] In a brand newbook, "Uncommon Favor"

Heather tells how Godappended her life's mission

and what it really meansto be disciples of Jesus.

- Welcome to the 700Club, Heather Johnston,

Heather, great to have you with us today.

- Thank you, Terry, great to be with you.

- Talk a little bit about how God used

that discontent that was in your heart

to turn you toward a plan and a purpose

that He had that you weren'teven looking at at the time.

- I tell you is, you know,

one of the greatest giftsI think God can give us

is just a hunger and eagerness,

and I believe that's exactlywhat happened to my husband

and I at the same time,

and we began a seasonof fasting and prayer

that transformed who we were.

And I believe that during that season,

the Lord apprehended us,

you know, when He wants toreally grab a hold of you,

He is going to conquer you.

And that's what happenedduring that timeframe

back in the 1990s and set us in a course

toward the nation of Israel.

- These congressional tours

that we just saw mentionedin the video piece

that introduced some ofthe work that you're doing

have had powerful impact,how did those come about?

- Well, it was interesting,

we had built a national leadership center

with the Israeli governmentand on the Hills of Samaria,

and I awoke in 2010 andheard a distinct voice say,

"I want you to leadthe congressional tours

"through Judea and Samaria."

And it was so weird

because I had never meta Congressman before.

It was so out, seemed likea far-flung situation,

so I sort of tabled itand I continued to hear

that same word come over andover again for over a year,

I had no organization,no resources, no staff,

and I had not beeninvolved in politics ever.

And the Lord brought me into contact

with Eric Cantor back in 2010,

and he was the highestranking Jewish official

in our US government, themajority leader of our Congress.

And we sat down across the table

and I laid out my four objectives

for an advanced education trip

from members of Congress,chairman of committees.

And he looked at me and he said,

"I had been looking forsomebody for over a year now,

"that would lead these secondary trips.

"We need this so badly, Iwill populate your tours."

- We live in prophetic times.

Talk about what's happeningwith the Abraham Accords

under the new administration.

- Yes, well, you know, Terry,

we're living in such aconvulsing chaotic world,

and yet the goodnessof the Lord can be seen

in magnanimous ways.

And I think it's sointeresting in this last year

that the Abraham Accords came to the fore.

This was in anticipation I believe,

God anticipating theseAccords to take place.

And as you recall, theprophecies out of Isaiah 60,

Isaiah 49, at the timeof Israel's restoration,

there's going to be nationsthat show up and arrive.

And it says that theprince is gonna rise up

and the nations aregonna come to your rise

into the brightness of your dawn.

Kings are going to be your foster fathers,

the Queens your nursing mothers.

They're gonna place you ontheir hips and carry you

though in anger I'll struckyou with great compassion,

I'll bring you back Israel into your land,

and I'm gonna open the gates.

They will be shutting either day or night

so that the wealth ofthe nations can come,

Kings will come andprocession through your gates

and the nation that won't serve you

will perish and be utterly destroyed.

And so in the midst of thischaos that we're living on,

it's so interesting thatGod is restructuring things

on the earth today.

And these alliances,these five treaties now

that the nation of Israelhas with Arab nations

is reflection of that.

- Talk a little bit aboutthe work you're doing

with both Israeli and Arab youth,

because it's such an opportunityto invest in a unique way.

- It is, and, you know,

Terry, we really began back in 1997

and we're anticipating knowing that God

was bringing the Jews from thefour quarters of the earth,

still out of the land of the north,

that He was gonna resettlethem in their land

as Ezekiel 36 revealed theywould resettle their cities

and live in them, the landwould burst into bloom for them.

And Ezekiel 36 carry sort ofa chronological order to it.

And it says, "And after these things,

"I will take out the heart of stone

"and give you a heart of flesh.

"I will put a new spirit in you

"so that you will followmy decrees and laws."

And this was what we anticipated.

So we built in conjunction

with Israel's ministry of education,

who holds the largest budgetin the nation of Israel today,

they have the most influence

and we've worked closely with them

to establish Israel'snational leadership center.

And in doing so, we wereable to bring the confluence

of Arabs and Jews together aspart of the Israeli society

to do training in the biblicalheritage and identity.

It's been profound more than85,000 Israelis and Arabs

have come through the training there,

and orphans promise was represented,

there as you all contributed to that

and the youth movements of Israel

and the idea and that Mossad

and all of the elite forcesof the Israeli military

have gone through this training.

- Heather, your book iscalled "Uncommon Favor"

The Intentional Life Of A Disciple.

What do you want people whoread this to take away from it?

- You know, I think "Uncommon Favor"

really is a reflectionon a group of stories

on the unfolding of thebiblical prophecies over Israel.

It contains a real surprise element

in the book for a lot of people,

because if you're not privy

and don't understand what ishappening in Israel today,

certainly these stories aregonna peak your interest

and help you to see whereIsrael is in time and history.

It hearkens to therelationship between the Rabbi

and the Talmid of the first century,

what it really meant tobe a disciple of Jesus

and to come after Him.

And so that theme is weavein and out of this book.

- It's a wonderful bookstep into the flow folks,

'Uncommon Favor" by Heather Johnston.

Heather, thanks so much forbeing with us, bless you.

- Thank you.


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