Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.
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- It is there to heal you.
Realize that any thought thatyou're unworthy is a lie.
Here's a thought for you,
Jesus thinks you areworth the price he paid.
Isn't that amazing that you're worth it?
That when he offers hissoul as a sacrifice for sin,
that's what the Biblesays, you can look it up,
Isaiah chapter 53,
when he offers his soulas a sacrifice for sin,
he will see his descendants,he'll see it, he'll see you.
He'll see the result of his sacrifice
and his soul will be satisfied.
Jesus doesn't have buyer's remorse.
When he offered his life for you,
he saw you and itsatisfied, satisfied him.
For the joy set beforehim, he endureth the cross.
That joy is you, the knowledgethat you would be with him
for all eternity.
This is incredible news,
it's the best news anyone's ever heard,
that God would come down, thatJesus would leave eternity,
he would leave heaven inorder to be born in a stable,
in order to offer his lifeas the perfect sacrifice
for all sin, for all people.
And his word is so true,
he would leave it all justfor the one, just for you.
He always leaves the 99.
He always leaves heavento go after the one.
Now, it's wonderful that we get to pray.
It's wonderful that we getaccess to the throne of grace.
Let's use our access tosay just what Cynthia said,
"Could that be me?
If that's for me, I'll take that.
Yeah, I want that."
So what's for you? Whatare the promises for you?
Here's a wonderful promise,you'll find it in Psalm 103.
He forgives all your inequities,isn't that wonderful?
It's like you never done it.
He forgives them all andhe heals all your diseases.
So is that for you? Isyour disease part of all?
Yeah, yeah, you get to have it.
You get to have it and notonly do you get to have it,
you have a right to have it
because Jesus has given you that right.
You have the children'srights in the throne room.
You are a child of the king andhe wants to provide for you.
We're going to pray, before we pray
we've got some othermiracles to encourage you
and bring your faith.
Here's Jennifer by email,
"My mother had been toldthat she had elevated levels
for stomach cancer.
Her appointment for ascan kept being delayed
the insurance company hospital two years,
caused her a lot of stress and anxiety.
September 3rd, watching the 700 Club,
Terry said, "There'ssomeone named Patricia,
I really don't know what yourcondition is, but God does,
and you've been praying forsome time and today is your day.
Jesus Christ is answering your prayers,
you're healed in Jesus' name"."
Well, Patricia got herappointment with the doctor,
her levels are normal and theinsurance company is paying,
so yay.
- [Terri] Praise the Lord.
Well, this is Theodorefrom Menifee, California,
exposed to chemical toxins,
later diagnosed with the formof MS, multiple sclerosis.
Gordon, one day youprayed for healing of MS.
After the prayer Theodore said
his health started tosignificantly improve.
A year later he had an MRI,
his doctor told him thereis no longer any trace of MS
in his body.
- That's all wonderful miracle.
Let today be a day whereyou get a wonderful miracle.
Let's pray right now.
Lord, we lift everyonein the audience to you.
We ask for healing, weask for forgiveness,
we ask for salvation, weask for every human need.
For those who lack provision
provide according to your riches in glory.
Give them the desires of their heart
for we ask it in Jesus' name.
Terri, God's spoken to you.
- There's somebodywho's watching us today,
you don't usually watch.
You're a meth addict andyou are sitting there
feeling such remorse and regret
'cause you feel you've gone too far,
but God is setting you freetoday from your addiction.
Lift your hands and begin to praise him.
Receive it, it's true, in Jesus name.
- Now, there's someone you're suffering
with tremendous burningin your intestines,
it's primarily on the lowerleft side but it spreads across.
God's healing you of that,you just felt it leave.
That's God touching you,
just receive all that hehas for you right now.
Someone with gallstones,
God is just cleansingyou from all of that.
The stones are justdissolving and disappearing.
You're going to have no more pain from it
from this day forward in Jesus name.
Amen and amen.
If you need healing, if youneed prayer, we're here for you.
All you have to do is call 1-800-700-7000.