- Thanks for joiningus for "CBN Newswatch,"
I'm Mark Martin.
Today, finally a deal on President Biden's
massive social spending bill.
After months of bitter arguments,
the Democrats have finallyclosed rank on a framework
for the tax and spending plan.
Republicans blasting AttorneyGeneral Merrick Garland
over his handling of protestsat school board meetings.
Critics saying the Justice Department
is intimidating parents
who have protested school board policies.
Plus, pro-lifers takinga stand across America,
from political to culturalto grassroots efforts.
- We are fighting tooverturn Roe versus Wade
and Doe versus Bolton, and we are fighting
to open up people's eyes tothe violence of abortion.
- [Mark] And, Christianartist Lauren Daigle talks
about the power of Christianmusic in our world.
- For every singleperson, we have an answer
for hopeless times, wehave the hope of the world.
- [Mark] Those stories andmore today on "CBN Newswatch."
- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."
- We begin with reportstoday that a framework
for a deal may have finally been reached
on President Biden's massivesocial spending bill,
at a cost of $1.75 to $1.9 trillion.
The president is set toannounce the framework
of the deal this afternoon.
Paid family leave appears to be out.
Progressives are unhappy with that move,
but West Virginia ModerateSenator Joe Manchin
says the country can't afford it
with other governmentprograms running out of money.
- To expand social programswhen you have trust funds
that aren't solvent,that are going insolvent,
I can't explain that, itdoesn't make sense to me.
- If we go down to zero paid family leave,
that's not okay, that'sunjust to the people.
- Meanwhile, the Bidenadministration is still pushing
to keep a measure in thebill that would allow the IRS
to monitor bank accounts.
"The Hill" reports theplan would be changed
so that it focuses on taxpayers making
more than $400,000 a year.
Republicans and bankershave criticized the idea,
calling it an invasion of privacy.
Some Democrats have questioned it as well.
Attorney General MerrickGarland was back in the hot seat
on Capitol Hill Wednesdayas he faces criticism
over the Justice Department'shandling of disagreements
between school boards and parents,
including allegations thathe's using the Department
to intimidate parents whoare strongly protesting
some school board policies.
Tara Mergener has the story.
- GOP lawmakers are amongthose accusing Garland
of calling parents domestic terrorists.
Garland says he never used those words
when asking the Justice Department
to look into threats of violence.
- Did you consider the chilling effect
that this sort of threatof federal prosecution
would have on parents' exercise
of their constitutionalrights to be involved
in their children's education?
- [Tara] Pushing back at pointedcriticism from Republicans,
Attorney General MerrickGarland defending his memo
asking the Justice Department to respond
to threats aimed at school officials.
- I don't believe it's reasonableto read this memorandum
as chilling anyone's rights.
It's about threats of violence,
and it expressively recognizedthis constitutional right
to make arguments aboutyour children's education.
- [Tara] Garland's memo followed one
by the National School Board Association
asking the feds to step in,and included a reference
to domestic terrorism.
While the group hasapologized, Garland has not.
As this drama plays out, aprotest not far from the Capitol.
Moms for America and other organizations
representing mothers from across the U.S.
- And I take full offense to the NSBA
and the DOJ referring toconcerned parents like myself
as domestic terrorists.
- [Tara] Demanding parentsbe included in curriculum
and policy decisions likecritical race theory.
- CRT is also Marxist ideology.
It is used to divide Americaand silence the oppression.
- [Tara] Meantime, tensions ran high
at the Loudoun County SchoolBoard meeting Tuesday.
- You have failed our students.
- Two young ladies were scarred forever.
- You were clearly aware
of the sexual assault at Stonebridge.
- Her life has forever been affected.
- I have lost almostall confidence I've had
in a system that I havechampioned for so long.
- [Tara] Parents accusingSuperintendent Scott Ziegler
of covering up two sexual assaults
by a 14-year-old student on school grounds
and calling for Ziegler'sand the board's resignation.
The boy found guilty thisweek in the first case
to be heard by a judge.
Earlier this week,students staged a walkout.
- Resign or be removed.
- Shame on you.
- [Tara] Garland wasconfronted on this issue, too.
The victim's father arresteda June school board meeting
while trying to tell theschool board what happened.
- That refers to Scott Smith,
whose 15-year-old daughter was raped.
She was raped in a bathroom bya boy wearing girl's clothes.
And the Loudoun CountySchool Board covered it up
because it would have interfered
with their transgenderpolicy during Pride Month.
- In another developmentin Loudoun County,
parents have been askedto sign a non-disclosure
to see a new curriculumreportedly inspired
by critical race theory.
In Washington, I'm TaraMergener, CBN News.
- Political observers fromevery side will be focused
on the races in Virginiaand New Jersey next week
when voters elect their new governors.
The results of the races areexpected to give some hints
about next year's midtermcongressional elections.
After the 2020 presidential election,
both parties called for majorvoting reform legislation.
So what would that look like?
Democrats and Republicans havedrastically different ideas.
Capitol Hill CorrespondentAbigail Robertson explains.
- While both Republicans and Democrats
have made election integritya major part of their platform
in state and federal races,the parties are taking
very different approaches toward reform.
- It's ludicrous forany Republican to assert
that the federal governmenthas no role to play
in safeguarding elections.
- [Abigail Democrats recently Failed
to advance the Freedom toVote Act in the Senate.
The measure would expandearly and mail-in voting,
allow for automatic andsame-day voter registration,
ease ID requirements, and prevent
what they call voter suppression.
- It would put in all kindsof very bad provisions
that would make elections more insecure
and really cause problemsin future elections.
- [Abigail] Hans Von Spakovskyof the Heritage Foundation
argues that votersuppression isn't a problem.
- That is evidenced by thefact that, for example,
in the last election, last year,
we had the highest turnoutin elections since 1992,
according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
So the idea that there'svoter suppression going on
is just belied by the evidence.
- [Abigail] States underGOP control like Texas
and Georgia are passing billsthat include ID requirements
for absentee ballots, revisedtimes for early voting,
and bans unsolicitedrequests for mail-in ballots.
- The best way to inspire confidence is
to fix the vulnerabilitiesthat currently exist.
And that's what a number ofstates like Georgia, Texas,
Florida, and others, they'vepassed electoral reform bills
to actually try to fixsome of those problems.
- [Abigail] Spakovsky tells CBN News
states should also conductaudits after elections.
- The whole point of an audit is not
to overturn a priorelection, but to make sure
that all the laws andregulations were followed,
that everyone was able tovote who was eligible to vote,
that the equipment allworked the way it should.
- [Abigail] With formerPresident Trump doubling down
on claims of widespreadvoter fraud in 2020,
the question remains howthat might affect turnout
in close statewide governor races
like New Jersey and Virginia.
- If voters believe thatthe system is rigged
and their vote isn't going to count,
then that's certainlya disincentive to vote.
- [Abigail] "InsideElection's" Nathan Gonzales
told CBN News despite thoseclaims, he believes voters
from both parties willshow up at the polls.
- I think in the case of Virginia,
Republicans are anxious to send a message
to President Joe Biden and the Democrats.
And I think that anyconcerns about the system
will be overcome withenthusiasm to send a message.
- Gonzales believes no matterwho wins these upcoming races,
claims of fraud or voterigging by the party that loses
are likely to follow.
Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Switching gears, goodnews for Bible teacher
and author Max Lucado.
Over the summer, Lucado toldthe world he was suffering
from a large bulge in a major blood vessel
close to his heart whichmight have required surgery.
This week, Lucado announced new tests show
the aneurysm has actually shrunk in size,
so much so that he won'tneed a medical follow-up
for another year.
While doctors cite a moreprecise test for the good news,
Lucado is giving credit toGod and people's prayers.
Coming up, the pro-lifebattle on different fronts,
from political to cultural
to grassroots efforts across America.
We'll hear about that when we come back.
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- The fight for lifewill soon make its way
to the Supreme Court again with a case
that could challenge Roe v. Wade.
Here to talk about a newpro-life campaign leading into it
is Christina Bennett with Live Action.
Welcome, Christina.
- Thank you so much for having me.
- You bet.
First of all, tell us what'sahead at the Supreme Court.
- Well, on November 1st,the Supreme Court announced
that they will listen to argument.
The Department of Justice,unfortunately, is trying
to sue the State of Texasbecause of their heartbeat bill,
along with abortion providerssuch as Whole Women's Health,
who are also trying tosue the State of Texas.
And so on November 1st, theSupreme Court is willing
to listen to their arguments.
And then on December 1st,the Supreme Court is going
to start hearing arguments regarding
Mississippi's abortion ban at 15 weeks.
- Tell us about the #2363 campaign.
- 2,363 is a number thatrepresents the amount of abortions
that happen every day in America.
It is an absolute tragedythat 2,363 represents
so many lives that are lost every day
to the violence of abortion.
And at Live Action, we are trying
to take that number 2,363 to zero.
We want to eliminate allabortions by providing help
and resources and aidfor women and families.
We want 2,363 to go to zero,
and we are releasinginformation through events,
through vigils, through rallies,
through different campaigns.
We just had an amazingevent in Santa Monica
called Unite for Life.
And we are just trying to letpeople know what's happening
with abortion so that theywill stand up against it.
- What is the missionspecifically over the coming weeks
leading into the Texas case
and then into the Mississippi case?
- The mission is just toget everyone on board,
for them to understandwhat's at stake here,
that we are fighting tooverturn Roe versus Wade
and Doe versus Bolton.
We are fighting to open up people's eyes
to the violence of abortion.
We are fighting for the dignity
and the protection of unborn children.
And we are wantingeveryone to get on board.
We are talking to people on the street.
We are talking to peoplethrough social media.
We want them to pray.
We want them to connectwith their legislators.
We want them to talk to theirfamily members, friends,
churches, organizations.
We want them to take a stand for life,
because this is an importantmoment, and we must stand up.
- Give us a summary, Christina,
of your personal story regarding abortion.
- I was scheduled to beaborted at Mount Sinai Hospital
in Hartford, Connecticut in 1981.
My mom paid for anabortion, but she ended up
walking out of the abortion appointment
because a janitor talkedto her and told her
that God would give herthe strength to keep me.
And even though the abortiondoctor fought with her
and told her that she'dalready paid for it,
she ended up leaving,and she saved my life.
She never told me, butin my 20's I found out
and I decided I was gonnastand up against abortion.
And I've been doing that ever since.
- Wow, you have quite thetestimony, that's awesome.
I'll tell you what, talkabout a divine appointment
for your mom to meet thatjanitor at just the right time
to hear about the message of life.
Talk about the grass roots efforts
in the fight for the unborn, Christina.
Is that where heartscan really be changed?
- Absolutely, hearts are changed every day
when we're engaging withpeople through Live Action.
We do man on the street videoswhere we'll go on the street
and we'll show peoplevideos of what it looks like
when an abortion happens.
And unfortunately, somany people are ignorant.
They really do not knowwhat an abortion looks like
or what takes place in an abortion.
And so when we do thesemAn on the street videos
and we show people, we havea former abortion doctor,
Dr. Levatino, who goesthrough the procedure.
And when people see it,their hearts change.
They say, "Wow, I didn't know
that this is what an abortion looked like.
This is gruesome, this is barbaric,
this is violent, I changed my mind."
People's hearts and mindsare also being changed
in pregnancy resource centersall across the country,
thousands of them.
When women go in for free ultrasounds
or free pregnancy testsand they're listening
to client advocates, theirhearts are being changed.
And so in various ways, the March for Life
that's coming up inJanuary, in various ways,
the pro-life movement every day
is changing hearts and minds.
- How would you encouragepro-life Americans
to stand for life forthe unborn and after?
Many pro-choice peoplesay it's just not enough
to speak for the unborn,but for life at every stage.
What's your response to that?
- I think that the fightfor life begins in the womb.
And it is important, of course,
to fight for life invarious different ways.
But none of that can happenunless the child is first born.
So I had to be born first beforeI could have an education,
before I could marry,before I could have justice
in various ways in society,I had to be born first.
And that is why the rightto life is foundational.
We have to first fight for the right
for children to be born.
And we can do it in anumber of different ways.
I would say first start withlooking at your own life.
What skill sets do you have,what gifts do you have,
what talents do you have, what resources?
Who are you connected to?
How can you use your money,your time, your gifts,
your talents, your skills to end abortion
and to save lives in your community?
- All right, ChristinaBennett with Live Action.
Thanks for your time,Christina, we appreciate it.
- You're welcome.
(dramatic music)
- [Mark] An important message there.
Well, still ahead, what'sreally behind a military coup
in Sudan and a look at theinternational implications.
We're gonna have that right after this.
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- Welcome back to "Newswatch."
What's the real reason behindthe military coup in Sudan,
and how should the United States respond?
On tonight's edition of the "Global Lane,"
Near East Center for Strategic Engagement
CEO Sargis Sangari says theSudan military took action
to possibly prevent Islamic terrorists
from gaining a footholdin the Horn of Africa.
- It's very much possible thatthe military made the move
to ensure that MuslimBrotherhood will not be able
to have another opportunityto come back into the region,
because if it did that,then it will destabilize
that entire area, fromEgypt all the way down
to Kenya, to Uganda andTanzania and so-and-so.
- Well, I understandthat the military there
in Sudan is very closeto the Egyptian military
and they both oppose this GERD,
the big dam that Ethiopia is planning.
- Well, they do,
but I think that's moreof a political piece.
When you look at thetechnical aspect of it,
it's not that much of an issue.
But, of course, the countrieswill use the dam as a piece.
Now, the current militaryin Sudan has stated
that they're still committedto elections in 2023,
which would now put the Sudan elections
on the same timeline technically
with the South Sudanese elections.
And if you listen to what is coming out
from the major military powers,
they're very tied to each other.
In this case, Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda,
and all the other powerswithin the region.
You're not seeing too much of a pushback
as far as the coup is concerned.
I think the worry that the Sudanese had,
the Sudanese military, wasthat it will be possible that
what Egypt went throughunder Obama administration,
where the MuslimBrotherhoods came to power,
that they were startingto feel that they were
being squeezed to the same level
under the current Biden administration,
who has some of the same oldadvisors that were under Obama.
And Jeff Feltman, who was aSpecial Envoy for the U.S.,
was there the day beforethe coup took place.
So you can kind of lookat what the possibility
of how badly your foreign policy is
somewhat feckless in the region.
- Do you think our officials even knew
that the Muslim Brotherhoodwas active there?
- I don't think they knew, to be honest.
And I think they were caught off guard.
I mean, you heard the president say
it was a surprise forhim as to what happened
within the region.
Some advisor had told him that.
The fact that it was the Sudanese military
that actually conducteda raid while it was there
on the ground in Kenyaagainst an ISIS cell
and they lost 10 of their officers showed
that ISIS and the MuslimBrotherhood was very active
within the borders of Sudan.
The worry is that this would have had
also destabilizing effects on South Sudan.
Even the South Sudanese militaryrecently has pushed back
on Salva Kiir's abilityto possibly control them
by saying that, "We're notgonna accept payments anymore
because we want to seea change in the military
of South Sudan," or I should say
in the future of South Sudan.
So the military is in the region,
from Egypt to Sudan and South Sudan,
somewhat are linkedtogether on the same pathway
with wanting to make sure that you get rid
of the Muslim Brotherhoodwithin the region.
- Well, Egypt knows that very well,
and we've seen the effect of that
when the Brotherhood cameinto power there in Egypt
and really persecutedthe Christians there.
So why should our viewers,people here in the USA
and around the world,be concerned about this?
- Concerned about it, because like I said,
it's a feckless ability of the U.S.
to be able to affect foreign policy
when you have your SpecialEnvoy the day after he leaves
for a coup to take place,and you have the POTUS
and the U.S. not knowing what's happening,
it's equivalent when wehad our CIA Chief meet
with the Taliban, and within 72 hours
an attack had taken placeagainst U.S. forces,
which was last, final suicide attack
against our forces beforewe left Afghanistan.
I think we are losing ourfootprint within the region.
I think if anybody reallyhad a very good understanding
of the region, as the Israelis,because at the same time
the transitional governmentwas looking forward
to being part of the Abraham Accord,
and I think when you hearnothing really seriously
coming out against thisparticular coup from the Israelis,
it means that they probably understood
what was happening on theground and U.S. had no clue.
- And quickly, how should we respond then,
the United States, at this point?
- Well, the issue is youcannot support a coup,
but at the same timeyou have to understand
why the coup took place.
All we could do is ensurethat we hold the current
military powers in Sudan to their word
that there will be elections in 2023
and help them and help the regional powers
to finally get rid ofthe Muslim Brotherhood
and ISIS that is operatingout of Horn of Africa.
Because if they're operational, then,
as it was before the 2019 coup
where you saw Bashirout, Iran even was able
to use Bashir to move whatit wanted within the region.
We need to get rid of the ability
for these terror operatingnetworks in state
to be functioning and have a foothold
and roots in Horn of Africa.
- Okay, Sargis Sangari, CEO
of the Near East Centerfor Strategic Engagement.
Thank you, Sargis, for sharing your time
and insights, we appreciate it.
- Thank you very much, God bless.
- For a look at moreimportant trends and stories
in the news, watch the "Global Lane."
It's tonight at 8:30 Easternon the CBN News Channel.
Or you can watch it on the CBN news app.
(dramatic music)
Coming up, award-winningChristian artist Lauren Daigle
talks about the powerful influence
she hopes Christian musichas in this generation
and in the future.
We're gonna hear fromher when we come back.
Stay with us.(dramatic music)
(bright music)
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- Award-winning Christianartist Lauren Daigle believes
that Christian music canreally make a difference
in the world today, justas it has for generations.
Speaking recently at a music awards event,
she told a reporter thatChristian musicians should focus
on songs that point to Christand bring people together.
- If the Christian musicindustry taps into that
and understands we have thething that will ring true
for all hearts of men,for every single person,
we have an answer for hopeless times.
We have the hope of the world.
So if we can tap into that in our writing
and our lyricism and in our melodies,
then we'll have a song thatthe world can cling to.
- Daigle is one of the contemporary
Christian music industry'smost award-winning artists.
At just 30 years old, her soulful music
and voice have brought chart-topping hits
like "You Say" from her"Look Up Child" album,
both of which were winnersat the 2019 Grammys.
Well, that's gonna do it for this edition
of "CBN Newswatch."
Remember, you can findmore of our news programs
on the CBN News Channel anytime
or online with CBNNews.com.
Also tell us what you thinkabout the stories you've seen
by emailing Newswatch@CBN.com.
Or talk to us on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram.
Hope you'll join us nexttime, have a great day.
(dramatic music)