Calls Grow for Loudoun County School Officials to Resign After 2 Rapes Tied to Trans Bathroom Policy
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- After months of turmoilover COVID restrictions,
Critical Race theory,and transgender policies,
there are now reportsof two sexual assaults
by a gender fluid boy.
The county's new bathroompolicy and a recent change
to state law are back in the spotlight.
Superintendent Scott Ziegler apologizing
after two girls reportedthe sexual assault
on school grounds.
- I am sorry that we failed toprovide the safe, welcoming,
and affirming environmentthat we aspire to provide.
- [Tara] According to theCommonwealth's attorney,
the same teenager isaccused in both incidents
that happened months apart
at different Loudoun County high schools.
In one, the attack tookplace in a girl's restroom.
The alleged attacker allowed access
by the school's transgender policy.
Scott Smith, the father of that victim,
is suing the school systemafter being arrested
while trying to confront theboard at a recent meeting.
- The whole thing was handled poorly.
- [Tara] The superintendentand the school board members
insist they were not awareof the specific details
of this incident until it wasreported in media outlets.
- Mr. Ziegler, how couldhave you lied to all
of these parents about whathad happened to my daughter?
- [Tara] This all brings renewed criticism
on two controversial measures.
The county's recentlyadopted rule allowing
transgender students to use restrooms
that match their gender identity,
a policy supported byVirginia's Board of Education,
and HB257, a bill passedin the legislature
by the democrat majority that ended
mandatory school reportingof certain crimes,
including sexual battery.
- So that parents aren't aware so that
law enforcement isn't aware and I think
that had a direct impact on how
they handled both of these rapes.
- [Tara] Amid the latest fallout,
one school board member abruptly resigned
and there are new calls for thesuperintendent to step down.
- His false statement on June 22nd
and his failure to keepan alleged assailant
out of school are far worse andmerit immediate termination.
- And the school board policieswill no doubt have a big
impact on the Virginia governor's race.
And by the way, Loudoun is ground zero
for protests all around the country.
And now Attorney General Merrick Garland
is ordering the fedsto investigate threats
of harassment and violence against
school officials clearlydirected at parents, Gordon,
and also certainly isgoing to be a huge issue
in the midterms as well.
- Tara, what can youtell us about this case?
It just seems to be incredible
that school officialswould allow a predator
back into school to repeat the crime.
How in the world did that happen?
- You know, that's a great question.
And in fact, Glenn Youngkin,
the Republican candidate for governor,
actually just called for an investigation
into the Loudoun County School Board
because there's a lot ofconflicting information.
The school board saysthere's misinformation
that's floating around.
The superintendent saysthere's misinformation.
But yeah, there's bigquestions into this timeline
and who knew what and when,
and if anybody is hiding anything,
I know the father, SteveSmith, has come out
and said that he was silenced.
They told them not tosay anything for so long
and now he's finallyspeaking out months later.
So definitely we'll seeif Youngkin gets that
investigation into the school board.
I think a lot of people wouldagree that needs to be done.
- All right, well, Terry McAuliffe,
one of the candidates for governor,
has come out and said parentsshould have no influence
on what's being taught in schools.
How is that statementresonating in the race?
- Well, I'll tell you Youngkinseized on that immediately
after McAuliffe had saidthat not so long ago,
but then just last nightMcAuliffe or recently was starting
to backpedal and Youngkin seized on that
and now has a new ad out there
basically playing McAuliffe'swords over and over
that essentially he doesnot want parents involved
in their kids' education.
So you have to believe sinceMcAuliffe was backpedaling
a little bit, essentiallysaying they twisted my words,
that it's not gone over very well.
So definitely a lot ofpeople are very concerned
about education.
I think you're going to be hard pressed
to find any parent,conservative, liberal, whatever,
who's not going to be involvedor want to be involved
in their kids' education.
So this has proven tobe a very huge point.
And the fact that Youngkin hasnow got another ad out there,
I really believe theybelieve they're going
to have big success on this point.
- How is this going toplay out in the midterms
and the national elections next year?
It seems like this is areal hot button issue.
Explicit sexual materialin school libraries,
the teaching of genderidentity, all of these things.
How is this going to play out next year?
- You've got to believe theDemocrats are very concerned
because this has been a long time coming.
So first, you had all theissues about the mask mandates,
reopening schools, now vaccinations,
Critical Race theory,and now porn in textbooks
and sexual assaults now in Loudoun County.
But these issues are not playing out
just in Loudoun County, thoughthat's the eye of the storm.
They're playing out all over the country.
And as time has gone on,
the crowds are gettingbetter, or bigger rather.
More parents are speakingup for their children.
More people are showing up atthese school board meetings.
And certainly, this is goingto play out at the local level,
the state level, and quite possibly
in the presidential election as well.
It's a growing issue,all of these combined,
and it clearly is not goingaway anytime soon, Gordon.
- Well, Tara, thanks for the report.
For you at home, I justthink that this is going
to be such an incredibleissue going forward.
You have on top of the protests,
you have the sitting AttorneyGeneral Merrick Garland
instructing the FBI tostart creating a database
called domestic terrorism because
concerned parents want their voices heard.
If you could imagine being arrested
because you protestyour daughter was raped
in a school bathroom.
That's the extent of this.
And then on top of it, you're now going
to be labeled some kindof domestic terrorist.
This makes no sense to me.
There's a very definitereason the homeschool
movement is booming right now because
people are taking theirchildren out of public schools.
Well, voters in Virginia and New Jersey,
there's an election comingup, isn't that wonderful?
They're going to the pollsTuesday, November 2nd
to elect their governors,
representatives in the state capitals.
You can watch our specialelection night coverage
on the CBN News Channel.
And this certainly will havenational implications for 2022.
Just how mad people are about
where we're going as a country.