Job or Jab? Millions of Americans Being Forced to Choose Between Their Career or Their Beliefs
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- CBN's Brody Carter
is following the fight against COVID-19,
speaking to Americans whosay they will not comply.
And Brody, the Biden administration
is facing a growing number of lawsuits
because of these mandates.
- Well John and Jenna, now thecourt fight going to the top.
The Liberty Counsel submittingthis class action lawsuit,
it's more than 450 pages,
suing the Biden administration
for mandates they charge break the law.
Meantime, everyday people,they're joining together
in a growing movement thatsays we will not comply.
- [Crowd] Our children, our choice!
- [Brody] Protestserupting across the country
over COVID-19 mandates,
from teachers in California
or the Chicago'sFraternal Order of Police.
- I can no longer staysilent on this issue
of mandated vaccines for children.
- [Brody] Federal employees
must be fully vaccinated by November 22nd.
That includes legislativestaff, civil servants,
and the military.
As the day draws near,the pushback is growing.
- Three main arguments.
One, that these mandates
violate the EmergencyUse Authorization Law.
Two, it violates the First Amendment.
And three, they violate
the Federal ReligiousFreedom and Restoration Act.
- [Brody] The Liberty Counsel
now suing the federal government
over these vaccine mandates.
Their clients?
More than 25,000 people,civilians and military,
who say they've hadenough of the government
telling them what to do .
- [Doug] This is not a choice for us.
This is an ultimatum on us
to get a vaccine that we don't consent to
in order to keep our jobsand to keep our livelihood.
- [Brody] Retired NavySenior Chief Doug Feist
works as a contractor forVertex Aerospace in Mississippi.
The father of five saysthe company is unwilling
to accept his religious exemption.
If Feist does not get thevaccine by December 8th,
he told me he could be out ofa job and even lose his house.
- You feel like a caged animal, Brody.
You're put in a corner.
- Because they're not even allowing,
in the military, for example,
consideration of religious freedom.
That's a clear violation of the law.
- [Brody] The lawsuit comes
as the Delta Plus variant ramps up.
As an emergency move, theFDA is racing to make Moderna
and J&J boosters availablefor all Americans.
But even GOP governors arepushing back against mandates.
Montana Governor GregGianforte telling CBN News.
- This Delta variant isdangerous, it's spreading quickly,
but it's spreading whetherthere are mandates or not
and unfortunately thesemandates have created
an economic pandemic
where previously we onlyhad a health pandemic.
- To clarify religious exemptions,
experts tell us if youhave a religious exemption
toward the vaccine,
that should be the endof the conversation.
No questions asked.
Now, you can't make peopleviolate their conscience.
This is why the Liberty Counselbelieves the First Amendment
and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
gives their litigation legs to stand on.
Jenna and Jenna, back to you.