Pastor Paula White Cain’s latest book, A Pathway to His Presence, is designed to express how we are intricately designed to communicate with God, much like the design of the Holy Tabernacle.
Read Transcript
- The Bible spends 60 chapters
on details about the tabernacle.
To put that in perspective,
there are only two chapters dedicated
to the creation of the universe.
Why is so much attention
paid to minutia about lamp stands
and curtain clasps?
Well, according to Paula White-Cain,
these chapters provide thepathway to God's presence.
(elegant piano music)
- When bestselling author,
Paula White-Cain became a Christian.
She wanted to learn about Godand experience His presence.
A journey that she continuesto pursue to this day
as senior pastor of City ofDestiny church in Florida.
She says, God laid out inHis old Testament tabernacle,
the way to experience His presence.
In her latest book, APathway to His Presence,
Paula shares the significanceand details of the tabernacle
and how God's desire to dwell among us
is still relevant today.
- Well, Paula White-Cainjoins us now via Skype.
Paula, it's great to haveyou back on the show.
- It's great to be with youTerry. I love it always.
- Well, will you share with us,
what led you to want to studythe Old Testament tabernacle?
- I would love to.
It's so drastically changed my life.
I was a young girldidn't grow up in church.
When I was 18 years old,
I got radically saved
and someone gave me a Bible.
I really didn't know what a Bible was
and never been to church
and I just begin to get in it.
And she said, 60 chapters.
I said, this is important to God.
And boy, did I begin to see that!
And people would say, well, why now?
I believe the times call for it, Terry.
We need the presenceof God more than ever.
We need to find that intimacy, intimacy.
We must get strength from Him,
power and the inspirationthat we will only find
that impartation, I should say.
We will only find in the Holy of Holies.
Because in uncertain times
and the Holy of Holies, itbrings us to revelation.
And so that's important
because our spirit has three functions.
And during this time,
revelation of course means an unveiling,
a supernatural ability to see things.
So during this time of a woke culture,
the tabernacle and God's presence,
that pathway to his presence,
calls for deep desire for holiness
and for communion with God.
And we need it.
- Yeah. You know,
I think all of us would agree
that with where things are at today,
we want that intimacy.
We know that we need it.
It seems so detailed in these chapters.
Why does the Bible spend so much time
talking about the tabernacle?
- Well, I believe the tabernacle
really shows
the details of God's plan for mankind,
redemption, salvation.
As a baby Christian,
I would always say
it was hard to even understand that the
salvation plan and God's whole plan
without understanding thedetails of the tabernacle.
Details do matter to God.
So I took this book andI made it very practical
and simplified.
Because you can,
this is something you couldspend your entire life studying.
And I took the outer court,
the inner court and the Holy of Holies,
and really showed us howthat relates to our body,
our soul and our spirit.
And so, we see how everything,
the veils, the curtains,the pieces of furniture.
And I go through itthrough the whole book,
what they have meaningof, when you walk in,
I mean, just the lighting. Okay.
The outer court has natural lighting.
The inner court is lit by the lamp stand
and that's with olive oil,
which is the illuminationof the Holy Spirit.
The Holy of Holies is Shekinah Glory,
and that's the presence of God.
And so every, I mean,
we could stay here for six hours Terry
talking about, well, howdoes that relate to me?
Because the deeper yougo in to the tabernacle,
the deeper you're going in toyour relationship with God.
You don't want to have a carnal mind.
You won't have a spiritual mind,
which is controlled by theHoly Spirit. So I lead you.
I'm not just telling you, I'm leading you.
How do you do this? Theveils represent something.
Every detail matters
and it's applicable to our life.
- Let's go to the entranceof the tabernacle,
because you start with more than that,
but let's go there today andtalk about the Bronze Altar.
What does that represent to us now, today?
- It's so much. Okay.
So as we go into theBronze Altar, of course,
it really represents presenting our body.
It represents the sacrificialdeath of Jesus Christ,
His shed, blood, a redemption for us.
So there are four sides to it. And again,
each one of those represent,
it represents sin,
the forgiveness of sin, et cetera.
It's the whole plan of redemption.
And so that is where wereally present our flesh.
It's the first thing,
because until we totallycome and surrender ourselves
own that, of course, Jesusbecame our sacrificial lamb.
He became the lamb of God that was slain.
Now in the Old Testament is where the
high priest would come,
sacrifice the animal for,
and they had to gothrough all these rituals
for the sins of Himself,for the sins of His people.
Take that blood once a year.
Thank goodness,
we don't have to wait for the grace
and the mercy of God once a year.
But for us, it represents.
You can't even progressinto the holy place,
much less the Holy of Holies
until you first present your body.
Which means repentance,
I come to you, God, I needyou, God present my flesh,
bring my flesh undersubjection of the will of God.
Then we can get to the bronze labor.
And we still aren'teven in the holy place.
- You mentioned a moment ago,
the veil having significance.
What's the significance behind the veil
and the Holy of Holies?
- Well, the first veil thatyou've got to go through,
it takes you into the holy place
and that represents Christ's resurrection.
He died conquered death,hell and the grave.
So you could conquerdeath, hell and the grave.
He took the keys to the enemy,
but the second billrepresents His Ascension.
So when we go into the Holy of Holies,
we recognize that we no longerare seated in earthly places.
We're seated in heavenly places.
Now I'm right here in Apopka, Florida.
I'm in this earth butaccording to the word of God,
I'm seated in heavenly places.
How? Through my relationshipwith Christ Jesus.
The Holy of Holies is only you,
John chapter four,
"those that worship God
must worship Him in spirit and in truth."
So your spirit has three main functions,
worship, not just whatwe do on Sunday mornings.
You know, lifting ourhands. It's true worship.
God is spirit. You must worship in spirit.
Fellowship, communionwith Him and revelation.
And these are the things inthe functions of the spirit,
which God really relatesto a spirit to spirit,
but there has to be a workdone through His word.
You're going through that bronze labor,
the washing of the word,
that the holy place,which represents our soul,
which means our will,
our human will, our intellect, our mind,
and our emotions
before we even get into that presence.
It's a fascinating study.
- Well, I think so manyof us are familiar with
the Ark of the Covenant
and the Mercy seat, butwhy are they so important?
- Oh my goodness. Again,we could be here forever.
The Ark of the Covenantand the Mercy seat,
of course, you know,
most people will sayI separate them as two
because they're too distinctive.
They're on top of each other.
That is all about the complete work
that was finished by Jesus Christ.
The detail of what that art contained.
Of course, Old Testament,
God lived in a box and he said,
this is the whole premiseof the book, Exodus 25:8,
"make me a sanctuary thatI may dwell with you."
The word dwell meansto homestead, to lodge.
God doesn't just want visitation with us.
He wants habitation, but he's a holy God.
And He demands certain things of us,
some people would say, well,
what does that demand? And how do I do it?
And not because He says, He'sa wonderful God, but He's God.
And so, as we get into that,
we see that the pieces that you had,
the 10 commandments andI go into the detail,
of Moses broke this the first time.
Second time God said,
don't even take him down to the people.
He put them into the Ark.
They represent the law of God.
Then you've got Aaron's rod that budded,
that represents authority.You've got Manna.
I go into each and everydetail of what it means
in your life in a very practical way.
And of course Mercy,
how can we ever talk about the Mercy seat?
Jesus, of course took His blood
after He was crucifiedburied in that borrowed tomb.
Rose again on the third day.
He ascended to heaven andput His blood on the altar
on the Mercy seat.
And it was because thatwe can boldly enter in
and obtain mercy and help in time of need.
We don't have to wait once a year
because of the finishedwork of our risen savior,
Jesus Christ.
- Well, you've touchedthe surface of everything
that's shared in your book.
Just want to say ourviewers can read it all.
Paula White-Cain's new bookAs a Pathway to His Presence,
How to Enter The Holy ofHolies and it is available now.
Wherever books are sold.
Paula, thank you so much.
Great to see you again.
- Thank you, Terry. Be blessed.
- You too.