On Newswatch AM October 13th: Supply chain bottlenecks leading to inflation and shortages; House Democrats pass short-term extension to federal debt ceiling, avoiding a crisis- for now; World Health Organization to launch new committee this ... ...
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(logo whooshes)
- Welcome to "CBNNewswatch." I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, if you've been in a store,
you've felt the pain in yourpocketbook from inflation.
We're gonna take a look at thebottlenecks in supply chains
that's leading to shortagesand higher prices.
As Israel deals with COVID,
it also uses somethingcalled a Green Pass,
giving people who've beenvaccinated greater access
to public locationslike indoor restaurants.
But not everyone likes it,
with some protestorstaking to the streets.
one of the first thingsPresident Biden did
upon taking office, cancelingPresident Trump's border wall.
So what's been theimpact of that decision?
- Without that infrastructure,without that barrier there,
the cartels are freeto cross their products
anywhere that they want.
- [Efrem] And how elsehas it affected taxpayers,
contractors, and workers?
John Cooper, the front man forthe Christian band, Skillet,
shares the story behindtheir newest single.
- When we were coming up with the title,
"Surviving the Game," itjust felt right to me.
- [Efrem] We'll hear what he has to say
about their latest music inhis interview with "Studio 5."
Those stories and moretoday on "CBN Newswatch."
- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."
- And we began with an important topic
for Americans acrossthe country, inflation.
One big cause, bottlenecksin business supply chains,
leading to shortages.
President Biden meetswith CEOs and leaders
of the nation's biggest ports today.
That meeting coming ascompanies try to solve
those supply chain issues andconsumers brace themselves
for higher prices and shippingdelays this holiday season.
Charlene Aaron has the story.
- [Charlene] Bottlenecks and backups
at some of the nation'sbusiest shipping ports
are creating a shortageof just about everything,
from computers and furnitureto household items.
President Biden meetingtoday with major retailers
and suppliers, includingWalmart, UPS, and Home Depot,
as well as port leaders,
an effort to stave offshortages Americans may face
as delays threaten theholiday shopping season.
- What happens with therailroads in the Midwest
and warehouses across the country
affects the number of ships
that everyone sees out here in the harbor.
- [Charlene] Ports in Los Angelesand Long Beach, California
account for 40% of all shippingcontainers entering the US.
According to the MarineExchange of Southern California,
as of Monday, there were 62ships docked at the two ports
and 81 waiting to dock and unload.
The result, empty store shelves.
- In order to keep your shelves full,
we have to order eight weeksin advance, eight to six weeks.
- Basically, what I'vebeen telling people to do
is start shopping early,even before Halloween.
- [Charlene] And if you'rehoping to buy that hot toy
for a child this Christmas,Amazon says order now.
Otherwise, you're likelyto receive a message
saying out of stock or limitedsupply or expect delays.
And it's not just toys in short supply.
Financial Issues' radioand TV host Dan Celia
told CBN's "Global Lane" what'sbehind the supply crisis.
- First and foremost, a trucking issue
more than it is anything else.
The supply chain bottlenecks started
with manufacturing issues.
They couldn't manufacture fast enough.
And then we had a container bottleneck.
those big shipping containers.
A year ago, it costs$1,900 to use a container.
Now it's costing $16,000
because they're using the container
for storage on the ships in the ports,
and there's a shortage of that,creating another bottleneck.
- [Charlene] Celia saysthe issue could drag on
for quite some time, which he believes
points to increased inflation.
- We haven't even begunto see the inflation
that is gonna come from all of this
to get these products into the stores,
if we can ever do it.
And I'm more worried aboutfood getting to supermarkets
than I am anything becausethat could be another problem.
- [Charlene] But TreasurySecretary Janet Yellen
is cautioning against panic buying.
- I think there's no reason for consumers
to panic about the absence of goods
that they're gonna wantto acquire at Christmas.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile,the Port of Los Angeles
has committed to operating 24/7
to try to reduce the congestion.
Big retailers and shippingcompanies are also pledging
to expand their hours.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- House Democrats passeda short-term increase
in the nation's debt ceiling Tuesday
that allows the governmentto pay its bills
into early December and avoidan unprecedented default.
President Biden is expected
to sign the measure later this week,
but a potential crisis hasonly been averted for now.
This expires in early December,
and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
has warned the president thatRepublicans will not help
to pass a debt extension asthey did in a Senate vote
just last week.
The World Health Organization
will be launching anew committee this week
to look into the originsof the coronavirus.
The "New York Times" reports
the new team will include specialists
in fields like laboratorysafety and biosecurity.
Some have argued
the virus may have comefrom a lab in China.
Back here in the US,
Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration has submitted
its first draft of PresidentBiden's vaccine mandate.
That mandate has met with pushback
from many Republican governors and others.
And in Israel, after nine months
of a massive vaccination campaign,
the country is relying heavily
on what's called its Green Pass.
Now it allows those who've been vaccinated
to have greater access to public places.
As CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell reports,
this growing dependence on it
is causing stress among some Israelis.
- [Chris] Prime MinisterNaftali Bennett sounded positive
as statistics show Israelrecovering from its fourth surge
of the pandemic.
(speaking Hebrew)
- [Interpreter] In the battleagainst the coronavirus,
it seems at this point thatwe have the upper hand.
All parameters show a gradualdecrease in morbidity.
The confirmed cases are in decline.
- [Chris] Still, Bennett cautioned
against relaxing preventative efforts.
(Bennett speaking Hebrew)
- [Interpreter] Despite theoverall positive direction,
no one should enter into complacency
facing the elusive virus.
We're continuing with thecampaign with our might
and we're also preparingfor the next stage.
- [Chris] That includes achange to Israel's Green Pass.
Technical difficultiespostponed its launch,
but only those who've receiveda booster or a second dose
or have recovered allless than six months ago
will qualify for the pass.
Venues such as indoor restaurants, gyms,
and university campusesare expected to check
each patron's pass and ID.
That sent protesters to the streets
against the Green Passes
and what they called forced compliance.
- We are totally againstany forced vaccinations
or any forced medications.
- [Chris] Signs in car windows said,
"Tomorrow, it's you,"and "Democracy is gone."
- I've representedIsrael across the world,
I've gone on collegecampuses, I fought for Israel,
and I'm ashamed todayof what Israel is doing.
- [Chris] Israel began offeringthe Pfizer Biotech boosters
to those over 12, and more than 1/3
of the nine millioncitizens have received it
according to the Health Ministry.
From the beginning, medicalexperts have had mixed reactions
to the Green Passes.
Renowned immunologist Dr. Zvi Bentwich
of Ben-Gurion University is part
of the Emergency PublicCouncil for the corona crisis.
- We are not against vaccination,
but we are against the usage of a measure
that would cause discrimination
and enforcement ofmeasures that would impinge
on basically on human rights.
- [Chris] Professor David Enoch
at the Hebrew Universityin Jerusalem disagrees.
- When done properly,
it does not violate human or civil rights.
Given at least a verysuccessful vaccination effort,
Green Passport policyis the way to do that.
- Having a policy, let'ssay in restaurants,
that everybody will wear a mask
and there would be somesort of distancing,
but by saying that youcannot enter a place
unless you have this passport,that's a different story.
- [Chris] For the most part,
Israelis just want lifeto return to normal,
including allowing anunlimited number of tourists
back in the country.
Until then, even disagreeing medical minds
will continue to look forways to successfully prevent
and treat the virus.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
(air whooshes)
- [Efrem] Coming up, the costof not building up the wall
on America's southern border.
We're gonna bring you a closer look
from the people caught in themiddle of all the politics
when we come back.
(dramatic music)
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- One of the first thingsPresident Joe Biden did
after taking office was to pull the plug
on building the wallon our southern border.
So, what did President Biden'sdecision cost taxpayers,
contractors, and thousands of workers?
CBN's Tara Mergener traveledto the Rio Grande Valley
to find out who's been left in the lurch.
- As promised, PresidentBiden has stopped construction
of the US border wall with Mexico,
Donald Trump's signature project.
(indistinct radio chatter)
(man shouting in Spanish)
- [Tara] All along theTexas-Mexico border.
- We're going to build a wall.
- [Tara] A scene frozen in time.
- The Biden administrationchose to do nothing.
- [Tara] Once busy work sites.
- Government contracted crews
are set to break ground in the spring.
- [Man] Build that wall, buildthat wall, build that wall.
- It was good for the economy.
It was good for the valley.
It was good for the people.
- [Tara] Sit silent, gaping holes,
the hallmark of a border wall.
- People are going tocome into our country,
but they're going to comeinto our country legally.
- [Tara] Gone bust.
(video zips)
- [Biden] There will notbe another foot of wall
constructed on my administration.
(ominous music)
- [Tara] With the stroke of a pen,
President Biden bringing an abrupt end
to Donald Trump's four-yearfight to finish this wall.
(tense music)
While the wall is mostly outof the national spotlight,
the issue remains hot inthe Rio Grande Valley,
the busiest spot for illegalimmigration in the country.
(traffic rushes)
- It's 7:29.
You're still at 710 KURV.
- [Tara] Wall or no wall?
- In my audience, the KURV audience,
which is generally business-minded,
they're businessmanagers, business owners,
and just hard-workingpeople, overwhelmingly,
overwhelmingly, this audience, absolutely,
they'd say yes to the wall.
- [Tara] During the Trump administration,
the US government paved the way
for hundreds of additionalsections of wall to be built
along the 2,000-mile border.
(video zips)
Biden ditched the projecthis first day in office.
- They're not worried abouthow it's hurting us here.
- [Tara] A delight to Democrats.
- A wall is an immorality.
- [Tara] And environmentalists.
- [Woman] For every mile of border wall
that they are building,they are clearing 20 acres
of habitat.
- [Tara] But a blow tooutnumbered agents and officers
tasked with slowing the flow of drugs.
- Without that infrastructure,without that barrier there,
the cartels are freeto cross their products
anywhere that they want.
- And criminals increasinglyable to bypass them
and get deeper into the country.
Human smuggling arrests
are now skyrocketing herein the Rio Grande Valley.
In Hidalgo County alone, theyare now making several a day.
- The numbers are just going up.
They'll go down for a week.
They'll come right back up the next week.
So I don't see an end in sight.
- [Tara] Behind the scenes, astruggle of a different kind.
(ominous music)
- We have one of thehighest poverty rates.
It's really just very disappointing.
- Sections of the wall like this one
can be spotted all overthe Rio Grande Valley now.
When the Biden administration
stopped construction of the wall,
an estimated 5,000 people lost their jobs.
And what was your reaction?
- Well, I took it a bit hard
because I was counting on that.
I was counting on that job.
- [Tara] So was GranchelliConstruction, hired.
- And people came downfrom all over the country,
hired local people.
- [Tara] Then firedwhen the wall was nixed.
How many people did you haveto lay off after this happened?
- 40.
- This is where a sectionof the wall was gonna be.
- Yes.
Right along the river here.
Was about a 4.7-mile segment.
- [Tara] But the companyis still on the hook
for the millions it poured
into a cement plantbuilt just for the wall,
leasing land.
- It's about 35 or 40,000a month we're carrying.
- [Tara] And buying equipment he says
the federal governmentwon't let him use or sell.
- We're waiting.
They say they're gonna reimburse everyone,
but it hasn't happened yet.
- At this site, there areexactly 1,087 steel panels
that would have been enoughfor two miles of border wall.
This dried up paint can and some cobwebs,
reminders of what might have been.
(tense guitar music)
- It's just a bad deal.
I laid off 32 employees.
- [Tara] AJ Steel LLC,who made these panels,
also remains in limbo.
How much money did youlose when this stopped?
- I'm at, right now, alittle bit over $300,000.
- [Tara] As bills pile up.
- I sent a certified letterlast week demanding payment.
- [Tara] From the contractor?
- From the contractor.
And he basically told me,
he said, "I ain't gotthe money to pay you."
- [Tara] And you're stuck.
- Yes.
Now the owners off of this property
are asking me for $20,000 a month
until all this material'smoved out of here.
At the end of the day, ifI don't get my money soon,
I'll just take all this and scrap it.
- [Tara] Like Garza and Granchelli,
many South Texas contractorsare hoping Governor Greg Abbott
will make good on his promiseto resume building the wall
where Donald Trump left off.
- Had the border so closed, the best ever,
and now it's coming through at levels
that they've never seen before.
- [Tara] Using 250 million in state money
and taking donations to fill holes
along the 1,200-milestretch of border here.
- Texas is stepping up and doing a job
that is truly thefederal government's job.
- [Tara] A plan that doesn'tsit well with everyone.
- And definitely not allow states to enact
or govern themselves when itcomes to this federal issue
because it's not their issue.
- Polls show Texans are split
over whether or not tobuild the border wall.
Meanwhile, the country is on track
for two million illegalcrossings, like this one, in 2021.
In South Texas, I'mTara Mergener, CBN News.
(air whooshes)
- [Efrem] Still ahead,Skillet has a new release
that's all about surviving.
The story behind the song next
from a "Studio 5"interview right after this.
(dramatic music).
(inquisitive music)
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- Yeah, yeah.
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- Christian rock band Skillet
is touring again with new music.
"Surviving the Game" isthe band's latest track.
Its front man, John Cooper,takes a break from the stage
to sit down with us in "Studio 5."
(upbeat rock music)
- To be more than a conqueror,
you have to learn to enjoy the pain
if you want to survive the game.
When we were coming up with the title,
"Surviving the Game," itjust felt right to me.
(energetic rock music)
You are, you're surviving it, you know.
You're optimistic, but itdoesn't ignore the difficulty.
♪ 'Cause I was born for this ♪
Sin is causing us to suffer.
We're all gonna be sufferingdown here to some degree,
you know what I mean, and that's what
"Surviving the Game" is about.♪ Fighting for my focus ♪
♪ Give the pain a purpose ♪
Christ has won thatbattle over death and sin,
but we are still here andthere is still some suffering.
There's a lot of battlethat we have to do.
♪ Who never bowed a kneewhen it's do or die ♪
♪ Do or die ♪
Victory on this earth isgoing to be a perpetual thing.
It's a daily decision.
You know, spiritually,the victory has been won,
but you gotta walk through it.
♪ Survive, survivin' the game ♪
I can be unstoppable,gonna walk through hell,
gonna shake the walls.
I mean, that's the lyrics of the chorus.
And that, to me, summarizes all of that.
I know I can be unstoppablebecause of Christ.
♪ Gonna be indestructible ♪
♪ I can be unstoppable ♪
♪ Gonna be indestructible ♪
When that guitar riff comes in,
it feels very, like, out of control.
And I think that people recognize,yeah, I feel chaotic too.
They should.
I mean, the world isjust absolutely insane
right now.♪ Demon defiant ♪
♪ And I won't ever let this kingdom fall ♪
The best part of the job, honestly,
is knowing that your song hastouched someone in some way.
And you see it when youplay live, you see people.
The first show we cameback and played this year,
I mean, there were people crying.
People, like, cried.
They were so happy, they were crying.
I remember thinking,
at first, I was thinking,
I can't believe it, but Ikind of felt emotional too.
It was so wonderful to see people unify.
♪ Livin' the impossible ♪
♪ I'm a champion, indestructible ♪
♪ Survive, 'cause I'm survivin' the game ♪
There's a song about, youknow, the not bowing your knee.
Not bowing the knee couldhave political implications,
civil implications, religious to it.
They can have all these implications.
But if I could look atthe box of Christianity,
there is a lot of pressure
for people in the entertainment industry
to stop being so blatant about the gospel.
You're even losing support invast swaths of Christianity
where they're like,"That's just too radical.
You shouldn't be saying it that radical."
♪ Survive, survivin' the game ♪
♪ Livin' the impossible ♪
♪ I'm a champion, indestructible ♪
♪ Survive, 'cause I'm survivin' the game ♪
So I think a lot of our fans,
they pick up on what these lyrics mean.
When I say, "Never bow theknee when it's do or die,"
they know what I'm talking about.
Even if they can have allsorts of other implications,
I hope it encourages peopleto stand up for their faith.
♪ Survive, 'cause I'm survivin' the game ♪
♪ I can be unstoppable ♪
♪ Gonna be indestructible ♪
♪ I can be unstoppable ♪
♪ Gonna be indestructible ♪
- And for more stories like this,
be sure to catch an all new edition
of "Studio 5" this evening.
Tonight, we sit down with a new face
and a popular televisiondrama, "Queen Sugar,"
we go behind the scenesof the latest Bond film,
and Justin Bieber has a new documentary.
They're all part of this week's show.
You can catch "Studio 5"on the CBN News Channel
at 8:30 Eastern Time this evening,
or you can find it on the CBN News app.
(air whooshes)
Up next, she's 110 years young
and we're gonna hear what she says
has been the key to her long life.
We've got the story foryou when we come back.
Stay with us.
(dramatic music)
(light music)
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- A woman who just turned 110
credits her relationship with God
as the source of her long and happy life.
Viola Brown of Berryville, Virginia
celebrated her specialday back on October 4th
with an array of friends andfamily stopping by her home
to wish her another blessed birthday.
That is according tothe "Winchester Star."
The county even named October 4, 2021
as Viola Roberts Lampkin Brown Day.
The supercentenarian said she was honored
to receive the recognition,
"but every day that the good Lord
lets me stay here is my day."
Brown's nephew, Andrew Roberts,told the "Christian Post"
his great aunt lives for theLord and seeks to honor Him
in every area of her life.
He says, "There's never one minute
that Jesus doesn't drip from her lips."
You can see the full story onViola's life at CBNNews.com.
Time now for your Wednesday Word,
and today's word is ordinary.
Remember this: God uses ordinary people
to do extraordinary things.
He only asks that you'd beavailable, willing, and obedient.
With that word, I encourage you
to make this a wonderful Wednesday
and be sure to have yourselfa wonderful rest of the week.
That is a wrap for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."
You can always find moreof our news programs
on the CBN News Channel atanytime online at CBNNews.com.
We'd love to know what youthink about the stories
you've seen today.
You can email us, newswatch@cbn.com.
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Make it a wonderful Wednesday.
We'll see you right back here tomorrow.
Bye-bye everybody.
(dramatic music)