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Discovering God’s Purpose as Victim to Victor

As a female bodybuilder, Whitney’s physical strength is part of her job. But when her ex-boyfriend tried to kill her with his car all that was taken away. Would she be able to walk, train and compete again? Read Transcript

(dramatic tense music)- I had 911 on the phone

and fully expected tofind a dead body there

in the parking lot.

Her body was broken and bruised

and just not laying in a normal way.

I thought there's no way thatanyone would ever be able

to get up and walk fromsomething like this ever again.

It was just the mosttraumatic thing I've ever seen

in my life.

- [Narrator] September 13, 2011.

Eddie Wilson was returningto work after a walk

on his lunch break.

As he approached the building,

something caught his attention.

- I heard the squeal of a car

over to the right(car squealing)

and I look over, and there'sa big, huge, black SUV

just squealing its tires

and taking off out of the parking lot.

- [Narrator] Just momentsearlier inside the SUV,

his co-worker, WhitneyWiser, just broke up

with her abusive boyfriend.

Now, as she walked away from his car,

he hit the gas(car revving)

and sped towards her.

- And then the next thing I knew is

that the SUV absolutely(wheels squealing)

plowed into her.

And then I heard the sound

and saw her as she was underneath the SUV

and the tires were going over her.

And at that point I couldnot process what I was seeing

because you're not supposedto see things like that.

- [Narrator] Eddie called 911,

as he ran down toWhitney's broken body lying

on the pavement.(dramatic tense music)

- You could tell that shewas in tremendous pain.

At that point there was absolutelynothing else I could do,

but to grab her hand andpray with her right there

on the spot.(sirens wailing)

- [Narrator] Whitney struggled to breathe,

as she clung to life.

She had several severe injuries,

including a broken back and cracked ribs.

She was rushed toVanderbilt Medical Center.

Dr. R. J. Harris wasone of her physicians.

- Was on the way to seeher, looked at her chart,

and I was really surprisedthat she was still alive

after reading what had happened.

She was in pretty bad shape.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Deeanna Wall,

a Pastor at Whitney's Church arrived

at the hospital to pray for her.

- I looked down on thegurney at a beautiful person

who was battered, bleeding, broken.

I got down as close as Icould and I told her, I said,

"Whitney, God's got plans for your life.

And He's going to bring you through this.

You hang on."

- [Narrator] Whitneyhad been a rising star

in bodybuilding competitions.

After her emergency spinal surgery,

it was unclear if shewould ever compete again

or even be able to walk.

- 'Cause I just didn't wanna eat.

I did not want to even try

to walk just because(mellow piano music)

of the level of pain that I was in.

And I still like, I just didn't understand

that coming from bodybuildingand the strength training.

It's like I'm invincible,right? (chuckling)

- [Narrator] She began physical therapy

with the same determinationthat brought her success

in bodybuilding.

Over the next weeks,

she went from walking a few steps a day

to walking a few hours a day.

She says she put her lifeand future in God's hands.

- I had 100% faith and trust in Him

that I didn't understand why that happened

or why it had to happen.

But I trusted Him thatI was gonna be okay.

I also, within a coupleweeks of it happening,

I was able to forgive myex-boyfriend for doing that,

which clearly was not me.

That's God.

Because being able toforgive somebody that tried

to take your life and everything from you,

I feel like it's not humanly possible

to forgive that that fast.

And so that was God, 100%.

- [Narrator] Despite her brokenback, Whitney trained hard

and miraculously becamestronger than before.

She even returned tothe bodybuilding stage

at the top level, the Olympia.(upbeat dramatic music)

- Not just that I got to the biggest stage

and best stage in the world,

but because I did it after what happened

and that's, I mean, that's a miracle.

That's God,

and that's God takes (chuckling)the most broken people

to do things with.

And so that's what I feellike His purpose was for it.

- It's a miracle, it really is.

The fact that she's walkingthrough life with health,

that she's walking throughhealth with forgiveness,

that she's walking through lifewith a purpose and a meaning

and doing this all through her faith

and her passion for the Lord.

It's just an amazing thing.

- [Narrator] Through this experience,

Whitney discovered God'spurpose for her life.

She started her own bodybuilding show,

encouraging women to overcometheir challenges like she did,

with the power of God.

- When I tell people my story,

it's like all barriers come down,

all walls come down and they're open.

And they're like, "Ifshe went through that,

I can go through this."

So it's just, it's empowering.

God brought me back so much stronger

that I made it to the Olympia.

And I was on a stagewith the best athletes

in the entire world after that.

So the power of God. (chuckling)

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