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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - September 12, 2021

Gordon, you say to ask for healing as if you already have received it. I just don’t quite understand. How do I do that? Read Transcript

- [Terry] Richard says, "Gordon,you say to ask for healing

as if you already have received it.

I just don't quite understand.

How do I do that?"

- Well, I'm giving you something

that Jesus taught his disciples

and you'll find it Mark, chapter 11.

Interesting story wherehe's going to the temple.

There's a fig tree and it's a symbol.

It's both literallyhappens, but it's a symbol.

He goes to the fig treeexpecting to find fruit

and there's no fruit.

And he says, "Let noone eat from you again."

And so the next day,

Jesus and the disciples arepassing by the same tree

and the disciples see the tree

withered from the root overnight and they're amazed.

And they say, "How does that happen?"

And Jesus says to them,

"Well, if you have just a mustard seed,

you can say to this mountain be removed

and cast into the sea."

But then it gets veryspecific that when you pray

believe that you have already received

and you will have it.

For us praying specifically

for physical healing in our bodies,

believe that by hisstripes, we were healed.

When was Jesus beaten? Well,that was 2000 years ago.

So when were you healed?Well, same time period.

2000 years ago.

Here's a question for you

if you're struggling with that belief.

When we are sins forgiven?

Well, actually they were forgiven

before you even committed them.

The way of salvation hadalready been prepared.

So follow that same way,the way of the cross,

when praying for healing.

Realize your disease, your illness,

has already been healedbefore you even got it.

Now that is tough for some people,

particularly when you have symptoms,

but that's what I meant by that.


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