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Lebanon Goes Dark as Country Teeters Under Political, Economic Crisis

Lebanon Goes Dark as Country Teeters Under Political, Economic Crisis Read Transcript

- [Reporter] The blackout plunged Beirut,

once known as the Parisof the Middle East,

into the dark.

For a time, car headlightsbecame the main source of light.

- [Interpreter] We usedto have electricity

for an hour daily.

Now it's totally cut.

We're spending our time outside our homes

so our children can have fun.

This situation is getting worse.

May God protect us as we don'tknow where we're heading.

- [Reporter] The lack ofpower represents a crisis

for hospitals, essentialservices, and ordinary people

trying to keep their refrigerators running

and food from spoiling.

Last week, Jordan agreed tosupply electricity to Lebanon,

but that deal could takemonths to implement.

The energy crisis is partof a larger political

and economic crisis, whereLebanon's currency has lost

90% of its value.

Recently, these depositorsstormed this bank

in central Beirut after thebank blocked their money.

- [Interpreter] I'm demandingmy right and my money.

All my years of work were robbed.

They rob people's work

and they put them in the nameof their children abroad.

- [Reporter] A new governmenttook office recently,

the first since the massiveexplosion in August 2020

that devastated the city of Beirut.

But Israeli analysts andretired Brigadier-General

Assaf Orion told CBN News

Lebanon is not only a failed state,

but a fake state because theterrorist group Hezbollah

is the real power inside the country.

- They're running the show.

They allow legitimateveneer of Christians,

Sunnis, and others totake part in this facade.

And as long as the world buys it

and keeps on paying, itwill keep on rolling.

- In the meantime, theLebanese people are suffering

through an economic crisis

the World Bank says is oneof the worst in the world

in the past 150 years.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.


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