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Time for 'a Transformational Revival': Bishop Wellington Boone Calls for 10/10 Gathering at VA Beach's Rock Church

Time for 'a Transformational Revival': Bishop Wellington Boone Calls for 10/10 Gathering at VA Beach's Rock Church Read Transcript

- Christians are coming together

for a prayer and consecration event

that will last for 10 hours,

the 10th day of the 10th month.

It's happening at the Rock Church

in Virginia Beach, Virginia this Sunday.

CBN's Wendy Griffith showsus what will be happening.

(screen whooshing)

- [Wendy] Bishop Wellington Boone

is calling believers to get ready.

That's because as he toldus on CBN's Prayer Link,

God is getting ready to dothings that will amaze us.

- To me, America issaying God, we've got this

and the Lord has said okay, lemme see you.

And what you see now is a nation

that hasn't cried out for God

and also where consecration is missing.

- And Bishop, you say that signs

are indicating that Godis ready to do things

that will amaze us.

What makes you so sure of this?

- Revival has never comearound our convenience.

It's always come around our sacrifice.

And right now, wheredarkness fills the Earth,

and those darknesses apparent,

God says that's when Ilift up the standard.

I believe there are people now praying

with a passion that'sgetting the attention of God.

And God's never done greatthings to masses anyway.

He always does them to a remnant.

I believe there are remnants of people

around the world now crying out to God

because he seems to be the only solution.

The one thing we know for sure right now

is that nobody reallyclearly knows what to do.

God's saying I do.

- Bishop, consecration means to make holy

or dedicate to a higher purpose.

What does it say to God

when believers come togetherfor a consecrated service

like the one you're calling for on 10/10?

- I think what he's gonna do

is give people the renewed confidence

that if God is on their side,

and they are on assignment,

nothing is going to take them down.

This next revival is not justa gathering at a meeting,

it's a transformational revival.

In other words, whatwe are becoming in God

is greater than what we're going through.

- [Wendy] He's planning forthe consecration gathering

to take place on the 10thday of the 10th month

at 10 AM for 10 hours.

- What is the significance of 10

and what is your themescripture for this event?

John 10:10, "The thief comesto kill, steal and destroy."

So we saw all the peoplewho died because of COVID.

We've seen that relationshipshave been stolen,

divorce is at an all-time high.

We've seen the tragedies of the fires,

the earthquakes, the hurricanes

and we've seen thatchurches have been canceled.

Well, Jesus says I'vecome to give you life

and give it more abundantly.

I'm saying that when weconsecrate ourselves to God,

we see the potentialgreater than the challenge.

- And Bishop, you saythis is not a conference

with big name speakers

but rather a day togather to hear the Word,

pray and wait on the Lord.

What are you expecting God to do?

- In those 10 hours,

I believe the Holy Spiritis gonna come upon us

so that it won't be questionable

whether or not we're walkingin the things of God or not.

- [Wendy] Wendy Griffith, CBN News.

- The 10/10 gathering isfree and open to everyone.

You can also watch it liveSunday on Rock Church's website,

and Facebook page.

For more information, go visit CBN News.

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