'Good Faith Negotions': Rep. Ro Khanna Confident in Passing President Biden's Agenda
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- Well, for more now,
we're here joined byCalifornia Democrat Ro Khanna.
Congressman Khanna, welcomeback to "Faith Nation."
It's always great to have you.
You just heard Senator Manchin there,
making the red line on the Hyde Amendment,
also talking about the high price tag
on the reconciliation bill.
Your thoughts?
- We will get to a compromise.
I was in a meeting withthe president yesterday
and we said that we have tohave good faith negotiations
with Senator Manchin.
As you know, the Hyde Amendmentis the law of the land.
I don't expect thatreconciliation will repeal it,
so I think we could getto a compromise there.
- As you mentioned, you metwith the president yesterday
along with a group ofother House progressives.
Afterwards, the White Housesaid there was agreement
on what mattered most when itcomes to the key priorities
in the final legislation.
That said, does that get you any closer
to your moderate Democrat counterparts?
- It did.
I mean, what we agreed on
is that the price tag had to come down.
What we agreed on isthat we had to sit down
with Senator Manchinand negotiate something.
What some of us said isreduce the number of years
that these programs exist
and that will reallyhelp us get to consensus.
- Congressman Khanna,critics are quick to pounce,
suggesting if your caucuscan't get this done
with control of the WhiteHouse, the Senate and the House
on something with broadsupport like infrastructure,
it shows that Democratsmay not be able to govern,
potentially risking,as Abby just reported,
economic catastrophe when itcomes to the debt ceiling.
- Well, we're trying to do this
without a single Republican vote
when it comes to the debt ceiling
and I voted, when Trump was president,
to increase the debtceiling numerous times,
so it's unfortunate that no Republican
is willing to do that,
but the Democrats will get it done
and I'm confident that we willpass the president's agenda.
Again, it's a very slim majority,
50-50 Senate, only a threeseat majority in the House,
so it's difficult to do thingswithout any Republican votes,
but we're working very hard
and I'm confident we will deliver.
- Congressman, progressiveshave seemed to gain
a lot of control in thisinfrastructure debate.
Unlike before, you have aprominent seat at the table
and you have the president's ear.
Congressman, what does that say
about the control of the Democratic Party
and where it's heading?
It is becoming more progressive?
- It is and that's becausepeople like progressive policies.
They believe that every American
should have the opportunityto go to preschool.
They believe that we needchildcare help for families
that need assistance raising kids.
They believe we shouldhave free community college
so people can go getcommunity college benefits.
These are popular policiesaround the country
and that's whatprogressives have stood for.
- Congressman, I know you supported
the supplemental billthat ultimately provided
a billion dollars to fundIsrael's Iron Defense Dome system,
the opposition notably came
mostly from the progressivewing of your caucus.
That, along with a recent incident
involving Vice President Kamala Harris,
has sparked concerns aboutanti-Israeli sentiment
possibly brewing among Democrats.
I'd love to get you to weighin on your thoughts there.
- The Democratic Party still believes
that Israel is an ally.
The Iron Dome funding, which I supported,
was for defensive proposition.
It was to make sure
that when you have Hamas rockets coming in
that civilians don't get killed,
so I don't understand why anyone
wouldn't be for that defensivetechnology in Israel.
In Silicon Valley, Israel is asignificant ally economically
on innovation.
And I've been critical of settlements
and I've been critical of some policies.
I much more am with ShimonPeres or Yitzhak Rabin
than I was with Netanyahu's ideology,
but we have to recognizethat Israel is an ally
and you can be criticalof certain policies
without undermining thatfundamental alliance.
- All right, RepresentativeRo Khanna of California,
thank you so much.
It's great to have you.
- Thank you.- Thank you.