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CBN NewsWatch PM: October 4, 2021


- And welcome to "CBNNewswatch" on this Monday,

October 4, 2021, I'm Efrem Graham.

Coming up, it isDemocrats versus Democrats

in the showdown over thepresident's infrastructure bill.

Plus, if you want to buy a car,

replace an appliance or getthat hot toy for Christmas,

you better start looking now.

- Whatever becomes thehot toy of the season

in the next month or two maynot be there in huge quantity.

- [Efrem] We'll show you how the pandemic

has interrupted business andcaused widespread shortages.

And the latest film in the popular

"God's Not Dead" franchise called

"God's Not Dead, We The People,"

dives deep into religious freedom,

homeschooling and more.

- What better place than totake this to Washington D.C.

and talk about the freedomsthat built this country?

And we're excited toshare this with you guys.

- [Efrem] We'll have alook at our conversation

with one of the stars andthe producer of the film,

which opens today.

All those stories and more are ahead

on today's edition of "CBN Newswatch."

- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."

- We begin this half hourwith the continued battle

over President Biden's $1trillion infrastructure bill.

More left-leaning Democratsare demanding action

on the $3.5 trillionspending bill proposed

by Senator Bernie Sanders.

That bill would fund socialprograms like childcare,

free college tuition, andprograms to fight climate change.

But more moderate Democratsare standing in the way.

- We made clear threeand a half months ago

that the two had to move together,

because we don't wantto pit roads and bridges

against childcare.- What is non-negotiable?

- You know, I think someof the climate provisions

that we have.

- You're gonna run rightinto Senator Joe Manchin.

- Political insiders say PresidentBiden is pushing senators

to trim the social spending bill down

to 1.9 to $2.3 trillion.

And now there is yet another roadblock.

Progressive's will not supportthe massive spending package

if it includes the Hyde Amendment,

which prohibits taxpayermoney from funding abortions.

The Supreme Court returnsto in-person hearings today

with Justice BrettKavanaugh joining virtually

because he tested positive for COVID.

During this term, justiceswill hear a wide range

of cases ranging fromabortion to gun rights.

CBN Senior WashingtonCorrespondent Jennifer Wishon

has more on the court's docket.

- The first Monday inOctober marks the beginning

of the Supreme Court's new term.

This year, the high caseload is getting attention

for the number of cases that could lead

to major life changes in America.

- Do this is memory of me.

- [Jennifer] Each year the Red Mass

at St. Matthew's Cathedralmarks the beginning

of the high court's term.

This year, the nine black-robed justices,

six Catholics, two Jews, and one Anglican,

will decide major cases on abortion,

gun rights, and the First Amendment.

The most talked about isthe controversial case

over a Mississippi abortion law,

which some believe could weaken

and even overturn Roe v. Wade.

- The issue is can you banabortion after 15 weeks

consistent with the SupremeCourt's decisions in Roe.

- [Jennifer] That case, Dobbsversus Jackson's Women Health,

is set for December.

- I think it's largely gonna turn on

whether there are fivejustices who are willing

to accept the politicalheat that will come

from overturning it.

- [Jennifer] Not to be outdone,

a challenge to New York'sconcealed carry law.

- Essentially, you cannotengage in any open carry

of firearms and you can'tengage in concealed carry

of firearms unless you have a license.

- [Jennifer] At issue,whether states have the right

to restrict the Second Amendment,

the first time in 11 years that a major

Second Amendment caseheads to the marble palace.

- This will be an interestingcase to kind of see

the new dynamic on the Supreme Court.

- Also on the calendar for this term,

the First Amendment, pivotalto deciding cases ranging

from Maine's prohibition on school funding

for schools providingreligious instruction

to the raising of a Christian flag

on government property in Boston.

The nine Supreme Courtjustices begin the new term

facing a plummeting approval rating

and a presidential commissionstudying the makeup

of the high court.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- The government of Sudan seized a number

of the terror group's financial assets,

and it's a move that is crippling efforts

to wage war on Israel.

Chris Mitchell reportson the growing impact now

of the Abraham Accords.

- [Chris] While Hamas in the Gaza Strip

remains a formidablemilitary foe to Israel,

the decision by Sudan strikes

at the way Hamas financestheir terrorist state.

- It's a blow to Hamasfinancial capabilities,

which is important by itself,

because Sudan was a major center

where Hamas economicactivity was taking place

and was a main source ofincome for the organization,

for the movement.

- [Chris] Retired GeneralYossi Kupperwasser

is the former head of Israel'smilitary intelligence.

He says Sudan, once astate sponsor of terror,

is shifting its alliance to the West.

- It's important for Sudanbecause it's a message

that it's really trying toget rid of its past as a hub

for Hamas activity andHamas financial activity.

- [Chris] At one time, Sudanwas a hub for radical Islam,

even harboring Osamabin Ladin in the 1990s,

but in 2019, the Sudaneseoverthrew dictator Omar al-Bashir

and the government began to change.

Last year, President Trump paved the way

for a Sudan-Israel peacewhen he removed Sudan

from the list of statesponsors of terrorism.

Kupperwasser says the Abraham Accords

played an enormous partin Sudan's decision.

- Definitely, I think when Sudan decided

to embark on this initiativeand join the Abraham Accords,

they knew what is the price.

I mean, I think that the Americans

and maybe even the Israeliswere delivering this message.

You cannot have the AbrahamAccords on the one hand

and keep supporting Hamas on the other.

- And now for a quick look at some

of the other storieswe're following for you

in the CBN newsroom at this hour.

A sad new milestone inthe COVID-19 pandemic.

Global deaths now top five million,

with 700,000 being here in America.

126,000 gallons of oilspilled off the coast

of Southern California.

The spill forced a pipeline

and some area of beaches to close.

Numerous dead birdsand fish washed ashore.

Environmental experts callit an ecological disaster.

Evangelist Franklin Grahamjust wrapped the Route 66

God Loves You Tour.

More than 56,000 peopleattended the eight-city event.

5,000 of them gave their lives to Christ.

Newsboys and otheraward-winning artists joined him

for that tour.

Coming up, out of stock,limited supply, expect delays.

Consumers are, as youcan imagine, frustrated,

and businesses are scrambling because

of the chronic shortages of products due

to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We'll be back.(dramatic music)

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(upbeat music)

- Heavenly Father, we do thank you

for the work of your Spirit, Lord God,

with this movement ofgetting the Bible, Lord,

into public schools.(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Watch "The Prayer Link."

Tuesday morning at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Get ProtectYour Sleep and discover how

to improve the quality of your life.

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from the Christian Broadcasting Network.

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- [Announcer] You'll discoverhow food affects your sleep,

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Wake up to your best life andget Protect Your Sleep today.

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- Looking to buy a new car,need to replace an appliance,

trying to find that hot toy for Christmas?

Well, you may have to forget about it

because there's a shortage of everything

thanks to interruptionsin business supply chains,

and it's all due to the pandemic.

Caitlin Burke shows us the fallout

from this frustrating scarcity.

- Supply chain, it's a termmany of us never thought of

before March of 2020.

We did, however, enjoygetting what we wanted

when we wanted it.

The pandemic changed all that.

- There's no automakerthat has not been hindered

in some way, shape or formwhen it comes to sales,

because they just simplyhave no inventory.

- Whatever becomes thehot toy of the season

in the next month or two may not be there

in huge quantities.

- [Caitlin] Some of theworst backups happening in

what's called durable goods,appliances, laptops, furniture.

That's because the pandemicchanged spending habits.

- People said, "Well, ifI can't go on vacation,

I'll get a bicycle orI'll repaint the house,

put in new curtains.

And then they foundpaint was on back order,

curtains were on back order

because so many people were trying

to buy these durable goodsthat everybody else wanted.

- [Caitlin] Many businessesalso cut back at the outset,

expecting a major slowdown in sales.

- And then, come summer of last year,

consumer spending was thereand all these businesses tried

to turn around real fast,

but it's hard to turn around real fast.

- [Caitlin] And then, accordingto economic consultant

Bill Conerly, came the perfect storm.

- [Bill] The Suez Canal got clogged.

A couple of the sea portsin China were closed

because of COVID, the hurricane took down

natural gas production,which is a feedstock

for a lot of chemicals.

- [Caitlin] Still,Conerly says the biggest

overall interruptioncame in the workforce.

- [Bill] The shortage of workers is common

all around the country, and as a result,

businesses that want toincrease their production,

want to serve their customers better,

want to stock up on inventory,they cannot find the workers.

- [Caitlin] This affects each level

of the domestic supplychain, from factories

to the trucking industryto distribution centers.

And international goods can't get here

because of a major backup at our ports.

Shipping containers waiting tounload for up to eight days,

due in part to labor shortages at docks.

- [Reporter] There aremore 100 ships anchored

off the coast, as far as the eye can see.

- [Caitlin] Experts and businesses alike

don't see this ending until 2022.

For some industries,that's meant shut downs.

GM, Toyota and Nissanhave all paused production

because of a shortage ofcomputer semiconductor chips

used in a large number of car parts.

- The start-stop situationwhere it's like the lines

come back on, they getshuttered back again.

Some automakers, they'rereworking their vehicles

to have fewer chips.

Certain options aren't even being offered.

But it's not been enoughto actually completely curb

all of the issues.

- [Caitlin] Other industriesare forced to pay up

to three times more forsupplies than in the past,

and still barely get enoughto keep the doors open.

Oakley Monument Companyhas seen a major surge

in business due to COVID-related deaths,

but grieving customers arewaiting months for memorials.

- We're lucky if we'reable to get a quarter of

what we need for our orders once a month.

Stuff that used to cost us$9,000 to get shipped is up

anywhere in the twenties, 20,000s,

just to get it shipped here.

And then they also tackon a tariff as well.

- [Caitlin] Alignable, asmall business network,

is helping companies pivot.

A major step forward has been simply

connecting business ownersto others in their industry.

- We actually have created groups

so an industry can cometogether and share ideas.

So we'll have an industrygroup just for florists,

and they can actuallyshare ideas with each other

about where they'relooking to get supplies,

how are they filling part-timeroles at their companies

and things like that.

- [Caitlin] That way ofthinking allowed Mark Patterson,

co-founder of CivilizedCoffee, to get around

some of his supply chain issues.

- What we've been doingis buying larger lots,

full containers ofcoffee, bringing them back

to our warehouse, andthen we've just said,

"Reach out to us," and wehave a lot of relationships

where we can sell off smaller lots

to these smaller roastersaround the country.

- [Caitlin] Meanwhile,consumers are feeling the result

of all this in their wallets.

- The classic definition of inflation is

too many dollars chasing too few goods.

We've got a lot of dollars thatpeople are trying to spend.

We have not increasedour production capacity.

- [Caitlin] Conerlypredicts this could lead

to a boom-bust economy similarto the late '60s and 1970s.

Simply put, that would meanhigh inflation followed

by a tightening of monetarypolicy by the Federal Reserve,

resulting in a recession.

Then, they would hit the gasagain, causing more inflation.

Conerly's advice tobusinesses comes straight

from the Old Testament.

- There's this old dreamthat the Pharaoh had.

And Joseph said, "Youneed to use the good years

to prepare for the bad years."

And that applies to business today.

They need to takeadvantage of the good years

while they're here, butthey need to be ready

for the bad years because we're going

to have a couple of recessions, I think,

in the next five to 10 years.

- With the holiday season upon us,

experts say retailers are doing their best

to prepare for the rush,but there's only so much

they'll be able to do tokeep their shelves stocked.

So whether you typicallyare an early shopper

or you prefer to do it last minute,

now is the time to startmarking items off your list.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- [Efrem] Still ahead, you may be familiar

with J.D. Vance from his bestselling book,

"Hillbilly Elegy," but nowhe's also political candidate.

He tells CBN News why he's running

and what his top issues are.

We've got that story foryou right after this.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Introducingthe CBN Bible from

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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thanks for joining us.

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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

Because truth matters.

Weekdays at 5:00 on the CBN News Channel.

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- He is the bestsellingauthor of the book,

"Hillbilly Elegy," and he'snever held public office,

but Republican commentatorJ.D. Vance has his finger

on the pulse of the American people.

And with the 2022 midtermelections a year away,

he's already set his sights on Washington.

Here's CBN News Capitol Hill Correspondent

Abigail Robertson.

- Ohio Senate hopefulJ.D. Vance says it's time

for strong leaders in Washington,

and he believes if elected,that's what he'll be.

- I just feel like peopledon't actually have anybody

that stands up and fights for them,

that's willing to speakloudly and powerfully

on the issues that they care about.

- [Abigail] His key issues,securing the Southern border,

bringing jobs back to theU.S., election security,

and breaking up big tech.

- I think people are reallyworried about censorship.

They're really worried aboutwhether at their workplaces

or on social media can theyactually speak their mind,

can they speak theirconservative Christian values

without being shut down.

- J.D. Vance joins us.

- [Abigail] While Vance hasnever held public office,

he is a longtime GOP commentator

and author of the bestsellingbook, "Hillbilly Elegy."

- I've been very open about my views

on a whole range of issuesfor a long time now.

- [Abigail] At one point,Vance was a media darling

for his criticism of Donald Trump in 2016.

Then it turned on him when Vance voted

for the president's reelection in 2020.

- Trump is the leader of the party,

very popular amongRepublican primary voters.

- [Abigail] Vance says hewears the media attacks

as a badge of honor.

- I really think themedia, the reason the media

is attacking me is because they recognize

that I'm a threat to the dominantideas that are out there.

- [Abigail] And tells CBN News,

while he's changed his mind on Trump,

other views remain the same.

- At the end of the day, Ithink I've been very consistent

in my view that we need to have

a strong manufacturingpolicy in this country.

We need to allowconservatives and Christians

to actually live their values,

to pass those values on to their children.

We need to ensure thatwe're not teaching our kids

to hate America in American schools.

We need to ensure that ourSouthern border is controlled.

- [Abigail] Current Senator Rob Portman,

known as a bipartisandeal maker in Washington,

has played a key rolein the recent passage

of the Senate's infrastructure bill.

That's a legacy Vance says hewouldn't necessarily continue.

- I think the mistake thatRepublicans have recently made

on bipartisanship is thatwe gave Democrats a huge win

on this infrastructure bill,and this infrastructure bill

has some really crazy stuff in it.

- [Abigail] Vance says if he were senator,

he wouldn't vote for the bill.

- We do have infrastructure problems,

but I don't think this billactually spends the money

on the things that we need.

And then it spends a wholelot of additional money

on things that have nothingto do with infrastructure.

So it's a big mistake.

- [Abigail] While Portman citesconstant partisan gridlock

as one of the main reasons he's retiring,

Vance believes he'll accomplishthat through strength,

not negotiations.

- You know, you don'tneed 50 good senators

in the Republican Party, but if you get 10

really good senators inthe Republican Party,

we can break through that gridlock,

we can break up the big tech companies,

we can actually bring somesanity to our Southern border,

and we can ensure thatunborn lives are protected.

Like all of these thingscan happen with a smarter,

better Republican Party.

And I think we're movingin that direction.

- [Abigail] Moving awayfrom bipartisanship

could be a winning strategy.

- I don't think there isan appetite or a desire

among Republican primaryvoters for moderation

or working across the aisle.

They want someone who is a conservative,

or more specifically, someonewho is going to support

and back former President Trump's agenda.

- [Abigail] Nathan Gonzalesfrom Inside Elections

tells CBN News no matterwho wins the GOP primary,

they have an advantage.

- You just have to lookat how well Republicans

have been doing statewide, howwell President Trump has done

in Ohio in the last two years.

And I don't think you can callOhio a swing state anymore.

- Recent polls haveVance pulling number two

in his Ohio primary and havethe state likely leaning red

in the final race.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- [Efrem] Coming up, the latest movie

in the "God's Not Dead"franchise opens today.

We'll have our conversationwith one of the stars

and the producer when wecome back, stay with us.

(dramatic music)

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- The latest film in the"God's Not Dead" series

opens tonight, it's called"God's Not Dead, We the People."

It's the fourth in the franchise,

and this one deals with freedom of speech,

homeschooling and religious freedom.

We talked with one of thestars, Antonio Sabato, Jr.

and the producer, DavidA.R. White, about the movie.

David, let's start with you.

So this is the fourthinstallment in the franchise.

Where was this story born?

- Yeah, you know, well, I didn't know much

about homeschooling, but last year,

obviously, I thinkeverybody who had a child

hopefully homeschooledtheir children with COVID.

And I had a whole newrespect for those parents.

And so this movie picks up Reverend Dave,

my character's churchhas a homeschooling co-op

and they're visited by the county

and basically said that if they don't

follow the curriculum a hundred percent,

which is taking God out oftheir educational piece,

then they will be finedevery week until they do.

And so they head to Washington D.C.

to defend their rights for freedom.

And we're just excitedfor everybody to see this.

- And Antonio Sabato, Jr.,certainly good to see you

join the "God's Not Dead" family.

Tell me what made you say yes.

- Listen, this film is,it's close to my heart,

it's close to who I am as an American,

as a faithful followerof Chris, as a father,

as a husband, so I canrelate a lot to him,

to Michael, the character I played,

and it was a blessing to do it.

And I think it brought alot of real stuff out there

for myself, Francesca Battistelli,

who plays my wife, was amazing.

She's an amazing singerand her songs have touched

so many people around the world.

And now you'll get to seeher perform in this film,

which is incredible, so I am blessed.

This is an amazing time in my life.

- David, you're a father as well.

How much did this storylinetouch you as a dad?

- Yeah, well, again, it was amazing to,

I didn't know much abouthomeschooling before,

and I'm just amazedthat, every child needs

to be educated in adifferent way, I think.

I'm blessed that I have mychildren in a Christian school.

But some of them, thehomeschooling is such a,

it's an amazing just wayto educate your children

in a way that you shouldhave freedom to do it.

And I think what we'refinding in our country,

and there's so manydifferent fights going on

in D.C. these days, is that we need

to bring the conversation of God back.

And that's what thisfranchise was built on,

is opening up those conversations of God.

It started out in the college campus

and then it went to the high school

and into the community.

And now what betterplace than to take this

to Washington D.C. andtalk about the freedoms

that built this country.

That's why this movie is so important.

We've been getting ravereviews and we're excited

to share this with you guys

October four, five, and six in theaters.

- And you can go online tosee where "God's Not Dead,

We the People" is playing in your area.

It's playing today,tomorrow and Wednesday.

Time now for your Monday Motivation.

I would like to leaveyou with this thought

as we begin a new week.

We can all see the weather is changing,

but there are also bigchanges in our life as well.

It is a new season.

Forget the past, anticipate the future,

and trust God for the outcome.

Believe in Him to do a newthing in your life today.

Well, that is going todo it for this edition

of "CBN Newswatch," want tothank you so much for watching.

Want to remind you that weare here for you online,

as well as on the CBN News Channel.

You can find our programming at anytime

in either of those places.

Make today a marvelous Monday.

Be sure to have yourself a wonderful week,

and we'll see you right backhere same time tomorrow.

Goodbye and God bless you.

(dramatic music)


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