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How Essential Oils Can Help Heal Your Body

In their new book, “The Essential Oils Apothecary,” husband and wife team, Dr. Eric and Sabrina Zielinski, share the healing power behind essential oils and how they can help improve one’s health naturally. Read Transcript

- Well, nearly 200 million Americans

suffer from some chronic condition,

and that number is growing all the time.

The good news, it doesn'thave to be that way.

Dr. Eric Zielinski and his wife, Sabrina,

want to share with you the all natural way

you can take back your health.

- [Narrator] Many peopleuse essential oils

in diffusers or cleaners.

But bestselling authors, Dr.Eric and Sabrina Zielinski say

these powerful concentrationscan also be used

to treat a variety of health issues.

- Chronic disease leaves us vulnerable

to a slew of other health conditions

like blood pressureconcerns, memory issues,

sleep troubles, joint pain, obesity.

- [Narrator] In their book,"The Essential Oils Apothecary,"

Dr. Eric and Sabrina share healing recipes

that can help you prevent and reverse

chronic health conditions,manage nagging symptoms,

and boost your immunity against them.

- Well, joining us now via Skype

is Dr. Eric Zielinskiand his wife, Sabrina.

And we welcome you bothback to "The 700 Club."

Good to have you with us.

- Thanks so much. It's great to be here.

- Yes.

- Well, let me ask youto start, if you will,

talk about the medical evidence that shows

that essential oils areeffective at treating diseases.

- Well, you know, firstoff, let's give glory to God

because in the Book of Revelation,

He says, "And the leaves of the trees

are for the healing of the nations."

And so when you look atwhat makes trees so healing,

science has found thatit is the essential oil.

And in our book, wehave literally 50 pages

of references talking aboutall the clinical trials

that have been done to helpbalance blood pressure,

help people reduce cravings,help with addiction,

boost mood, and, whichis very important today,

help people with an immunesystem that is robust,

that could fight off bacteria,fungus, and even viruses.

- Well, talk a little bitabout the chronic diseases

that can be treated with essential oils.

- Yeah, and that thingthat we need to realize

is something that became chronic

didn't just happen overnight.

And by definition, a chronicdisease really happens

in childhood.

So it's not like you're gonnawake up tomorrow with cancer.

You might wake up tomorrowbeing diagnosed with cancer,

but it took years to develop.

Same thing with diabetes.

Same thing with arthritis, osteoporosis,

and other healthconditions, even depression.

So when you look at chronic conditions,

once you start on that train,

it's really hard to get offbecause one leads to another.

And that's really the reason

why so many people arestruggling right now with COVID,

is because of thecomorbidities of heart disease

and obesity and diabetes.

And so we're trying to help people.

You can properly manage chronic conditions

at the root cause.

They're highly preventableand highly treatable.

- Well, in the early days of the pandemic,

one doctor was recommendinga forest bathing.

What is that, and how doesit boost our immune system?

- Oh boy, forest bathing,also known as Shinrin-Yoku.

It's an ancient Japanese practice

of just being outside in nature,

and clinical trials have actually shown

that being out in nature

boosts your naturalkiller cell production,

which are those immune-boosting cells

that kill cancer and otherleukocytes and lymphocytes

that help the body fight off disease.

And the wonderful thing is

just being outside in nature,breathing the fresh air,

breathing the volatile organic compounds

that are being emitted from the trees,

which are the essentialoils for just two hours

will have a lastingeffect of up to 30 days

on your immune function.

So what we try to do, and youcan see it behind my wife,

is have essential oilsbring nature inside,

'cause who can spend all outside,

who could spend all your time outside?

It's really, really challenging, right,

in our stay-at-home new normal.

So that's where essentialoils come into play.

We bring the healing of trees inside.

We diffuse them, we putthem in our body care.

And we talk about in the book

how to make salves and lotions

and even capsule recipes that could help.

- So in addition to doingwhat you're talking about,

which would be diffusingthese things inside your home,

you're really saying to usthat we do need to get out,

to get fresh air, to take advantage

of what is natural around us.

- Absolutely.

And when you can't get out,

then you could make yourown forest bathing inhaler.

And this is a little personaldiffuser just for you.

And basically what you do

is you drop the essential oils inside.

There's a cotton wick youdrop in, you screw on the top,

you literally have it, and you can go.

And it's not something you have to share

with other people around you

because maybe not everybody else

wants to smell those smells,

but this will give you a little taste

of forest bathing right in your own home.

- Well, some people say thatthis constant hand sanitizing

that we've been told totake advantage of, to use,

has led to people becomingmore susceptible to viruses.

So what would the essentialoil solution to that be?

- Well, the wonderful thing,

and this is just the wisdom of God,

essential oils have whatscientists call cell selectivity.

They actually target pathogenic bacteria,

leaving the healthy bacteria alone,

and they target cancercells, fungi, and viruses,

leaving the body so the body doesn't,

really, are not destroyedby chemicals at all,

oftentimes are in hand sanitizer.

The problem with handsanitizer, oftentimes,

there are chemicals in itthat ruin your microbiome

and can lead to inflammation.

So what we're tryingto do is teach people,

hey, there are natural ways

that aren't so harmful to your skin.

So you don't want tohyper-sanitize too much

of the wrong stuff.

- So our favorite blend isour immune-boosting blend,

and it has equal parts ofcinnamon bark, clove bud,

eucalyptus, lemon, orange, and rosemary.

And we use that powerful combination

not just in the diffuser, our cleaners,

but also in a healthy hand sanitizer,

which we use just 20 dropsin this two-ounce bottle

and we filled the rest upwith an organic grain alcohol,

just like your other sanitizers have,

but not some of the other things.

You shake it and goand it's super powerful

and highly effectivefor those very purposes.

- Well, we've touched onjust a few of the things

in your, might I say,very large book (chuckles)

that is full of suggestions and ideas

on the use of essential oils.

I want all of our viewers to know

you can learn more from the Zielinskis

by getting their book.

It has over 150 recipes

to treat various conditions and diseases.

It's called "The EssentialOils Apothecary."

Thank you both for being with us today.

- Thank you. God bless.- Thank you so much.

God bless.


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