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Gordon Robertson’s CBN Origins

Ashely Key chats with Gordon about his CBN journey. From his early days at CBN Asia to the hosting chair at The 700 Club and 700 Club Interactive, hear from the heart of CBN’s CEO. Read Transcript

- Well, today, as we celebrateCBN's 60th anniversary,

let's hear from Gordon on his journey

about how CBN got to where it is today.

So you, I guess, give a little-

- The story of the black sheep son.

- Yep, there we go, the black sheep son.

- Ran away.

- So one of your firstbig ventures though,

being a part of CBN,

I mean, you've always been a part of it,

but you were a lawyer for a time.

And then you came back to work.

- Back in 1994, I had aprofound revelation in India

and then I had a series of dreams.

And then it just seemed likea miraculous period of time.

And I had a dream on atrip to the Philippines

that followed the trip to India

of boatloads of Filipinos goingout into the mission field.

So I moved Katharyn, Evelynwas just a year and a half.

And all of that was 1994.

We landed and started theAsian center for missions.

It's amazing how youcan be obedient to God

and still be rebellious.

I didn't want to haveanything to do with TV.

I didn't want to be on television at all.

- [Wendy] And the Lord said.

- But in God's timing,

he made sure I had my priorities right.

There was some obstacles togetting the mission started

and I had to focus in on CBN Asia.

So CBN Asia started October one.

I wanted to make sure it hitthat date October 1, 1994.

So CBN Asia, happyanniversary, 27th anniversary.

And it was an explosive periodfrom very small beginnings.

We didn't have enoughmoney to pay for payroll.

It was, you know, therewere probably a good

eight, nine, 10 months thatthe staff would get together

every Wednesday to prayin payroll tomorrow.

And God always supplied,always supplied on time.

It was just a whole seriesof miracles that, you know,

I had to wean myselfaway from lawyer thinking

and into kingdom thinkingand how God works.

And he always responds to prayer.

And then Bill Hamon came to Philippines

and he pointed at me in theaudience of this huge auditorium

with all these Filipinos.

And I was at the back,I wasn't at the front.

I was at the back and he said,

"You, the Sandy haired guy in the back."

And I'm looking around for thesandy haired guy in the back.

And it turned out to be me.

And he prophesied thatGod wants you to know

that your face and your voice

will go around the world on television.

And that finally got me.

A week later, I'm meeting withthe son of one of the owners

of the largest, one of thelargest television networks

in the Philippines, dedicated Christian.

And he said, "Gordon, youneed to start a 700 Club here.

"And you need to host."

And so a month later,700 Club Asia started,

which is now the longest runningChristian television show

in Philippine history.

They're celebrating anniversaries too.

- [Wendy] That's incredible.

- And through thepandemic, everything has,

I mean, it's amazing.

From that CBN India, CBNIndonesia, CBN Thailand,

CBN Hong Kong, CBN Beijing, CBN China,

all came into existencein an incredibly creative

about 18 month period in 1998, 1999.

- But then, so you were in Asia for a time

for how many years?

- Five years.- Five years,

and then you got called back here.

- And I didn't want to come.

- Kicking and screaming. (laughs)

- Yeah, tell me, yeah,it was a lot of kicking.

- Talk about yourtransition to the 700 Club.

Do you remember that day where you hosted?

- Of course I remember that day.

- Tell us about it!

Tell us about it!

- I'd gotten off a 28 hourflight with three kids.

I arrived in Virginia Beach on Sunday

and then Monday wasApril Fool's Day, 1999.

And dad put me on anational television show

as host while he took six weeks off.

- [Wendy] Look at the photo, I love that.

- It was rough sledding. (laughs)

But anyway, dad likes tothrow you in the deep end.

- Well it seems to be youlike to do that as well.

- You know that from personal experience.

- It's all good.

Well what do you hope and prayfor, for the future of CBN?

How can others pray for us?

- How can we take this new technology

and the abundance of new technology?

We used to pray for peopleto dial into the show

that was back in the 1960s.

You literally had to get up.

If you wanted to change the channel,

you had to get up andgo and turn the dial.

There was a dial on the side.

You had to turn the dial.

There wasn't any remote control.

But these days with the Internet,

how can we find people thatneed to hear good news?

And how can we tellthat good news to them?

The good news that will hitright at that heart issue

to let them know there'sa God who loves you,

a God who cares,

a God who can make thedifference in your life.

And do that not just inEnglish, but let's do that

in all the major broadcast languages.

I found out just this year

that YouTube broadcasts in 76 languages,

so that we can get tothat through YouTube,

through these wonderful platforms,

let's use them for the kingdom.

- Amen, well, here's to 60more years of CBN broadcasting.

- [Gordon] Amen.- [Wendy] Amen.


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