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Senate Dem Calls Biden's $3.5 Trillion Plan 'Fiscal Insanity', Agenda in Jeopardy as Democrats Can't Unite

Senate Dem Calls Biden's $3.5 Trillion Plan 'Fiscal Insanity', Agenda in Jeopardy as Democrats Can't Unite Read Transcript

- Two key parts of PresidentBiden's domestic agenda

are in jeopardy with progressiveand centrist Democrats

still unable to reach anagreement on what could be

a $3.5 trillion budgetreconciliation plan.

- We're obviously at aprecarious and important time

in these discussions.

- [Abigail] While most Democrats

support the bipartisan infrastructure bill

that's already cleared theSenate, Senator Bernie Sanders

is encouraging progressive House Democrats

not to vote for it until they're assured

the Senate will pass the Democrat only

budget reconciliation bill too.

- If we just go forward

with the physical infrastructure bill,

it is very possiblethat nothing will happen

with reconciliation and thatwould be a terrible shame.

- [Abigail] ModerateDemocratic Senator Joe Manchin

released a statementWednesday night stating that

spending trillions more onnew government programs,

when we can't even payfor essential programs

like Social Security andMedicare is fiscal insanity,

adding he cannot support $3.5trillion more in spending.

- We're not proceeding withanything that doesn't have

agreement between theHouse and the Senate.

- [Abigail] Senate Democratsare also struggling

to raise the debt ceilingwithout GOP support

before the U.S. runs out of money

to pay its bills in mid-October.

But Majority Leader Chuck Schumer claims

doing so through budgetreconciliation isn't an option.

- Individual senators could move to delay

and delay and delay.

It is very risky and couldwell lead us to default,

even if only one senatorwanted that to happen.

That's very possible.

So you can't do it this route.

Everyone who's studiedit, knows it is risky.

- Well, the good newsfor President Biden is

it looks like Congress will act today

to avert a government shutdown.

But the planned vote in the House

on the infrastructure bill could be pulled

if House Speaker Nancy Pelosifeels that she doesn't have

the votes to pass it

without support fromprogressive Democrats.


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