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Parental Rights Battle Erupts in VA Debate as McAuliffe Rejects Their Input in What Schools Teach Their Children

Parental Rights Battle Erupts in VA Debate as McAuliffe Rejects Their Input in What Schools Teach Their Children Read Transcript

- Well, to a state electionwith national implications,

the Virginia governor's raceis rounding the final bend

before election day.

Last night, the two menvying for the top job

met for their second and final debate.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe, whoformerly held the position,

and Republican GlennYoungkin went head to head

battling on everythingfrom abortion to education,

and of course the Trump factor.

CBN's Brody Carter is here now

with a look at last night's debate

and where the race stands now.

Brody we're six weeks out

and it's looking like thisis a pretty close race.

- Well, it certainly is.

Early voting for Virginia'sgovernor began September 17th.

Recent polls give McAuliffe athree and a half percent lead

over Youngkin.

Many political Watchersclosely watching this race

for any indication ofhow voters might feel

as we approach next year's midterms.

- I just can't understand how you can

just so comfortably lie to everybody.

And let's just be clear.

- [Terry] That's whatyou've been doing all night.

- [Brody] It's a political sparring match

between Democrat Terry McAuliffe,

who served as governor from 2014 to 2018,

and Republican hopeful Glenn Youngkin.

- He's a total wannabe Donald Trump.

- There's an over and under tonight

on how many times you'regonna say Donald Trump

and it was 10 and youjust busted through it.

You're running against Glenn Youngkin.

- [Brody] Youngkin findshimself walking a fine line

after getting Donald Trump's endorsement,

while also trying towin back suburban voters

who left the party duringTrump's tumultuous presidency.

- If Donald Trump runsfor president in 2024,

will you support him?

- Who knows who's gonna berunning for president in 2024?

- [Moderator] If he's anominee will you support him?

- [Brody] Blow after blow,the two drew political lines

on dozens of issues, including hot topics

in education, mandatoryvaccinations and abortion.

- My opponent on the otherhand is the most extreme

abortion candidate in the country.

- Businesses are not gonna come to a state

where they're putting wallsup around their state.

He's against gay marriage.

He's against abortion.

- [Brody] PrudenceRobertson to the pro-life

Susan B. Anthony Listsees abortion as key,

especially with so manystates taking action

and the Supreme Court preparingto hear a related case

in its next term.

- Abortion should be the preeminent issue

because when you think about it,

none of those other issuesmatter if a person isn't given

that first chance at life,

that right to live outside the womb.

- [Brody] Youngkin defendanthis pro-life stance,

omitting instances of rape,

or if the baby threatensthe life of a mother.

He re-clarified his supportof a pain threshold bill

to protect babies 20weeks after conception.

- Well, if Terry wins he willdo everything that he can

to enshrine Roe versusWade in the constitution.

He stated that explicitly last night.

So if he does win this candidacy,

we will see abortion unbarred.

- Current polls show therace is now a toss up.

Demographically McAuliffehas a large advantage

in Northern Virginia and theEastern tidewater region.

Youngkin runs a lead in western Virginia

and Richmond appears to be the area

with greatest political sway.

The candidates also debatedthe end of right to work,

border policies, creating jobs, racism,

and lowering the crime rate.

Other points of contentionsurrounded much more talk

about what to be expectedas the coming days

draw near to November 2nd.

John and Jenna, back to you.


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