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Pat Makes Pledge to Stand with Israel

In 1967 the Six-Day War broke out the same day CBN broke ground on the old TV studio. Both events were pivotal in solidifying the permanent bond between CBN and Israel. Read Transcript

(bombs booming)

- [Narrator] On June 5th, 1967,

the Six-Day War began.

And Israel would reuniteJerusalem under Jewish rule

for the first time in 2,000 years.

On the same day,

CBN broke ground on the renovations

for the old studio at WYAH.

- Israel is the chosen people.

They are the chosen nation.

And so in 1967, for CBN to break ground

at the same time the Six-Day War

was for dad, enormous significance

that the two are now tied together.

(pensive music)

- [Announcer] Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.

- [Narrator] That bond was strengthened

when Pat traveled to Israel in 1974

to interview Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

- What would you ask of the United States?

- I believe if one wants

to see any future to the free world,

in the right sense to thedemocratic way of life,

I believe without strong America,

the future might be notas hopeful as it can be

with a strong America.

- He knew that if America was strong,

Israel would be taken care of.

Well, I went back to our group

that was with me up on the Mount of Olives

where we were staying,

and that night, I made a vow

that I'd personally, in any ministry

that I was associated with,

regardless of the cost,

that we were gonna stand with Israel.

This area, let's do that, justlay your hands on that area.

- [Narrator] Pat began praying for a way

to broadcast into Israel.

- Wonderful people.

- [Narrator] Years later,he was offered a TV station

in southern Lebanon.

- [Pat] And here was oneon the border of Israel,

and it was being given to me.

But I knew that I shouldn't put my hand

on something in that volatile region

without it being clearedfor sure by the Lord.

(bombs booming)

- [Narrator] Pat prayed fora sign for confirmation,

specifically that hewould receive something

of gold as evidence thathe should take the station.

Days went by but no gold.

Until he checked his private mailbox.

- [Pat] Inside there was a letter,

and there was several pictures

of gold coins, 24-carat gold,

struck in a mold by Pablo Picasso,

and he said I wanna makethese available to CBN.

That was the evidence.

So I said all right,we've heard from the Lord.

So we got the station.

- Pat Robertson, in thename of Messiah Jesus,

I'm pleased to hand you the keys

to Jesus, Star of Hope Television Station

right here in the holy land.

- [Man] Spring of 1982,Middle East Television,

a CBN-owned and operatedChannel 12 TV station

was put on the air.

(pensive music)

- [Narrator] With access to12 nations in the region,

ME TV used popularprogramming like NFL football,

soccer and the hit TVshow "Touched by an Angel"

to attract viewers.

People then stayed tuned for The 700 Club.

- ME TV was the pioneer.

Nobody was doing that.

And it had awesome impact amongthe Arab-speaking population

to the north, towards Lebanon,

and to the east of Syria andJordan, and across Israel.

(pensive music)


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