Congress votes to fund Israel's Iron Dome after progressive Democrats try to defund it – is it a bad sign? And rescuing those left behind in Afghanistan as Taliban carries out executions; and the biblical Feast of Sukkot brings people closer ...
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(shofar blows)
- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline,"
the U.S. Congress votesto fund Israel's Iron Dome
after progressive Democratstry to defund the program.
Does this spell trouble aheadfor U.S.-Israel relations?
And, rescuing those leftbehind in Afghanistan
as the Taliban carries outdoor-to-door executions.
Plus, how the biblical feast of Sukkot
brings people closer to God.
All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."
Hello, and welcome to this edition
of "Jerusalem Dateline,"I'm Chris Mitchell.
The U.S. House of Representativesvoted overwhelmingly
to fund Israel's IronDome anti-missile system.
The vote came after progressiveDemocrats blocked funding
during an earlier voteto extend the debt limit
and keep the government funded.
Many see their action to defund one
of Israel's main front lines of defense
as a foreboding sign of things to come.
After the bill passed,Israeli Prime Minister
Naftali Bennett thanked both Democrats
and Republicans alike for what he called
the overwhelming support for Israel
and the commitment to its security.
Democrats passed the firstbill without the funding,
and the later billgranting Israel $1 billion
for the Israeli air defensesystem passed overwhelmingly,
with 420 Democrats andRepublicans voting in favor
and just nine against.
The drama started earlier whenprogressive House Democrats,
including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
and Ilhan Omar reportedly wanted
to strip the $1 billion from the bill
for the Iron Dome anti-missile system
or they wouldn't voteto fund the government.
House Republican MinorityLeader Kevin McCarthy tweeted,
"Democrats just pulledfunding from the Iron Dome,
the missile defense systemthat has saved countless lives
in Israel from Hamas rocket attacks.
While Dems capitulate tothe antisemitic influence
of their radical members,
Republicans will alwaysstand with Israel."
Earlier this year, Cortez, Omar,
and other progressiveDemocrats in the House
and Senate proposeddefunding the Iron Dome
while Israel was fightinga war with Hamas.
During that war, the IronDome successfully shot down
hundreds of missiles fired by Hamas
into central and Southern Israel.
Hamas fired more than4,000 missiles at Israel
during the war into civilian areas.
CBN News interviewed one of the developers
of the Iron Dome during the war.
He sees the Iron Dome as a true lifesaver
on both sides of the fight.
Many believe without Iron Dome,
Israel would have beenforced into a ground war,
with potentially massivecasualties on both sides.
- By the end of the day,we can look in the mirror
and we could say we did somethingfor the defense of Israel.
We did something for ourcivilians and we're saving life.
And this is what the air defense is doing.
- [Chris] Former IsraeliAmbassador to the UN Danny Danon
told CBN News the vote is a troubling sign
of the direction of the Democratic Party.
- I'm worried that thosevoices become louder.
We know it for the majorityand not in the Congress,
not in the DemocraticParty, but they are vocal.
We expect our allies, andwe have a lot of allies
in the Congress, to speakagainst those voices.
So I'm telling AOC andRashida Talib and all those,
they don't care about the Palestinians.
They don't care about the Israelis.
They care about getting headlines
and getting support fortheir radical ideas.
- [Chris] Former IsraeliAmbassador to the U.S.
Michael Oren said the voteon the first bill sets new
and dangerous precedents inthe U.S.-Israel relationship.
- It is the first timethat the U.S. Congress
has specifically deniedmilitary aid to Israel.
That's the first precedent,the second precedent being
it's the first time that the U.S. Congress
has specifically denied military aid
to Israel for a defensive system.
- [Chris] Oren says Israelileaders need to take notice.
- And it's a warning for Israel.
It's a harbinger of things to come.
It is not the end of this process,
it's the beginning of the process.
And I think it shouldtrigger some serious longterm
strategic rethinkingon the part of Israelis
about the future of ouraid with the United States.
This decision should be a wake-up call
for Israeli decision-makers to begin
that process of rethinking.
(dramatic music)
- Israel should listen tothe threats of its enemies
more than the promises of its allies.
That's a warning deliveredby Israel's former ambassador
to the UN, Danny Danon.
I spoke with the Danonafter President Biden
addressed the UN andsaid the U.S. still wants
to rejoin the Iranian nuclear deal.
(dramatic music)
U.S. President Joe Biden made his speech
to the UN General Assembly.
He talked about going backto the Iranian nuclear deal,
the JCPOA, what wereyour thoughts about that,
about actually going backto the original deal?
- It was a bad deal in 2015,and today it's even worse.
We hope it will not happen.
And look what happened only a few hours
before the speech of President Biden.
All of a sudden the Iranians announced
that they are willing togo back to negotiations.
They are playing, they are cheating.
They are not honest.
And we hope that the U.S.and the other democracies
will not fall for thetraps of the Iranians,
will not go back to the JCPOA,
because going back to that agreement,
it's basically giving thelegitimacy to the Iranians
to continue with their ambitionsto achieve a nuclear bomb.
- A lot has happened in thelast six years, since 2015.
Iran is really just one step away
from military grade uranium.
How much of a threat doesIran pose now in 2021
than it did in 2015?
- No one can argue that they deceived
the international inspectors.
No one can argue that todaythey're in a better place.
And always they say, "We don't want it
for military usage," they are lying.
We proved it, we saw itin the archive we obtained
from Tehran that they werelying from the beginning.
So today they are closerto achieving a bomb.
And I want to remind you ofwhat happened with North Korea.
The U.S. was speaking withthem, negotiating with them.
One morning, we woke upand North Korea announced,
"We have the bomb."
We cannot let it happen with Iran.
- Does this put Israelin a difficult position?
If the U.S. wants to go back to the deal,
is it possible that Israel will have
to do something militarily?
- We have to defend ourselves.
I remember a meeting Ihad with Elie Wiesel,
a blessed memory, when Iwalked into UN on my first day.
And he told me, "Listen very carefully
to the threats of your enemies
more than the promisesyou get from your allies."
So we shouldn't thinkabout the promises we get
from the U.S. or fromthe EU or from the UN.
We should listen to thethreats coming from the Tehran.
And we will do whatever isnecessary to protect ourselves.
- What do you expect tohear from the prime minister
next week when he speaks to the UN?
- A strong statementabout the threats of Iran
and that Israel will notbe part of any agreement
that will allow Iran toobtain a nuclear bomb.
(dramatic music)
- For more than twodecades, the United States
has given Pakistan billionsof dollars in military
and financial aid in exchange for its help
in battling terrorism and radical Islam.
Yet experts say thatthe Taliban's takeover
of Afghanistan last month has shown
how unreliable a partner Pakistan has been
in fighting that war.
As CBN News SeniorInternational Correspondent
George Thomas tells us,some are now calling
on the United States to take a closer look
at its relationshipand the subversive role
the Muslim majority countrycontinues to play in the region.
- [George] Within hoursof the Taliban's takeover
last month, Pakistan'sPrime Minister Imran Khan
praised the Islamic fighters for breaking
what he called shackles of slavery.
- [Translator] When youbecome a mental slave,
then remember that mental slavery is worse
than actual slavery.
It's more difficult to breakthe chains of mental slavery.
In Afghanistan, they have justbroken the chains of slavery.
- [George] Pakistan'sinvolvement in Afghanistan
goes back some sevendecades, and their support
for the Taliban has been crucial
since their founding in the 1990s.
- From the very beginning, its inception,
they helped in actuallybranding the name Taliban.
- Pakistan's intelligenceservice, the ISI,
along with its military,helped fund, train,
and recruit Taliban fighters.
- The Taliban would be a shell of itself,
its insurgency would be wildly ineffective
without Pakistani state support.
- [George] Bill Roggio, Editorof the "Long War Journal,"
tells CBN News Pakistan'smilitary played a crucial role
in the early days of the offensive,
allowing a surge of newfighters to cross the border
and help the Talibanquickly overrun the country.
- There's credible reportsof Pakistani military units
donning Taliban uniform andhelping to serve as advisors
and fight alongside theTaliban in Afghanistan.
- Husain Haqqani, who servedas Pakistan's ambassador
to the United States, saysthe Taliban's reemergence
is a significant win for Islamabad,
even though the Muslim majority nation
was ostensibly America's ally in the war
against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
- Most of the Taliban leaders have lived
in Pakistan all this time.
Their families are in Pakistan.
There is an ethnic overlap with Pakistan.
And so Pakistan now has major say
in Taliban's international affairs.
And that makes Pakistan the winner.
- [George] Pakistan'sInterior Minister boasting
that they are the custodiansof the Taliban saying,
"We have taken care of them.
They got shelter, education,and a home in Pakistan.
We have done everything for them."
That confession coming assome are now questioning
Washington's endless appetitefor Islamabad's con games.
- Pakistan has alwaysbeen the main problem.
The U.S. and the West'sinability to coerce Pakistan
to end its support for theTaliban is the primary reason
why Afghanistan is fallingto the Taliban today.
- [George] Lawmakers acrossparty lines are demanding
more severe consequences forPakistan's subversive role,
especially after gettingbillions in military
and financial aid from American taxpayers
while supporting the Taliban'sterrorist activities.
Secretary of State AnthonyBlinken questioned on the matter
during hearings on Afghanistan.
- Pakistan is currentlya major non-NATO ally
of the United States, givingit a number of benefits,
including privilegedaccess to U.S. arm sales.
Is it time for the United States
to reassess its relationship with Pakistan
and reassess its statusas a major non-NATO ally?
- This is one of thethings that we're going
to be looking at in thedays and weeks ahead,
the role that Pakistan hasplayed over the last 20 years,
but also the role that wewould want to see it play
in the coming years.
- [George] Meanwhile, 55% of Pakistanis
in a poll this week said they're happy
that the Taliban seized Afghanistan.
George Thomas, CBN News.
(dramatic music)
- [Chris] Coming up,rescuing those left behind
in Afghanistan, as the Talibangoes killing door to door.
(upbeat music)
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(dramatic music)
- Last month, U.S. forces left Afghanistan
after the largest airlift in U.S. history.
Although thousands were evacuated,
the Biden administration left behind
an unknown number of Americans.
But the effort to rescue them isn't over.
These covert videos provide a true look
at life inside Afghanistanunder Taliban rule.
Arrest, abductions, and execution.
- I believe that level ofdesperation is even worse now
without the U.S. troopsthere, without any exit,
and people are hiding in safe houses,
and in hiding on the run.
The Taliban is actually doorto door doing executions,
where they're going tograb people, stuffing them
in trunks of cars and drivingthem off to execution sites.
I can imagine the onthe ground panic there
is even worse than it wasduring those evacuation days.
- [Chris] When the U.S.announced its pull-out,
Chad Robichaux joined otherretired Special Forces members
to form
He says they rescued morethan 12,000 U.S. citizens
and Afghan allies during the chaotic weeks
before the U.S. military'sfinal flight out.
- The good news is is thatwe're still being successful
with evacuations, not in thebig numbers that we were.
We're still getting a hundredto 200 people out per day.
- [Chris] This type of rescueoperation is nothing new
to Dave Eubank of the Free Burma Rangers.
- We try to help peopleget out any way we can.
And I'm really gratefulfor the Tajik government
that right now has avery humanitarian look
of how can we help people.
- [Chris] The White Houseand State Department
put the number of U.S.citizens left behind
to about 100, Robichaux saysthe math doesn't add up.
- [Chad] The truth isit's not a few hundred.
My guess is at least 5,000.
- [Chris] Whatever the number,U.S. citizens are in danger.
- They are hunting down people right now
trying to get all the names of
anyone they perceive as an enemy.
- They're scared, theydon't know what to do.
They feel abandoned by our country.
It has a responsibility to help them.
- Robichaux and Eubanksay leaving no one behind
is an American value.
- The truth is it doesn'tmatter if it's 5,000,
it doesn't matter if it's 200,
it doesn't matter if it's one,
because from where I comefrom and as an American,
especially in the SpecialOperations community,
if one American is behind enemy lines,
if one American's life is in danger,
we will use every bit of military force
and strength and squash theearth around that person
to rescue that person.
- [Chris] He fears theBiden administration,
news media and much ofthe world are moving on.
For Afghan women, life got a lot worse
after this Taliban decree.
"All widows under the age of 35
whose husbands were killedin the previous regime,
if they are still widowed,will marry the Mujahideen
of the Islamic Emirate."
- [Chad] We have 20 million women
that are immediatelydeclared as sex slaves,
the amount of trafficking,sex trafficking,
that's going to happen out of Afghanistan.
- [Chris] Article II, "Allpatriotic and Muslim parents
of Afghanistan are calledupon to give your daughters
over the age of 18 to begiven to their husbands
in order to maintain Islamic ethics."
- [Dave] Actually,almost every day, Chris,
I started to cry because Ithought of these little girls
left in the hands of the Taliban.
And that's the biggest thing.
- [Chris] And ArticleIII, "All women working
in government offices are now ordered
to stay in their homes."
- The murder and persecution of Christians
and all this stuff is happening right now.
And it seems like not only the White House
and the mainstream media but the entire
international communitywants to be silent.
- [Chris] Yet the internationalcommunity may soon decide
if the Taliban will beAfghanistan's recognized government.
The Taliban just nominated an ambassador
to represent them at the UN.
(dramatic music)
Up next, following the biblical injunction
to live in a temporary dwelling for a week
and how it brings theJewish people closer to God.
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(dramatic music)
- For thousands of years,Jewish people around the world
have followed the biblical injunction
to live in temporary dwellings
during the Feast ofTabernacles, or Sukkot.
Here's a story we dida number of years ago,
before COVID-19, where CBNcorrespondent Julie Stahl
takes us inside one of those sukkahs
and hears how it brings theJewish people closer to God.
Some call him Hashem.
(speaking in Hebrew)
- [Julie] It's an ancientbiblical commandment
that's still being kept today.
Some call it a Jewish camping trip,
but with the conveniences of home.
- Shalom, welcome.- Hi, shalom.
- We're so glad to have youhere with us in our sukkah.
- Yes, thank you.
- We're here in our sukkah,
which is really the home-away-from homes
for this whole week of theFeast of Tabernacles, Sukkot.
- [Julie] Like manyIsraelis and Jewish people
around the world, Seth andTe'ena Ben-Haim build a sukkah,
or booth, on the back porch
of their Jerusalem apartment every year.
- It helps us remember, first of all,
we're commanded to rememberthe Exodus from Egypt
and how we needed towander through the desert
for 40 years without permanent dwellings.
But it also reminds us thateven though we've been brought
into the land of Israel,
we haven't reached our final destination.
- So tell us about the sukkah itself.
How do you make a sukkah?
- The main thing is that it's a roof
that will make us feel thatwe're open to the elements.
- [Julie] And why is that?
- Well, because otherwise we'd be
in the protection ofour homes in some ways.
And we're supposed to bein this flimsy tabernacle
so that we can rememberthat ultimately we're
under Hashem's protection.
- [Julie] Most sukkahs are decorated,
at least in part, by the children.
Families eat, sleep,study and play together
in their temporaryhouses for a whole week.
Despite the camping conditions,
it's considered a joyful time.
- And you can focus onthe real important things,
like relationships, and just sitting down
and studying the Word and talking
with the children aboutGod's faithfulness.
- [Julie] Jonathan and his sister Rebecca
enjoy the holiday so muchJonathan made his tree house
into a sukkah.
- Just for Sukkot.- [Julie] Just for Sukkot.
And that, too, that's very pretty.
So you decorated your sukkah up here.
- Yes.- [Julie] Wow!
Another part of the Sukkot celebration,
recorded in Leviticus 23,is bringing a special fruit
and branches to rejoice before the Lord.
- We offer them toHashem, all four of these,
in our prayers every morning.
We wave them in many different directions
and we really look to above,and that's what this type
of roof helps us remember, too.
We're looking to above
'cause that's where ourhelp is gonna come from.
- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.
(dramatic music)
- [Chris] Still ahead,how Jewish people prepare
for the holiday and build a sukkah.
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♪ Joy ♪
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- Well, now that you'veseen what it's like to be
inside a sukkah, we'd like to give you
a behind the scenes look.
Before COVID-19, CBN News took a trip
to the Jerusalem market known as The Chuke
to see how people prepare for the feast.
And then what it's liketo put a sukkah together
in a non-coronavirus year.
Take a look at what you can see
on our social media channels.
(speaking in Hebrew)(lively Israeli music)
- So I just want to tell youwhat we're actually doing here.
It's in the Book of Leviticus and it says,
"You shall take foryourselves on the first day
the fruit of beautiful trees,branches of palm trees,
the boughs of leafy trees,and willows of the brook."
These funny looking lemonsare called etrogs or citrons.
They're Citron fruits,and they are edible,
but we don't buy them to eatat this time of the year.
You want to make sure you get one
that doesn't have a blemish in it,
because it's a specialfruit that it speaks about
in the Book of Leviticus for this holiday.
(upbeat music)
(speaking Hebrew)
- Okay, here we are, andwe're gonna build a sukkah.
So here we go.
(upbeat music and whistling)
Chag sameach, have a happy holiday.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Well, that's what it'slike here in Jerusalem
during the feast of Tabernacles.
That's all for this editionof "Jerusalem Dateline."
Please join me in prayer forthe people of Afghanistan.
Father, we pray for those people right now
in harm's way, that you would rescue them.
We pray for Dave Eubank and Chad Robichaux
and others who arerescuing people right now.
And we pray for thosethat are in harm's way,
in peril, in danger, thatyou would protect them
with your Holy Spirit and your angels.
We ask that in Jesus' name, amen.
Please continue to pray for these people
that are in harm's way.
And thanks for joining us on this edition
of "Jerusalem Dateline."
We'll see you next week.
(dramatic music)