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Studio 5: The Starling - September 22, 2021

We explore the new film The Starling with its director Ted Melfi. We also go behind-the-scenes of The Eyes of Tammy Faye. And we preview the latest chapter of the God’s Not Dead franchise. It’s called God’s Not Dead: We The People. Read Transcript

(jazz music)

- Welcome to "Studio 5."

We are sitting down with the filmmaker

behind "The Starling."

We're also looking into"The Eyes of Tammy Faye,"

just in case you missed it

and sharing your firstlook at the latest chapter

of the "God's Not Dead" franchise.

To get things started,

we are firing up this week's countdown,

the top five stories in the world

of uplifting entertainment.

Here's number five and number four.

At number five,

- My singer voice has alwaysbeen my guardian angel.

- [Efrem] Actress CynthiaErivo has been busy

since we last saw her playingthe role of Aretha Franklin.

You have an album comingand a children's book.

- Yes.

♪ I've had ghosts of my past ♪

♪ Come back to greet me ♪

♪ Big white smiles in their eyes ♪

- [Efrem] Her debutalbum is now available.

It's called "Chapter One, Verse One."

- The album, I was writing,

one of the songs is almost seven years.

- [Efrem] Her children's book,

"Remember to Dream, Ebere" hitsbookstore shelves next week,

September 28.

- [Cynthia] Taking a yearfor it to be fully completed.

I'm a stickler for details,

so I kept going back andforth and changing things

and changed the illustrator.

We have an amazing illustrator now,

and it came together sort of,

the idea dropped in one day

and I knew that I wanted to teach children

and their parents andanyone who reads the book

that we are allowed todream as big as we want to.

No dream is too big.

But when we do dream thosedreams to dream in detail,

because it's the detail

that you probably find the reality of it.

So it's about dreaming with all the detail

you can possibly find

because then you canactually make it real.

- [Efrem] Number four,

Filmmaker Spike Lee makes history

at the Cannes Film Festival.

The Academy Award-winning director

is the first Black president of the jury

and the festival celebratesa milestone of its own.

- [Efrem] Happy 75th birthdayCannes Film Festival.

The movie fest began on this day in 1946.

It was supposed to start in 1939,

but was postponed due to World War II.

Film screened at the inaugural festival

included Billy Wilder's "The Lost Weekend"

and Roberto Rossellini's "Open City."

- And we'll continue our countdown,

picking things up at numberthree in just a little bit.

Right now we turn to thenew film, "The Starling."

It stars Melissa McCarthy,Chris O'Dowd, and Kevin Kline.

The story is an emotionallook at how we grieve loss

on many levels and we're sitting down

with the film's director,

Ted Melfi for an inside look.

(slow music)

♪ 18 in love ♪

- [Doctor] How are you sleeping?

- Terrific.

- Are you waiting okay?

- Yes.

I don't know if they give Michelin stars

to mental healthfacilities, but if they did.

(music quickens)

- How's he doing, really?

- It's going to take some time.

He's been through a lot.

And what about you?

- Oh, I'm fine.

- People have been noticingyou're acting sorta funny.

You're distracted.

♪ There's only one way to fly. ♪

♪ I know it's every ♪- There's a guy

I used to work with.

Someone you could talk to.

- [Secretary] What's your pet's name?

- I don't have a pet.- No pet.

- That's a first.

- Ted, this is your first feature.

since the success of Hidden Figures.

Any pressure going intothis to measure up to that?

- I just don't do thissort of thing anymore.

- No offense, but you can kind of tell.

- [Ted] I just figured it wasa very special movie for me.

And Starling is a veryspecial thing for me.

You can't really compare them.

- Get the hell outta here!


- I make movies that affect me,

I hope to God they'll affect others.

And that's really what my path is.

- What did this story doto you that made you want

to sign on and direct?

- It moved me in waysthat I couldn't imagine.

It's really an essay on staying together.

I've been married 25 years.

My wife and I are constantlyworking on our relationship,

constantly working on our marriage,

constantly trying to get better.

- It's about Jack and you.

Jack and you.

How do you restart?

How do you have a marriage now?

- She's a lot better at it than I am.

You know, but in all honesty,

we're both always working on it.

And so to see a movie about a couple

that really, truly love each other, right?

And then make thecommitment to do the work

to stay together.

It's what the world needs right now.

- Are you familiar with stage three

of the grieving process?

- I'm assuming that follows stage two.

- This storyline deals a lot with grief

and how we all handle it differently.

And we're living in a time

where many of us are experiencing grief,

really close to home inlight of all that's going on.

What did you want to say about, I mean,

the suffering that we dealwith when we lose someone?

- I think what I wanted to say is

there's no right way to get through it.

- No.

- There's only trying to get through it.

So what I'm trying to sayabout mental health is

there's no right orwrong way to find healing

and to find your sanityand to find your health.

- I thought maybe we couldgo up to the lake again

when you get home, youknow, for the fourth.

- Sure.- That was fun, right?

- Yeah.

- [Efrem] This film reunitesyou with Melissa McCarthy.

When did you know youwanted her to lead this film

and what do you think of the performance?

- Going back to being my good old self

and we can all get on with our lives.

- It's just going totake time, that's all.

- Don't, don't, don't, please.

- The roles were originally switched.

Jack's role was Lily's role

and Lily's role was Jack's role, so.

- Going to make all of this okay,

it's going to make us okay?

- I'm not saying that.

I'm just saying that wecan't stay here like this.

This is not good.

- I know.

- [Ted] It didn't make sense to me

that the man was a strong one,

staying at home and thewoman was the weak one.

It didn't make sense to me

because that's not my experience.

The women in my life werejust better and stronger

and faster and smarter and healthier.

So the minute we flipped the roles,

I said, "It's Melissa.

It's Melissa."

Because I don't know anyoneout there that can deliver

that level of dramatic pathos

and then make you laugh at the same time.

I don't know anyone that cando that outside of Melissa.

- I carried her inside me for nine months.

So why are you here?

- As they say in sports,

she leaves it all out in the field.

At every scene she showsup in and she bares it all.

And you know, we laughed and cried

along with her every day on set.

So it's just a joy to have her.

- I want to not quit with her.

- See, there's hope.

- Starlings are differentthan other birds.

They build a nest together.

They protect the nest together.

They're just not meant toexist in the world alone,

on their own.

- Real subtle stuff Larry.

- I thought so.

- And "The Starling" beginsstreaming on Netflix this week.

You can catch it startingFriday, September 24th.

Still ahead.

- It's not over, till it's over.

- [Efrem] Going behind the scenes

to bring you a closer lookinto the eyes of Tammy Faye.

- Daddy?

- Yeah, buddy.

- How many nickels are in a dollar?

- There are 20 nickels in a dollar.

- Look. How do birds fly?

Does milk really make my bones stronger?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Daddy, when we die,will we go to heaven?

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- [Efrem] At number three,

(mom and baby laughing)

The baby's laughter athome is answered prayer

for Duck Dynasty's Sadie Robertson,

who's sharing video andpictures with this message,

"Four days in the hospital.

And this girl is happy to go home.

She's still very congestedwith a bad cough,

but her oxygen was good enoughto get better from home.

We are so grateful.

Thank you for everyone who prayed for us.

We truly did feel your prayers."

- At number two,

- [Movie Narrator] This is an arena.

We're gladiators.

- [Efrem] It's a "Studio 5"first look behind the scenes

of the film "American Underdog,the Kurt Warner Story."

- Everybody knew the story.

(crowd cheers)

He was working at a supermarket

(boxes fall)(Kurt actor yells)

and then plays Arena Football.

(crowd roaring)

Then gets in the NFL.

- Welcome to the Rams.

- [Kurt actor] He wins

the freaking Super Bowl.(crowd roars)

- I've had so many people tell me

your story is made for Hollywood.

It's made for the big screen.

- [Efrem] You still havea little time to wait.

"American Underdog" is intheaters Christmas Day.

- I've heard so many peopleover the years that say

that they've been inspired,

they've been encouragedbecause of my story.

And that's what I think is so cool.

- With that, we have justone more story to share

in this week's countdown.

We hope you'll stick around for that.

You could say all eyesare on Jessica Chastain.

As we've shared, she is on the cover

of the latest editionof "Relevant Magazine"

for her passion project,

bringing the story of TammyFaye Bakker to the big screen.

And in case you missed it,

it is in theaters right now.

- Well hello everybody.

- [Kids] Hi Tammy!

- I had heard about Tammy Faye Bakker

because I grew up aroundthe time of their empire

and their fall from grace.

I thought that she was a thief,

that she and Jim Bakker hadstolen millions of dollars,

- Oh, the phones are ringing.

Oh praise Jesus and praise you.

- This is my preconceived idea of her.

And when I watched thedocumentary actually,

I got to know her as someone

who believed that everyoneis deserving of love

without judgment.

- I don't think of them as homosexuals.

I just think of them as otherhuman beings that I love.

- And I thought, oh mygosh, why hasn't anyone ever

made this film and told her story?

- [Efrem] Chastain is on thecover of the latest edition

of Relevant Magazine.

Tyler Huckabee is thejournalist who wrote the feature

and Chastain says that Tammywas likely portrayed unfairly

in the media.

Is this something you thinkshe's trying to correct?

- In my conversationwith her, very much so.

That was a huge part of herdesire to make this movie.

This movie was a passion project for her.

Tammy Faye was obviouslysort of unconventional

in a lot of ways.

She had a very loud personality,

did not fit easily into alot of the cultural boxes

we create for famous women,

but she was also a much morecomplicated and honestly,

much more loving and devotedand God-honoring person

than she's often portrayedto be in the media.

- I love people.

I have a genuine, genuine love for people.

And I hurt when people hurt.

- This is the best part I've ever had

in terms of the challenge.

I just had to let hercompletely into my life

and really go into theworld of Tammy Faye.

- Jessica shares Tammy'sability to touch people

with God's grace

and that also impactedJessica as well, correct?

- That's right yeah.

Jessica said that shereally hoped that audiences,

particularly Christian audiences,

would come away from thisrealizing that Tammy Faye,

what really marked TammyFaye for the people

that she interacted with at the time

was this unconditional acceptance.

- It's important thatI tell her as she was,

not as people want to remember her.

- Tammy Faye, ladies and gentlemen.

- At this time in society,when Tammy Faye was popular,

it was difficult for societyto handle loud women,

not necessarily voice,

but more about Tammy's boldness,

her impact, her confidence with God.

What else can you tell usabout her perception there?

- I think that we've, as a society,

have gotten maybe a little bit better

since Tammy Faye's life andsince her unfortunate passing

at understanding that

there is not necessarilyone cookie cutter for women,

especially women in the church,

but at the time, thatjust wasn't the case.

- Well God's been talking to me too, Jim.

And he said that I got to speak up.

- And it turns out thatshe was on the right side

of a lot of really important issues

that the church has come around on.

And she was ahead of thecurve in a lot of ways.

- It was the best part I've ever played

and it was great fun to kindof sink my teeth into it.

- Hallelujah, oh yeah.

- She's hoping that this movie,

"The Eyes of Tammy Faye"will give people a broader

and deeper understanding forTammy Faye's life and legacy.

- Amen.- Amen.

- "The Eyes of TammyFaye" is also the title

of the documentary thatinspired Jessica Chastain

to take on the role.

It took many years forher to get the film made

and it is in theaters right now.

Before we take a break,

we would like to share thisweek story in pictures.

Here's your "Studio 5" Snap Shot.

- Ted Lasso.

(crowd yelling)

- [Efrem] Ted Lasso was a big winner

at the 73rd annual EmmyAward Show this week.

And so were the fashions.

We're taking a look at some of the beauty

on the red carpet of the show

that saw its viewership riseto 7.4 million this year.

That's up 16% from last year.

The Emmys are this week's"Studio 5" Snap Shot.

Coming up next.

- No one has a monopolyon the truth, Mr. Hill.

Not even you.

- [Efrem] The latest chapter

of the "God's Not Dead" film series

and an exclusive chatwith one of its stars.

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- And welcome back to "Studio 5."

The filmmakers behind the"God's Not Dead" franchise

have completed the next chapter.

It's "God's Not Dead: We the People"

and it stars Antonio SabatoJr, David A.R. White,

Francesca Battistelli, Isaiah Washington,

and William Forsythe.

Here's your "Studio 5" First Look.

- America is a country soblessed with prosperity.

It only makes sense thatmuch will be asked of her

in return.

To whom much is given,much will be required.

- The story of "God'sNot Dead: We the People"

ties both directly andindirectly to the events

of the previous film.

We have recurring characters.

You'll see some familiarfaces from the first film

and the second film and the third film.

So it was great fun tobe able to direct some

of the returning cast thatplayed their same roles

and see how they've grown.

And so the series has matured,

those characters as aresult have also matured

and myself included.

- I'm here to review yourhomeschooling environment.

- The challenges that Rebeccafaces are not so much personal

with her family,

but more with this idea thatsomeone is going to say,

"You can't live the lifethat you want to live.

And we're going to take this ability

to educate your children theway that you feel led to.

We're going to take that away from you

and force you to do things our way."

And that's a big challenge,

a big challenge to overcome,

but it's amazing to see how sheapproaches that in the film.

- And your lesson plan is the Bible?

- Well, for theology,

I'd be hard pressed to finda more appropriate book.

- My character's me.

I'm just bringing myself to this one

and I personally want to fight for God.

- [Man] Every family in the co-op

has just received a court summons.

- How is that possible?

- They're willing to fight for it.

They're willing to lose everything for it.

I mean, I'm talking aboutlosing their careers,

losing their house, andeverything they ever worked for.

- If your children donot show up at school

a week from Monday,

you will be chargedwith contempt of court,

meaning you will be incarcerated.

- He's a believer.

He loves his family.

He loves his wife, and hereally, really loves God.

I think we need to havemore roles like this,

positive leading roles andas someone who believes

in family and God and country.

- Now there's nothing in the way

to mandate universaleducational guidelines.

- All the sudden, they'regoing to Washington

to plead their case

and our freedoms can easilybe stripped away from us

if we don't stand up.

- [Darryl] Homeschoolingis just like a weed

to these folks and theyjust want to yank it out.

- [Dave] Which is why, Ithink we should fight this.

- Just want to make sure you understand.

- In the midst of these movies,

that the characters hopefully are organic,

that people can relate to.

And some of the issuesthat you know are relevant

in their lives, in eachand every one of our lives

in different ways.

The hope is that it encouragespeople in their faith.

- Your beliefs do notexempt you from the law,

Mr. McKinnon.

- America was founded on these principles.

and if we just throw them away.

- I think we're done here.

- The congressperson that is on their side

think is important andunique unto herself.

If they insist on tramplingbeliever's rights,

well sir, they are in for a fight.

I feel confident this movie,

because it's very timely, probably'll do

we think will find somesolice to build that

if you choose to fight,

maybe this is a pretext or manual

to help you understand how you can.

- A government of thepeople, by the people

- Order- for the people.

- "God's Not Dead: We thePeople" is in theaters

for a three night event,October 4th, 5th, and 6th.

We'll be sitting downwith three of its stars

in the coming days andsharing that with you,

right here on "Studio 5."

Well, with that,

we have made it to the finalstory in this week's countdown

of the five biggest headlinesin the world of entertainment.

Here is what is finishingon top of this week.

At number one,

- Freedom is a fragilething and it's never more

than one generation away from extinction.

- [Efrem] We've shared thenews the fourth chapter

of "God's Not Dead" hitstheaters for three nights

in October.

It's called "God's NotDead: We the People."

- Right now, there's nothing in the way

to mandate universaleducational guidelines.

- [Efrem] And we now havean exclusive interview

with one of its stars, Isaiah Washington.

Famous for his roles in thehit series "Grey's Anatomy,"

the film "Love Jones," and "The 100."

- What made you say yes to the"God's Not Dead" franchise?

- I like to pick projects

that make me feel likeI am being of service

to something or someone.

I just want to make sure you understand

what you're fighting here.

- Our district teaches arevisionist version of history.

- If God is for us, who can be against us?

- Around here?

Just about everyone else.

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- Heavenly Father, we dothank you for the work

of your spirit, Lord God,

with this movement of- Jesus

- getting the Bible.- Yes

- Lord into public schools.

- [Narrator 7] Watch "ThePrayer Link" Tuesday morning

at 7:30 on the CBN News Channel.

(upbeat music)

♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ With a little more satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I'll dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'll move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- Welcome back to "Studio 5"

This week's soundtrack is another cut

from Travis Green's newproject "Oil and Water."

Take a listen and you'llhear why "Love Song"

is what's playing in my ear.

♪ I love to sing to You ♪

♪ There is nothing else ♪

♪ That I would rather do ♪

♪ My heart and my desire is found in You ♪

♪ Oh Jesus ♪

♪ Oh Jesus ♪

♪ You are my love song ♪

- "Love Song."

On that musical note,

we are almost out of time forthis edition of "Studio 5,"

so let's fast forward for a moment

and take a look at whatwe're working to bring you

come next week.

- [Director] Ready? And action.

- [Efrem] Cameras are rolling

and we're going behind thescenes of a Broadway hit

now ready for the big screen.

This is a film that you'redirecting that you didn't write.

Why this film to directknowing you hadn't written it?

We're sitting down with thedirector of "Dear Evan Hansen."

- It was all along this idea.

She thought of the whole thing.

- Is that eh, yeah,

that's the young woman whoorganized the memorial.

- Yeah.

- Oh, well she seems like quite a force.

- I directed this filmbecause when I saw it

on Broadway three years ago,

I was so taken by the story.

It was so complicated,

but ultimately I thought very redemptive.

I love the music.

I thought it was a surprising story.

The characters were memorable.

It just, I don't know.

It checked every box I had.

- That's coming up next week.

We certainly hope you willjoin us for that story

and so much more.

Today before we wrap thisepisode of "Studio 5,"

we want to give the final word

to the director of "TheStarling," Ted Melfi.

- Are you familiar with stagethree of the grieving process?

- I'm assuming that follows stage two.

- Not necessarily, but generally.

- There's no right way to get through it.

There's only trying to get through it.

And in the trying to get through grief,

we realize the techniquethat works for us.

So in the film, Chris doesthe traditional thing,

Chris O'Dowd's character, Jack,

does the traditional thing

and kind of takes a time out,

takes a mental timeout

and goes to a facility where he can rest

and catch himself upand figure out who he is

or how he can move forward.

And Melissa character does the opposite.

She runs, she doesn't stop.

She deflects, she avoids,and she barrels forward,

which is another technique, right?

So what I'm trying to sayabout mental health is

there's no right orwrong way to find healing

and to find your sanity.

- Thank you, Mr. Melfi.

That is a great final wordfor this edition of "Studio 5"

and this week's look atuplifting entertainment.

Until next time,

I want to encourage you to make time

to uplift someone around you

and then come on backand see where "Studio 5"

takes you next week.

Thank you so much for watching.

Bye-bye for now.


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