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Woman Battles Multiple Kidney Infections

After months of unbearable pain because of severe bacterial infections, Bonnie cried out to God. See what answered her prayer. Read Transcript

- [Reporter] As a diabetic,Bonnie Grunky has had

her share of infections over the years.

The one that hit her inSeptember 2020, however,

would require more thanmedical science to heal.

- I woke my husband up and I says,

"I think I really needto go to the hospital."

I mean, I could not stop trembling.

I never had chills likethis before in my life.

It was terrible.

- [Reporter] In the emergency room,

doctors discovered anabscess on her kidney,

causing severe kidney infection.

- It covered 90% of my kidney.

When I met the doctor and hesays was a good thing I came in

when I did because if Ihad waited much longer,

I could have died.

- [Reporter] Bonnie wasadmitted and doctors gave

her antibiotics to treat the infection

and inserted a PICC line to drain

the fluid from the abscess.

When the one PICC line couldn't keep up,

doctors added another.

- The second one was so painful,

I cried and I says, "PleaseLord, stop this pain,

just stop the pain."

I mean, I was in terrible, terrible pain.

- [Reporter] Over the next several weeks,

Bonnie would be in andout of the hospital.

Every time doctors thoughtthey had taken care

of one infection, anotherwould take its place.

- And I didn't just haveone bacteria in there,

I had several.

The doctor told me hehad never seen any type

of infection like what I have.

- [Reporter] I had thePICC lines having failed,

doctors took Bonnie intosurgery to insert a stint

to help drain the fluids.

Still the infection raged on,and Bonnie began losing hope.

- The house is a total disaster.

I lived in the bedroom for three months.

That was probably my low point.

I felt hopeless and helpless.

I was frightened, I reallydidn't want to die yet.

- [Reporter] Through itall, Bonnie turned to God

for help and healing.

- I would pray to theLord and I would say,

"Please, Lord, guideme, get me out of this."

But I also, I would endwith "Thy will be done."

If it's my time, I'm yours.

It's not what I want, but what he want.

I wanted to be healed.

- [Reporter] Then on December2nd, 2020, Bonnie was watching

the "700 Club" when Patand Wendy's started praying

for the audience.

- Somebody has a severe kidney infection.

It's really, used the termnephritis, it's really serious.

And God, right now you'll feel power

in the smaller of yourback and you'll feel heat.

And you are healed in the name of Jesus.

- Oh my goodness, that'sme, I am claiming this.

I hollered to my husband,Martin, I says, "Hun,"

and I told him what Pat Robertson said.

And that that morning, it was still all

that nasty drainage coming out.

It didn't drain for a while.

And then all of a sudden,when it started draining,

it was totally clear.

I knew I was healed.

- [Reporter] Also gone was the pain.

A month later at a follow-up appointment,

Bonnie's doctor confirmed theinfection and abscess was gone

and removed the drainage tubesand stints from her kidney.

- The healing of my kidneyhas strengthened my faith.

I knew there was no infection.

I knew I was healed and thatbrought my spirits up 110%.

The Lord gives me my strength.

Sometimes you may not even feel him,

but know he is there,and he is carrying you.

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