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Exercising Religious Exemptions in the Age of Mandatory Vaccinations

Exercising Religious Exemptions in the Age of Mandatory Vaccinations Read Transcript

- CBN's Brody Carter hasour top story tonight.

Brody.- John, Jenna

the impact of the president'ssweeping executive orders

will affect millions.

From families to workers, to employers

we did find how legalexperts are offering options

to those concerned aboutforced vaccinations.

- This is not aboutfreedom or personal choice.

It's about protectingyourself and those around you.

- I think he's gone too far.

You can't make people get an injection.

- [Brody] Many questioningthe constitutionality

of this emergency privatesector vaccine mandate.

- It's unconstitutional as amatter of separation of powers.

- [Brody] Roger Gannamwith Liberty Counsel says

Biden is pulling his power from OSHA,

the Labor Department's safety enforcer

using the growing infectionrate as a catalyst

to mandate vaccinations.

- We're already seeinghundreds of people call us

asking for advice on religious exemptions.

Many of them are filingtheir own complaints

through the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission

or EEOC.

It's inevitable there willbe a lot of litigation

against not only the private employers

but against the governmentitself because of this.

- [Brody] Legal experts atAlliance Defending Freedom

plan to do just that saying quote,

"Should these mandatesencroach on the First Amendment

"freedoms and autonomy ofreligious institutions,

"ADF stands ready tochallenge the administration

"in federal court."

- The rules are being createdbut we have obviously had

religious exemptions evenfor federal employees.

I'm sure that'll be a factortaken into consideration.

- [Brody] Religiousexemptions are protected

in the Civil Rights Act of1964 which requires employers

to provide reasonableaccommodations for employees

who object to certain requirements based

on sincerely held religious beliefs.

- The employers cannotrequire the employee

to get a pastor or anythird party to validate

or vouch for these sincerelyheld religious beliefs.

Religious beliefs are personaland the law only requires

that they be sincere.

The law doesn't require that they be

the same as someone else'sor approved by denomination.

- [Brody] Those companies which grant

religious accommodationscould require those

unvaccinated employees towear masks, social distance,

and undergo weekly COVIDtesting which could lead

to an entirely new listof issues such as supply

and who pays for the tests.

Roger went on to encourageanyone with a religious exemption

to exercise your right to do so.

Whether that be on thebasis of your body being

a holy temple or refusingto vaccinate based

on research that involvedaborted fetal cells,

that decision is yours andreligious beliefs are personal.

It can always seekpersonalized legal counsel

by going to their website

John, Jenna back to you.


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