- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."
- And thank you so much forjoining us on this Monday,
September 13, 2021, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, COVID vaccines and children.
The FDA warning parentsnot to look for a vaccine
for their children untilone has been approved.
This is happening as conservativegovernors are pushing back
against the president'snew vaccine mandates.
Former President DonaldTrump telling the nation
on the 20th anniversaryof 9/11 God is the answer
to the evil we experienced on that day.
The Taliban says it iswilling to establish relations
with any country except one, Israel.
We're gonna hear from an expert
who says the Taliban believesit can blackmail America.
And with violent crimerising across the country
in the wake of the Defundthe Police movement,
we're gonna show you howone Cincinnati church
is supporting police.
All those stories and more are ahead
in today's edition of "CBN Newswatch."
We begin this half hour withthe FDA issuing a warning
when it comes to children and vaccines,
telling parents not toseek a COVID vaccine
for their children untilthe agency has approved one.
The rising number of cases among those
under the age of 12 has someparents asking pediatricians
to vaccinate their children now.
At the same time, conservative governors
across the country are rising up
against President Biden'snew vaccine mandates.
Dale Hurd is on the story.
- [Dale] The CDC says thepercentage of children
with cases of COVID-19that are serious enough
to need hospitalization is .008%.
But with cases reportedlyrising among children,
the FDA is warning parentsnot to have children
under 12 vaccinated untilthe agency gives approval,
saying children are not small adults.
CDC data show COVIDsymptoms among children
under 12 usually rangefrom asymptomatic to mild.
And yet the former head ofthe FDA indicated a vaccine
for children could be coming.
- You could potentiallyhave a vaccine available
to children age five to 11 by Halloween,
if everything goes well.
- [Dale] This as oppositiongrows against Joe Biden's
vaccine mandate last weekthat orders businesses
with more than 100 employees to
either require vaccinationsor offer weekly testing.
A spokesperson for theconservative Heritage Action for
America told CBS Newsit's unconstitutional.
- We really do got to callthis out for what it is.
It's a fundamental attack on our rights.
- [Dale] The rule to be crafted
by the Occupational Safetyand Health Organization
carries penalties of upto $14,000 per violation.
At least seven Republicangovernors say they'll fight it,
with some already announcing legal action.
- This is egregious overreachof federal authority.
And as we see what these rules are,
we will be able to knowexactly how we will be able
to challenge them in court.
- And I'm trying to overcome resistance,
but the president's actions in a mandate
hardens the resistance.
- It's also fundamentally unfair
to have somebody lose their job
over basically a personalmedical decision.
- [Dale] But the surgeongeneral defended the mandate.
- If we want our economy to be back,
if we want our schools to stay in session,
we've got to take stepsto make sure workplaces
and learning environments are safe.
- [Dale] But one upstateNew York hospital has had
to stop delivering babiesafter maternity staff quit
over a COVID vaccine mandate.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- While 9/11 ceremonieswere observed in Washington,
New York and Pennsylvania Saturday,
former President DonaldTrump addressed the country
in a recorded video that aired
during Sean Feucht's LetUs Worship prayer event
on the National Mall.
- There is only onetrue answer to the depth
and the evil that wesaw on September 11th.
It is God that is theanswer that stood tall
over the records at Ground Zero,
where rescuers forgedthe mighty steel cross
from the fallen towers' broken beams.
It is the same site that was seen hundreds
of miles away in Shanksville,
where the first spontaneousmemorial to the heroes
of flight 93 was a simplebut beautiful wooden cross.
And it is this same turning to God,
the ultimate answer toevil that we see here today
as thousands of Americansgather on the mall
to pray for our beloved nationand to pray for one another.
I want to thank.
- The former presidenttold Americans watching
and listening on the20th anniversary of 9/11,
"There could be no morefitting night for Americans
to join hands and bow our heads in prayer
than this evening."
He thanked Feucht for bringing prayer
across America this past yearand in the weeks to come.
He also said it is the most fitting thing
to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Feucht posted on Instagramthat Jesus was lifted high
over the nation's capital this weekend
and he thanked everyonewho came, streamed,
and worked and prayed, their hearts,
poured their hearts out,rather, for America.
It is Democrats versus Democrats
in the budget battle in Washington.
West Virginia Senator JoeManchin says he will not support
even half of the president's three
and a half trillion dollar plan for social
and environmental spending.
And he said Congress should be dealing
with the concerns facing the economy.
- Unknown, and the unknown is
everything you've been talking about.
COVID, what's going to happen with COVID,
what it'll do to the economy.
No one's talking about inflation or debt,
and we should have thatas part of the discussion.
- Manchin says the Houseshould pass the bipartisan
infrastructure bill theSenate has already agreed to,
but Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders says,
while that's important, sois the social spending bill.
- I happen to think that the needs
of the human beings of ourcountry, working families,
the children, the elderly, the poor,
are even more important.
- Many moderate Democratshave expressed concerns
over the huge price tag of the bill.
And it seems increasinglyunlikely the party
will be able to pass a spending bill
of three and a half trillion dollars.
Democrats are alreadytalking about a new plan,
including higher taxes.
Republicans call the president'sspending plan reckless.
Supreme Court JusticeStephen Breyer responded
to calls from Democrats on the left
who have been pushing for him to retire
while a democratic presidentand a democratic Senate
could replace him.
- I think that they'reentitled to their opinion.
And not only they understandthe political world
much better than Iunderstand it pretty well.
And there we are.
What else do you want me to say?
- [Efrem] The 83-year-oldBreyer also told "Fox News"
he doesn't intend to die on the court,
but there are many considerations
to take into account on retirement.
He also had a warning for Democrats
about adding more justices to the court
to pack it with liberal justices.
- If one party could do it,
I guess another party could do it.
And the more thing, Imean, it's fairly surface,
on the surface it seems to me,
you start changing all these things around
and people will lose trust in the court.
- Breyer has repeatedly opposed the idea
of expanding the high court.
Afghanistan's newgovernment sees its takeover
of the country as a victory for Islam.
And the Taliban says it iswilling to have relations
with most other countriesexcept one, Israel.
CBN News Middle EastBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
brings us that story from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] Israel won't commenton the Taliban statement
that it will considerties with everyone else
but the Jewish state.
U.S. Secretary of StateAntony Blinken says the U.S.
would think about ties with the Taliban.
- The Taliban says it seeksinternational legitimacy
and international support,and that will depend entirely
on what it does, not just on what it says.
- [Chris] Blinken saysthat Taliban committed
to fighting terrorism,not allowing Afghanistan
to be a terror launch siteand upholding the basic rights
of the Afghan people, including women,
girls, and minorities.
- They see America as a countrywhich they can blackmail,
because Americans do not get it.
Americans will cater tothe Taliban, unlike Israel.
- [Chris] The European Union says it
already broke their wordwith the installation
of a radical government.
Long-time Middle East expertDr. Mordecai Kedar says
the group sees its victory as reaching
way beyond Afghanistan.
- What happened in Kabulon the 15th of August
will forever be rememberedin the Islamic world
as the victory of Islam over Christianity,
the victory of the jihadover the war machine
of the infidels.
It will be the victoryof Allah over Jesus.
- [Chris] That's the dayTaliban forces seized control
of Afghanistan's capital, Kabul.
Kedar says the perceived victory
has worldwide repercussions.
- And they actually willderive so much encouragement
from what happened inKabul, that for years
it will fuel the jihadagainst the West in general,
against Israel in particular.
And the whole Islamicworld became so emboldened.
- [Chris] He says it bringsback memories of 9/11.
- [Mordecai] America was hitin the biggest terror attacks
which could ever happen.
- [Chris] That was 20 years ago when
on 9/11 Al Qaeda terrorists based
in Afghanistan killed3,000 people in one day
after hijacking commercial airliners
and targeting the TwinTowers and the Pentagon.
A fourth plane missedits target, but crashed,
killing all on board.
- And America went to Afghanistan,
defeated the Taliban within two weeks,
and got rid of the AlQaeda, and lo and behold,
20 years later, the Taliban won,
succeeded to defeat the mostpowerful global superpower.
- [Chris] Kedar warns thatthe Islamists will continue
to push forward in theirbattle against Israel,
the U.S. and Europe ifAmerica doesn't wake up.
Chris Mitchell, CBS News, Jerusalem.
(dramatic music)
- [Efrem] Coming up afterthe Defund the Police slogans
of last year came a spike incrime in many major cities.
But one church inCincinnati is taking action
to fight crime and to support the police.
We're gonna tell you whatthey're doing when we come back.
(dramatic music)
(bright music)
- I am Regent's firstROTC graduate student.
(upbeat music)
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing the film
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."
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- Defund the Police became a rallying cry
after a Minneapolis policeofficer killed George Floyd.
Across the country, police were demonized
and calls were made toslash their budgets,
but the results were a spikein crime, with 200 shootings
in the city of Cincinnatialone this year so far.
So what's one Cincinnati churchdoing to combat the crime
and to support the police?
Our Mark Martin has the answer.
- What do we want?- Justice!
- [Mark] George Floyd'smurder led to calls
across the country tooverhaul police departments.
Cincinnati, Ohio has notbeen immune to the protests.
- There have beenoutcries and frustrations.
There have been callsto defund the police.
There have been calls toreimagine the police here
in Cincinnati, just like therehave been in other areas.
- [Mark] The city is also on track
for an especially violent year,
with one report showingnearly 200 shootings,
29 deadly, in the firstsix months of 2021.
Still, Captain SteveSaunders is pushing forward.
- We're not giving upbecause crime goes up.
We find a way to work together to partner,
to build collaborations and partnership
to address those problems.
- [Mark] One partnershipinvolves 7 Hills Church,
a large congregation in theGreater Cincinnati area.
Pastor Marcus Mecum says as a part
of an area pastoral group,7 Hills was assigned
to reach out to police.
- These are human beings, they have souls,
they have families, they havefutures, they have dreams.
And we just do our bestas the church to be there.
- [Mark] Its support during the pandemic
led the Cincinnati PoliceDepartment to name the church
its 2020 Community Partner of the Year.
- During COVID, you had a lotof the different race riots.
And we were down there as achurch supporting the police
by just feeding them,by giving them water.
Some of them were on callfor sometimes up to 20 hours.
- [Mark] Saunders recallsother times of generosity.
- They brought small giftpacks, gifts bags for
all of our officers andall of our civilians.
We have about 1,200 employees.
- [Marcus] A specificmemorable moment came
when members prayed overPolice Chief Elliot Isaac.
- [Marcus] And to have peoplein the community praying
for you and lifting you upand lifting your family up,
it created a hedge ofprotection over Chief Isaac.
- The church also helpspromote connections
with communities.
For example, the churchand the Hamilton County
Sheriff's Office brought inretired Harlem Globe Trotters
to suburban Lincoln Heights as part
of a basketball clinic for kids there.
Organizers describe the event as more
than an entertaining game of basketball.
They say it's an importanttool to help develop
a healthy relationshipbetween law enforcement
and the community.
- We have a basketball courtand it's filled with kids
and it's filled with adults,
and some of those adults wear uniforms.
And some of those adultswork in the church.
And some of the adultsare there to help people
with whatever they need.
And when the kids see that,when parents see that,
they are so much more likelyto say positive things
at the dinner table, positivethings to their community
about what the black andgold means to this community
and all through Hamilton County.
- But God worked it out where it's here,
and for our young peoplehere, I'm just blessed, man,
to be able to share it with our community,
because sometimes our kidsfeel neglected, overlooked.
Like I said, they have their challenges,
but they're kids who love life,
who needs stuff likethis, that positivity,
especially from adults.
- When you hear that thework that you're doing is
making a difference in your community,
of course, that's so encouraging.
But would we do itwithout the recognition?
We would, because this is ultimately
what we feel like Jesus would do.
He didn't come to be served, but to serve.
- [Mark] Mark Martin, CBN News,the Greater Cincinnati area.
(dramatic music)
- [Efrem] Still ahead,football season underway.
We've got one veteran coach talking
about life lessons learnedfrom faith and football.
We're gonna to hear fromhim right after this.
(dramatic music)
(bright music)
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- Mark Richt has 35 yearsof experience coaching
some of the most popularteams in college football.
He served as head coach atthe University of Georgia
and the University ofMiami, so he knows a thing
or two about making the right call.
In his new book, "Makethe Call, Game Day Wisdom
for Life's DefiningMoments," he shares some
of his greatest football memories.
He spoke with our CharleneAaron and Wendy Griffith,
highlighting pivotal moments from his life
both on and off the field.
- Coach, tell us about the most important
or difficult call you ever had to make
on or off the field.
- Well, as far as a difficult decision,
I'd probably rather go withthe most important decision,
and was to accept Christas my Lord and Savior.
That was really themeat of my life changing
back in 1986 as a younggraduate assistant coach.
I went from a veryselfish, self-centered guy
to other-centered andChrist-centered spiritual change.
And that's when my behaviorreally started to change.
- [Charlene] I love that, coach.
- [Wendy] Good answer.
- How did your faith influence the way
you actually coached your teams?
- Well, I think, again, whenyour spirit and soul changes
from that sin nature we'reborn with, when Adam sinned,
sin entered all of us, so we'vegot that sin nature in us.
And then when we pray to receive Christ
as our Lord and Savior, thatsin nature is eradicated
and the Holy Spirit now lives in us.
So when your spirit changes,when your heart changes,
your behavior begins to change.
And so for me, you can'treally separate your faith life
from the rest of your life,because it's who you are.
- Yeah, that's good.
Coach, what lessons didyou learn both spiritually
and on the field from yourmentor, Coach Bobby Bowden?
- Well, Coach Bowden is a man,
obviously, he just passedaway and I was able
to be at his funeral, whichwas a wonderful celebration
of his life, but I wasa young coach working
under a man who truly had faithas his number one priority,
family number two, and football three.
You hear about faith,family and football a lot
in the recruiting trailsand things like that,
but a lot of times it's lip service.
But with Coach Bowden,
he truly had those priorities in line.
So for me as a young coachbeing under that influence,
it literally changed my life.
We had a player on our teamwho was shot and killed,
and the next day coach spoketo the team about it and said,
"Pablo Lopez was your teammate,
and he used to sit in thatchair and now he's gone."
He said, "If that was youlast night instead of Pablo,
do you know where you'd spend eternity?"
Well, he was talking to the players,
but I was listening atthe back of the room,
and I knew where I was going,and it was the bad spot.
So I went to see himthe next day and prayed
to receive Christ andeverything changed from then.
It was awesome.
- Wonderful.- Great story.
- Coach, in your book, "Make the Call,"
you talk about game day wisdom.
Give us a few pointers on howto make the right decisions
and trust God when the heat is on.
- Well, what I've always saidor tried to do as well is,
if I have time to make a decision,
sometimes you have aweek to make a decision,
a month, a couple of days.
When that happens, put it to prayer,
spend time with God on it and try to hear
what He has to say about it.
And then when I had peace aboutgoing a certain direction,
that's what I would do.
So that's kind of, that was my gauge.
But sometimes you have tomake a decision right now.
Something pops up and you gotta decide.
And that's where you hopethat you're in a place
where you've been at theWord and you know God's Word
and when you make a quick decision,
it's one that you'll have peace about.
So like at night, my gaugewas when I put my head
on the pillow, if I hadpeace about the decision
that I had to make quickly, I was good.
But if I didn't havepeace and it felt like
I made a bad decision,then I was man enough
to wake up the next dayand say, "Hey, I blew it.
I'm changing my mind on this thing.
I don't think it's gonna honorGod, so we're gonna do that."
And I'll say this too,when you make decisions,
sometimes you measure who'sgonna be happy about it.
And so a lot of times,will the player be happy,
will the assistant coach be happy,
will the parents or theAD or the fans be happy?
But when you're gonna make somebody happy,
then you're gonna bum somebody out,
but if your goal is to makeGod happy with your decisions,
then that gives you peace.
- I love it.- Wonderful.
Coach Mark Richt's bookis called, "Make the Call,
Game Day Wisdom forLife's Defining Moments"
and it's availablewherever books are sold.
Coach, thanks so much for your time
and sharing these incredible insights.
And we just scratched thesurface, so get the book.
It'll be worth it.
Thank you, Coach, God bless.- God bless you.
- All right, thank you, God bless.
(dramatic music)
- [Efrem] Coming up, agroup of good Samaritans
who took quick action and saved the lives
of an elderly couple.
We're gonna have thatmiraculous story for you
when we come back.(dramatic music)
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- [Announcer] It's about the competition.
- I kind of put that pressure on myself,
and I think people had expectations.
- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,
keep practicing hard.
- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.
- I think as a father it's my job to lead,
just be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Announcer] Watch "Goingthe Distance" with Shawn Brown
Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.
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- A group of good Samaritans are credited
with saving the lives of anelderly couple in California.
They rescued them from a burning car.
Another driver caught it on video,
showing just how huge the fire was
when the men rescuedKen and Joan Williamson,
both in their nineties.
They'd been vacationing in California.
An area television stationreported the five men,
all from the East CountyTransitional Living Center
in El Cajon saw the carburning and jumped into action.
The Williamsons' son saidthe car caught on fire
after being rear ended.
He says their family is trulythankful for what the men did,
because it would have beena completely different story
had they not come to their rescue.
Time now for your Monday Motivation.
And today I want to leaveyou with this thought.
Your name matters.
Be careful what namesyou accept from others.
God calls you friend, son, and daughter.
You are enough and He is more than enough.
Don't let anyone tellyou you are anything less
than a child of the Most High God.
That is gonna do it for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."
You can always find more of our programs
on the CBN news channelor online at CBNNews.com.
You can find them there at any time.
We'd love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can email us atthe address right there
at the bottom of yourscreen, Newswatch@CBN.com.
You can also reach out and touch us
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
We would love to hear from you.
Make it a marvelous Monday.
We'll see you right back here tomorrow.
(dramatic music)