When Dianne developed a lump on her throat, she feared the worse. Hardly able to swallow, she sought the help of doctors to no avail. See what healed Dianne and allowed her to sing again.
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- What felt like a lumpnow was multiple lumps,
and when I would swallowit was literally like,
and it would take time to get past
four or five whatever was in my throat.
- [Narrator] As acontemporary Christian singer
and ministry leader,
Diane Garvis couldn't afford
to lose her voice,
which is exactly what happened
in the fall of 2019.
- It started with (clearing throat),
struggling, feeling a little bruised,
to talking and having to whisper
because it hurt to talk.
- [Narrator] Diane's husband, John.
- Watching her trying to swallow,
it looked so painful,
and I was helpless to help her.
- [Narrator] Adding to their concerns,
they feared it was cancer
since Diane had lost hermother to the disease
just months earlier.
- My fear started with didI make myself this sick
and cause something that bad
because of the stress?
- And I was very worried,
and we had been praying a lot
and just not sure.
- [Narrator] Several monthsand several doctors later,
they still had no answers,
and none of the prescribedmedications or treatments helped,
in fact it had gotten worse,
and Diane was afraid shemight lose her ministry
and God's calling on her life.
- And the fact that I was losing my voice,
literally losing the instrumentGod has blessed me with
for my ministry to share.
Without my voice, there goes my ministry.
- It was very frustratingbecause this situation
wasn't getting better.
- [Narrator] Still, theyknew from experience
God could do a miracle.
Diagnosed with juvenilerheumatoid arthritis at 13,
Diane was told she'd never walk again.
She was 24 when she walked down the runway
of the 1984 America's Miss Pageant
to receive the NationalMiss Florida title.
It would teach her an important lesson
about trusting God with her healing.
- And I knew then that iswhy God placed me there
for that moment.
It was to remind people that he sees them.
Do not be afraid, he is stillin the healing business.
- [Narrator] It had been seven months
when that healing would come.
Diane was watching "The700 Club" right before bed
when she heard Terry pray.
- There's someone else, you're a singer,
you've lost your voice for some reason,
God's giving that gift back to you
so you can praise him.
Just begin to use it,
and you'll see you have it again.
- I grabbed it, I received it,
and then I just tried to sing,
and I just whispered
all to Jesus I surrender.
I called my husband and son.
I'm like "Listen to this
"word of knowledge, I've been healed."
I still couldn't talk.
It didn't happen that second.
- [Narrator] Later on thatnight something woke her up.
- It was like a rubberband that wide had popped.
I woke up feeling the lumps
that I was strugglingto swallow past go down,
and my voice came back.
And I miraculously thenand there was healed.
- Praise God that we'refinally getting the healing
we've been praying for.
- [Narrator] Immediately Diane was talking
and singing like she always had.
Soon she was back to leading her ministry,
Tiara's of Hope,
where she presents tiaras
and sashes to childrenand adults with cancer
in hospitals and hospice.
The Gravis' want everyone to know
to never give up on thepromises of God for healing.
- There's only one answer,and it's trusting God.
Knowing that only throughhim all things can be done.
- Whisper the name of Jesus.
All power.
All of our answers are in his name.