Chuck and Cheri prayed for their son Charlie's life to be spared after a horrible car wreck. God's answer to their prayer blew them away.
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(upbeat music)
- Oh welcome to the show,thanks for joining us.
Today we're going to Afghanistan
where the Taliban has finallyagreed to let foreigners
leave Afghanistan onthose chartered flights
that have been groundedfor days at the airport.
- Others have escaped the country by land.
A Texas mother and her threechildren trekked 300 miles
through 20 Taliban checkpointsto get out of Afghanistan.
Tara Mergener has the story.
- [Tara] A Texas mother and her three kids
making the dangerous 300 milejourney out of Afghanistan.
Stopped at 20 Talibancheckpoints along the way,
reportedly paying as muchas 500 to $4,000 per person
at every stop.
A team of military veteransfunded by private donations
led the effort and saidthe state department
was of little help.
As the Taliban claims totalcontrol of Afghanistan,
one to 200 remaining Americans like Nasria
are desperate to leave.
She says the Talibanis going door to door,
trying to find them.
- Am I gonna end up living here?
Am I gonna end up dying here?
What's gonna happen?
- They're not gonna allowAmerican citizens to leave
until they get full recognition
from the United States of America.
- But the White Housesays there is no rush
to recognize the Taliban
as the official government of Afghanistan.
And the Taliban hasannounced its new government,
which no surprise doesnot include any women.
New leaders include severalmen by the way listed
on the US terror listand the UN terror list.
And one of them has a $10million bounty on his head
by the FBI.
Four of them were once heldin Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
before they were traded for Bowe Bergdahl,
an American soldierwho walked off his post
and was kidnapped by the Taliban in 2014.
- Well, Tara, give us anidea of what we can expect
from the governmentnow that it's in place.
- Yeah, well it does not lookparticularly good Gordon,
maybe as bad as it gets
because Taliban leaders are pledging
they're gonna implementstrict Islamic law.
There are several known terroristsalso on that, by the way,
as we just mentioned,
including the leader of the Haqqani group
that is the most brutal terror group
connected to the Taliban.
There are no women,
there are no oppositionmembers, there is no diversity,
there is no religious diversity.
And the last time theTaliban was in power,
their morality police, theso called morality police
were roaming the streets of Afghanistan,
implementing harsh realities for women,
implementing strict lawswhen people could pray.
There was not even any rulesthat allowed for things
like chess and kite flying.
So it's gonna be harsh Gordon,I think it's fair to say.
- Well, Tara, speaking of women,
there are reports that Afghan women
are rising up in public protests.
So what's happening to them?
- Well, the protestsare said to be peaceful.
Witnesses say they were peaceful protests
and continue to be,
but the Taliban is meetingthem with violence.
There are reports of womenbeing beaten in the streets,
tear gas used on them, being beaten
by rifle butts and batons.
And they finallydispersed when the Taliban
started firing shots into the crowd.
So they may claim that thisis a kinder, gentler Taliban,
and it's gonna be a bettersituation this time,
but if you look at what's happening there
especially with the women,
there is a lot of concernabout going forward
with these people now in power.
- Tara, your report mentioned
the Taliban going door to door.
Who are they looking for?
- Well, they are looking
for essentially two groups of people,
one, Americans, and two, thosewho helped the US government,
the Afghanis.
So my understanding right now,
it's not even the Americanswhere the priority is actually
the people who assisted the US government
over so many years.
And of course the Americans will certainly
be the next priority as well.
I spoke to a woman lastweek who had just escaped.
And she said, her familyis literally in hiding.
She made it back to the UnitedStates with her children,
but her father, herbrother, her two sisters,
her two brothers and some extended family
are all in hiding there because they know
that the Taliban is gonnaeventually find them
if they stay put,
and not to mention the technologythis time around she says
is helping them find people faster.
20 years ago, after 9/11,
they didn't have all this technology.
She says the Taliban isbolder, stronger and more savvy
and sophisticated thanit was last time around.
So again, a lot of fearfor both the Afghanis
who helped the US government
and the Americans who remain there
with potentially no way ofgetting out in untold numbers.
- Well, Tara, we have a question,
a viewer question on Facebook.
Someone asks,
"With this previous hostage situation,
how likely are we to seemore of this in the future
and even terrorist attacks?"
- Right, well, Mike Pencewrote an article recently
and in it (indistinct)
in the Wall Street Journal, and he said,
"Weakness arouses evil."
And I think a lot ofpeople feel the same way.
Essentially, the critics ofthe Biden administration said,
"We're now negotiating theUnited States of America
with the Taliban.
So some people have calledus political humiliation.
So the critics say, if you use just logic,
if you give them what they want this time,
you legitimize them,then it's gonna continue,
there'll be more hostagesand more situations,
and yes, there is concern among experts,
former military, military,that the US is facing
a growing threat of terrorismwith everything going on
as the Taliban becomesmore and more empowered
and the US is displayingweakness, not strength.
- All right, well, Tara,thanks for that insight.
Thanks for joining us.
You can always get thelatest news and more,
and by downloading theCBN News Channel app.
- Well coming up,
this couple was $18,000in student loan debt.
How were they able topay it off in two months?
And who did they give all the credit to?
Find out right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Well, David and Meghan owed$18,000 in student loan debt.
They received nationalattention after they paid it off
in less than two months.
And they say, they giveall God all the credit.
And here's how they did it.
(lively music)
- [Reporter] David Cahill was a teacher
getting ready to marry hiscollege sweetheart, Meghan,
but surely before his wedding,
his school told him theywere making budget cuts
and they couldn't afford tobring David back the next year.
- That was one of the darkesttimes of my young adult life.
It's still just left me questioning things
and feeling like a failure.
- Getting pink slipped was very scary
and we weren't sure what wewere going to do exactly.
- [Reporter] David and Meghanwent forward with her wedding
and immediately had some bigfinancial decisions to make.
- So I applied for any and every position
that I was certified for,
and didn't have a whole lot of luck.
The only income I had at that time
was a small trickle ofunemployment checks.
- There wasn't a job thatwas too low for David.
He walked dogs, he cleaned up dog poop,
he was a telemarketer
and he hates talking to on the phone.
- [Reporter] The couple were tithers
and they continued to giveoff what little they earned.
- I wanna be careful tonot try to sugar coat it.
It was very difficult to continue to tithe
and trust that that God would provide.
- Giving has alwaysbeen a part of our plan,
something that God's called us to do,
and that we are gonna doit, even if it's hard.
- [Reporter] Several months passed
and David still couldn'tfind a full-time job.
- And I distinctly rememberfeeling very, very defeated,
wondering what I was going to do.
- [Reporter] The Cahill'sbelieved because of their tithing
God would reward themfor their faithfulness.
Then one day just beforethe school year started,
David received a phone call.
- From the director of human resources,
welcoming me back to the position
I had been pink slipped from.
- David getting a job,getting the same job back
was like almost unheard of.
I think that that wasdefinitely the hand of God,
hands down.
- [Reporter] A few later,
Meghan received a job offer as well.
- First interview of myentire life, I got the job
teaching at a middle school.
Everything that has happened to us
is as a gift from the Lord.
- [Reporter] With theirnew jobs, the Cahill's
were able to start saving.
A few years later, David waspromoted to assistant principal
and their income quadrupledwhat had had been.
That's when the Cahill'sdecided to pay off
their $18,000 in student loan debt.
- So we cut back on virtuallyeverything in our budgets.
When we finally buckled down
and decided to live ona scorched earth budget
and put every available dollar and penny
into paying that offas quickly as we could,
it was just a huge senseof relief and gratitude.
- [Reporter] And in less than two months,
every penny was paid offjust in time for Meghan
to give birth to their son.
- God have supplied themeans necessary to pay off
that debt so quickly.
And we'd never have to make another
student loan paymentagain as long as we lived.
- [Reporter] The nationalmedia took notice
of how quickly they paid off their debt.
Soon David started a financial blog
where he teaches peoplehow to manage their money.
One lesson he (indistinct) stress,
give and trust God to do the rest.
- We've always encouraged our readers
rather to give in some way.
I absolutely believe thatGod rewards and blesses
the cheerful and faithful giver.
We've seen that in our lives
from starting out as poor newlyweds
to barely had a $100 in ourbank account at one point.
He has quadrupled that initial income,
been an abundant harvest ever since.
- And that abundantharvest is awaiting you.
And I say that withintent, it's awaiting you.
What is it waiting for?
It's waiting for your obedience.
It's the only time we get to test God,
is in our thithes and offerings.
What you saw happen with Davidand Meghan can happen to you.
Because God stands byhis word to perform it.
And when he says to you, "Testme now, prove me now in this,
if I will not open for you,
the windows of heavenand pour out a blessing."
Now this isn't some getrich quick kind of thing,
this isn't how many big carsand big houses can we have?
It's not that at all,
but it's a knowledge thatyour financial future
is protected.
Because you're obeying God,you're doing life his way.
It's very simple, simple rule.
Give 10% of your income and do it first,
put God first.
When you do that, thenyou can walk through life
knowing he's got you.
He's going to rebuke thedevour for your sake,
he is going to open upthe windows of heaven
and pour out blessings you cannot contain.
All you have to do is put him first,
and when you do that,
wonderful things will happen.
If you wanna start doingthat, join with us.
If you wanna see the gospelpreached around the world,
if you wanna see peoplehelped around the world,
join the 700 Club.
How much is it?
Oh, it's just $20 a month,that's 65 cents a day.
And you're joining withtens of thousands of people
to make a difference.
We have other levels.
You can join at $40 amonth or a 1000 Club.
That's a $1,000 a year,
that breaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level doit now, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well coming up,
"We expect his brainto look like dog food."
That's what doctors told one mother
after her son's head was crushed.
What did his MRI reveal instead,
and why were his doctors so stumped?
The answer's up next?
(upbeat music)
T-boned by an 18 Wheeler, whenEMTs arrived at the scene,
they expected the driver to be dead.
The 23 year old wasalive, but just barely.
So what helped his parents hold onto hope?
A fourfold promise from God.
- [Reporter] June 24th, 2016,
EMT Greg Clark and theFort Worth Fire Department
responded to an accidentinvolving a car and an 18 Wheeler.
(vehicle screeching)(vehicle crushing)
- We were first ones toarrive and sure enough,
a large truck T-bonedanother vehicle hit him
in the driver's side door.
My immediate thought was
it's probably gonna be a body recovery,
not a rescue situation.
- [Reporter] Amazinglythey found the driver,
23 year old Charles Priest,unconscious, but alive.
He was airlifted to TexasHealth Fort Worth Hospital
in critical condition.
Moments later, his motherSheree drove up on the accident.
- It was unbelief.
What am I looking at?
Is this really him?
At that point, I think allthe emotions turned off,
and it was the matter ofyou gotta get to your son.
- [Reporter] After anofficer fills her in,
Sheree went home and pickedup her younger son, Texas
and husband, Chuck.
Speeding towards thehospital, they prayed.
- Okay God, what's going on?
Is he gonna be okay?
I was just praying thatthat God was gonna be
in the midst of it.
When the family arrived atTexas Health Fort Worth,
they learned Charles was in a coma.
Dr. Mohammad Siadati wasone of the medical staff
caring for Charles.
- Charles' scan revealed severehead injury, neck injury,
broken ribs, blood ina chest, broken pelvis.
His head injury was the most severe one,
and there is micro-tears.
It's damage at the cellular level
that's not necessarily obvious.
- To see your son laying there
and not know if you wouldever see his eyes open again,
and not know if you wouldever hear him talk again.
It was just overwhelming, heart-wrenching.
- [Reporter] Although hoping for the best
doctors could make no guarantees.
- And it was those kinds of things.
If he survives, if he wakesup, and we don't know when,
and there's nothing, and there'sno way for them to predict
what's gonna happen.
- [Reporter] As the staffworked round the clock,
friends and family gatheredto pray, holding on to hope.
- I may never get to speak to him again,
I may never get to see him again,
We may never get to laugh together again.
I thought I was about to lose my son.
- [Reporter] After three days,
it was clear Charles would live,
but he still faced the possibility
of several permanent disabilities.
His fractured neck might require surgery,
severely limiting his mobility.
But doctor's main concern wasthe elevated cranial pressure.
The longer it remained,
the more brain damage it could cause.
His parents feared theirson would never be the same.
- I mean, there wasabsolutely nothing we could do
except for praying andtrusting in the Lord.
- Pleading with father and asking him
to allow us to have anotherday to play basketball.
- [Reporter] Alone in thewaiting room one evening,
Sheree says she was praying when the Lord
gave her a promise.
- I was sitting in the waiting room
and I was looking out the window.
I saw a dark cloud out in the distance.
When I saw that cloud, andhe took me back to Psalms 18.
And it's just a beautiful passage.
It starts out with. "Mycry pain to the Lord's ear,
and he heard me."
The next several versesdescribe nature responding
because he got up andhe came to my rescue.
And the Lord gave me those four things
that he's gonna wake up.
He's gonna know who God is.
He's gonna know who our familyis, and he's gonna learn.
- [Reporter] A week later,
Charles cranial pressure stabilized,
and the doctors took him for an MRI.
The family waited for the results.
- They said, "What weexpect is for his brain
to look like dog food."
- And then they put theimages up on the screen,
and the image of hisbrain is a healthy brain.
- And the doctors were surprised.
They didn't expect tosee it intact that way.
- [Reporter] Over the next several days,
Charles started waking up from the coma,
responding to verbal commands.
To the staff, that wasa great improvement.
To the family, it was confirmation
that God was answering their prayers.
- The doctor would come in and say,
"We're going to do a breathing test,
but don't be shocked, it'sgonna take him a while."
And then in a couple of dayshe's breathing on his own.
And within a week, he's eating solid food.
- [Reporter] Only sixweeks after the accident.
- [Chuck] He exits the hospital walking.
- [Reporter] Then afterwearing a neck brace
for four months, he was releasedby doctors with no surgery
and no medical restrictions.
- So when it was done, it was done.
I was in the last part of my recovery,
and for me to walk away fromthat with no restrictions,
there's no way that I canlook at any of the stuff
that happened to me andrealize it's not a miracle.
- [Reporter] Charles not onlyfinished his college degree,
he was deemed physically and mentally fit
to pursue his dream and servein the Texas National Guard.
- God is who he says he is.
God will do what he says he will do.
And if I doubt that I'llhave to go look at my son.
- He's not good because of the healing,
he's good regardless of whetheror not my son was healed.
He revealed himself to us in this
and all I can do is say thank you.
- What an incrediblemiraculous answer to prayer.
We want to take an opportunityto pray for all of you.
But first know that it'snot just this family
that has experienced miraculous healing.
A viewer on YouTube said, "Last month
I injured my right wrist,anything I did was painful.
I went to the ER and wasgiven a splint to wear
and pain medicine.
There was a camp meeting nearby,
so I went and asked God to heal my wrist.
They had a prayer line andsaid that God's word says
to let the elders lay hands on you.
And the power of God hit me.
The next day, I realizedall my pain was gone.
I know God can heal you atany place where you may be.
He is my healer."
Wow, it's wonderful.
- Well, here's a viewer on YouTube.
"I was recently in a horrible car accident
where the car was totaled.
With God's protection,I was able to walk away
from the accident without any injuries.
Praise the Lord."
What happened to that young man
and that just, I mean, canyou imagine being T-boned
by an 18 Wheeler and the initial diagnosis
as you've had a brain shear.
Talk about devastation.
But they're inquired of the Lord
and his mother got a great revelation
that he is going to know who he is,
he's gonna know who God is,
he's gonna know who his family is,
and he's going to be able to run.
Isn't that wonderful?
With God, all things are possible.
Why do we share these stories?
Why do we show you these things?
To give you the hope thatthe same God who did that
can do things for you.
Jesus said, "If you askanything in my name,
I will do it."
Now, how do you ask in his name?
Well, his name showsa lot about who he is.
His name Jesus, Yeshua, our salvation.
He is the deliverer, he is the healer.
It's his very nature to do that.
The Bible says that he'staken all our infirmities.
He has born every pain.
He has carried it all away.
When did he do that?
Well, he did that 2000 years ago.
It's an amazing insight
when you enter into whathappened on the cross.
What happened is that everypain you have ever had,
Jesus took it, he took it all.
Why did he do that?
Because he loves you,and he wants to save you,
and he wants to heal you, andhe wants to be your answer.
So he says to you, "If youask anything in my name,
I will do it."
So let's call upon that name.
Let's do that right now.
And the Bible says when two ormore agree touching anything,
it shall be done.
You just heard a great testimony
of someone who had injured their wrists.
They go to a camp meeting,people come alongside, lay hands.
Next day, wrist completely healed.
So let's do that.
You lay hands, you touch, willagree, God will do the rest.
Lord we lift everyone with a pain.
Everyone with infirmity,everyone with disease,
anyone facing an impossible situation,
anyone in a hospital bed.
Lord, we lift them all to you.
And we declare over them thatyou have born our infirmity,
that you have carried away all our pain.
So we rely on you andwe pray in your name,
the name above all names,Jesus son of David, son of God,
Jesus the savior, Yeshuathe promised Messiah,
the one who would come.
So Lord we pray in thatname, and in that anointing,
and in that authoritythat you've given to us
as believers in you, we pray.
And we ask now that youwould stretch forth your hand
to do miracles.
That you would revealyourself and your glory,
that answers to prayer wouldbe for your people today.
Touch now in Jesus name, amen.
There's someone you're experiencing
horrible blinding headaches,
and God is just healing the all of that.
He's taking away all of that pain.
You're feeling like a cooling touch.
It's particularly aproblem of your right arm.
God's just taking that allaway from you right now
in Jesus name.
- Someone else you'veinjured your shoulder
on the right side.
I don't know if it's your collarbone
has had something happen to it,
but God's healing that for you right now.
The pain is gonna be gone,
it's gonna heal as if itnever happened in Jesus name.
- Amen.
If you've been healed, let us know.
if you need prayer,call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Now this is the confidencethat we have in him.
We ask anything accordingto his, will he hears us.