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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - September 7, 2021

Can someone mess up someone else's spirit against their will? Read Transcript

- [Wendy] Aaron says,

"My 12 year old daughterwore a shirt to school

that said there are only two genders.

The principal said she hadto get a different shirt on

and said she could not wear that anymore.

I'm just wondering if hehas the right to say that

or is there something we cando so she can keep wearing it?

There are kids at schoolthat wear LGBT shirts

and they're allowed to keep wearing them."

- I think a child's civil rights

doesn't stop at the schoolboard, the school rule.

She has absolute right

and the American Centerfor Law and Justice

is set up to fight for somebody like this.

I really think educators, onthe whole, are pretty cowardly,

they can beat up a little child

but they can't take pressure.

And I know this sounds rough

but I think you ought to sue the school

and the ACLJ would beglad to take the case,

if not, she can get somebody else to,

but bring a civil rightssuit against them.

They have no right totell your little child

what king of a messageshe can have on her shirt.

She has freedom ofspeech that's guaranteed

by the First Amendmentof the constitution.

- Part of cancel culture.

- Well that's part of, that's exactly,

but she's LGBTQ, the teacher is,

and the little girl wants to say,

no, I believe in a man and a woman,

so they're trying to cancel her out.

You can't do that.

You just can't do it, all right?

- All right Jean writes in,

"Can someone mess up someone else's spirit

against their will?"

- I don't quite exactlyknow what you're asking

but I don't think they can doanything against your will.

They can certainly pray against you

and demon spirits would loveto mess up your thought pattern

and they'll do all kinds of things.

The Devil's trick, and lookI was reading the other day

about the temptation of Jesus,

the Devil will try to talkyou out of God's blessing.

He would talk, try to confuse your mind.

There all kinds of things thatSatan would do if you could

but people can't, "Messup your life" all right?

- Amen.

Camelia says, "I would liketo ask Pat about dreams.

My 32 year old daughterhas been having dreams.

She told me what was going to happen

before it started to happen.

So far things have come true.

She has given me numbers whichI believe are scriptures.

I was wondering

if Pat would be able to speakto what all this means."

- One of two things is happening,

this so-called pre-cognition.

She either has heard from God

and is receiving dreams from the Lord

and God did speak to people

in the Old Testament andNew Testament with dreams,

so they are real.

At the same time,

sometimes these thingscome from familiar spirits

and you ask me, I have no idea

as I don't know yourdaughter or anything else

but I think, if I wereyou, I would just ask God

to reveal to you exactly what's happening.

- Yeah, Amen.

Good, well Ed says,

"If your wife went outand got her hair done

and came home and asked how you like it,

but you really didn't likeit, should you say you like it

or should you tell her thetruth and take your punishment?"

- The Bible says speak the truth in love.

And listen, the secret iswhatever makes you happy, dear

and just say,

I'm sure there are peoplewho think that's wonderful.

(both laughing)

- You've had some experience?

- I've had (laughing) I'vebeen married for 67 years

and I know the secret.

- But Dede, your hair always looks lovely.

- The last thing you wanna dois say, yeah, you look awful.

- [Wendy] Dede's hairalways looks wonderful.

- No, you don't say... (laughing)


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